
作者&投稿:尾叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now English is one of the most important subjects of sducation of senior school .现在,英语是中学教育中最重要的课程之一。


英语与其他所有的印欧语系语言相比,没有那么复杂的屈折变化,也失去了几乎所有阴阳性变化,基本上,英语除了人称代词以外,已失去了性和格的分别了,它更强调词语间相对固定的顺序,也就是说英语正朝向分析语的方向发展(如猫尾可以写作cat tail,而不必写作cat's tail,这里的猫cat直接用了词根原形,而没用属格词缀cat's)。

Now English is one of the most important subjects of sducation of senior school .现在,英语是中学教育中最重要的课程之一。


“高中”的英文表达,最常用和标准的是“Senior High School ”,而“Senior Middle School ”虽也可以,但读起来比较拗口,因此较少用。另外,“High School”相当于“Middle School”表示“中学”,包括初中和高中,经常被误用,要引起注意。所以,你最好用“senior high school(高中)”,而且经常省略...

人的正常体温是三十七摄氏度。20.Mary was graduated from Oxford.玛丽毕业于牛津大学。21.The maintenance supervisor would dispatch a crew to repair the damage.维修管理人将派一组人去修理损坏的地方 --- 没有完全都造句,但也算帮你完成大部分任务 别那么懒 自己查查词典 ...

搭档英文是partner。词汇搭配:choose a partner选择伴侣、forsake one's partner抛弃配偶、require a partner需要伙伴、sue one's partner控告合伙人、dancing partner舞伴、desirable partner理想的伙伴、full partner全面合伙人senior(silent)partner主要(匿名)股东、special partner特别的伙伴。working partner...

my first day at senior high 相关语法
My first Day at Senior High 单词拓展 Words and expressions 【要词注释】enthusiastic adj. 热心的 enthusiasm n. 热情,热忱 be enthusiastic about \/ over \/ for… 对……充满热情 show\/have enthusiasm about \/ for … 对……显示\/有热情 The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called...

laid. laying.lay.lain.lying.lied 这些词怎么造句??
the table.请把包裹放在桌上。I have to warn you that his motives have lain hidden我不得不提醒你他的动机还不明。 Lying north of the church is a girls'senior high school位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。He was ashamed that he had lied他很惭愧他说了谎。 如果满意,谢谢采纳 ...

l make a怎么造句?
2、I keep all three men on a string and never make a choice.我把三个男人都吊住,从不选定哪个。3、I might use up all my odd scraps of wool to make a scarf.我可能用完所有剩余零碎毛料做一条围巾。4、I couldn't make time with Marilyn because she was already a senior.我...

try your best造句?
1.It's always a checklist, you try your best.基本上就是一个排除列表的过程,尽力去猜吧。2.Don't worry. Just try your best. You'll do better.别担心,尽量吧,你能做的更好。3.It's okay if you make a mistake. Try your best.做错也没关系,尽你的全力吧。4.If you tried ...

低级英语lower。造句如下:1.Doug MacIntyre, senior analyst at the U. S. Energy Information Administration, said the cheaper crude should push gasoline prices lower.美国能源资料协会(EIA)高级分析师DougMacIntyre称,原油价格下滑应会推动汽油价格走低。2.My lower self had me believe that it...


I will go to Beijing this summer .I‘m going to Beijing this summer .I went to Shanghai last year .I am studing at 24 senior high school .望采纳,谢谢

丰城市18218561790: senior怎么造句 -
实万佛迪: Now English is one of the most important subjects of sducation of senior school .现在,英语是中学教育中最重要的课程之一.

丰城市18218561790: 他比我年长5岁 用senior造句 4句 -
实万佛迪:[答案] He is senior to me by five years. He's my senior by five years.

丰城市18218561790: 他比我年长5岁 用senior造句 4句 -
实万佛迪: He is senior to me by five years. He's my senior by five years.

丰城市18218561790: 用简单的英文单词造句第1组 senior school junior school第2组 teacher subject第3组 test revision第4组 result exam第5组 textbook schoolbag是一组一组的造句 ... -
实万佛迪:[答案] he studies in a senior school ,and his sister in a junior school which subject does the teacher teach? you can pass the test after revision have you known the rerult of the exam my textbook is in my schoolbag.

丰城市18218561790: senior是什么意思 -
实万佛迪: senior KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 年长的,年纪较大的[(+to)] Bob is two years senior to me. 鲍伯比我大两岁. 2. 地位较高的;年资较深的[(+to)] He is a senior member of the committee. 他是委员会中的资深委员. 3. 【美】四年级生的;【英】高年...

丰城市18218561790: 用“senior school和junior school”造句(英语句子) -
实万佛迪:[答案] I study in a senior school while my yonger brother studies in a junior school. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

丰城市18218561790: senior啥意思
实万佛迪: senior [ˈsi:njə] adj. 年长的 She is a senior patient. 她是一位高龄患者. 资深的; 地位高的 He is a senior member of the committee. 他是一名资深的委员. 〈美〉最高年级的 They are senior students. 他们是高年级学生. n. 较年长者 He's my ...

丰城市18218561790: senior to 用法? -
实万佛迪: He is five years senior to me. 翻译:他比我年长五岁. senior to 表示“比…年长”.senior 是形容词,表示“年长的,年老的”,to是介词,在此表示对象.比如: John is several years senior to Smith. 约翰比史密斯大几岁. He is senior to me by seven years. 他比我年长七岁. 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!!!(⊙o⊙)

丰城市18218561790: Senior怎么读标中文? -
实万佛迪: senior ['si:njə] adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的 n. 上司;较年长者;毕业班学生

丰城市18218561790: 请问前辈用英语怎么说 -
实万佛迪: senior :侧重指“年岁大、辈分高、资历深的人”,多用于一般的人与人之间. 他是商界的老前辈. He is a senior of the business world.elders:侧重指“辈分大,不一定年岁大、资历深的人”,多用于有亲缘关系的人与人之间. 孩子们应该尊敬前辈. Children should respect their elders.predecessor前辈,前任,前身.其实还有一些,主要还是看语境选择用什么词

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