
作者&投稿:泣怖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Are there a lot of pens in your pencil-box?

: I have a pencil case. It is small, but it is very beautiful. My pencil box points two layers. The first layer put my ruler, pen and pencil sharpener. The second put my rubber and pencil. Sometimes, I had put my pocket money on my in the pencil-box. I like my pencil case. It is my good friend.

这些钢笔在哪里: Where are these pens?
它们在文具盒里: They arein the pencil box.

这些钢笔在哪里Where are these pens
它们在文具盒里They are in the stationery box

Where these fountain pens are in

They are in writing-case lining

Where are the pens?
They are in the pencil-box.


my oral english is not so good, but it is not bad for my reading comprehension.

ei, hiong gang hui gui zam jyu li wan hui jin jia ho lao lei 喂,阿吉仔去夜市吃蚵仔煎啦 ei, a gei a ki ya qi jia e a jian la 喂,阿嬷,天黑黑,欲落雨是谁唱的 ei, a ma, ti o o, mei lo ho si xia lang cyu ei 喂,人在江湖飘,哪能不挨刀 ei, lang di ...

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哪位日语高手,帮小弟翻译一首日语歌词,谢谢了!!! 刚注册,没分啊,对不 ...
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The interests of creditors (liabilities) and the owner's equity is embodied in an enterprise asset ownership arrangements. According to the modern theory of property rights and property rights of the individual property rights defined,Address how to benefit from the transaction, how the ...


Along with society's progress, the economical development, the State-owned business takes in the modern society the essential constituent to play more and more vital role. The human resources are the modern enterprise's strategic resources, is playing the vital role to enterprise's ...

求助 人工翻译!谁能帮帮小弟我!汉译英
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英语在线翻译 高手帮忙呀 小弟今晚要用呀 谢了 有加分的

1 It is manifest that we cannot avoid failure.However,what really does matter is how we deal with it.If we fail to do something,we must keep optimistic and never give up.2 People' opinions about failure: Some hold a skeptical attitude toward failure,which depresses and discourage...

温宿县15813762200: 谁能帮小弟翻译“这些钢笔在哪里”和“它们在文具盒里” -
度复易坦: Where are these pens? ---这些钢笔在哪里 They are in the pencil-box. ---它们在文具盒里

温宿县15813762200: 求哪位好心人帮助翻译一下,小弟感激不尽了.汉译英,要自己翻译的. -
度复易坦: Scientific and technical English requires language of objectivity and accuracy, strict logic; the long sentence applied is one of its di...

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度复易坦: 借:产品销售成本—46000贷:产成品(A)—10000,(B)—36000

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度复易坦: worth和worthy都是形容词,意思都是值得的.worth是用主动表被动,用法是be worth doing worthy是正常的表达,用法是 be worthy to be done

温宿县15813762200: 谁可以帮我解决这些英语作业
度复易坦: 都有不同程度的瑕疵 我来看看吧 下面就是 are those books on the desk? Where is your pen?This is an english book. Those are keys.The keys are in the drawer.1.Where is my book? Is your backpack under your desk? .Could you ...

温宿县15813762200: 哪位大虾能帮小弟翻译下这篇摘要,急,毕业论文要用的,谢谢! -
度复易坦: SOD marine yeast Purification of a preliminary researchAbstract : marine yeast for materials and the use of toluene, ethanol-chloroform, isopr...

温宿县15813762200: 我丢了1只钢笔,我想找回我的钢笔,谁能帮我用英语写一则寻物启事!姓名和电话可以虚构,但必须全面. -
度复易坦: My name is Kate. I am in Class Five, Grade Seven.I lost my pen on our school playground this morning. It is a black pen. Anybody who picked up, will you please give it back to me. Thanks a lot. You can call me at 1352098687. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

温宿县15813762200: 让我们帮助他找到那支钢笔英语怎么说 -
度复易坦: help sb. (to)do sth. 和help sb. in doing sth.两个句型都可以.第一个句型to可以省略~ Let's help him (to)find that pen.Let's help him in finding that pen.

温宿县15813762200: 谁能帮我把这些句子翻译成英语,小弟分不高,希望有人能帮我一下下,谢谢 -
度复易坦: What's your friend's name? Jim Green.What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.What's his first/family name? Miller.What's her last name? It's Jina.That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).What...

温宿县15813762200: 请高手帮小弟翻译这几句句子,用软件的闪..急需!!! -
度复易坦: 这麽多, 不是 用软件的 谁会帮你翻 ? 1.我从心底里佩...

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