
作者&投稿:冷柿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do. Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , never give up , believe , confidence , intelligent and so on. I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually stronger or cooler than the real people. They can make our dream come true. 看动漫是我最喜欢做的事之一。 也许有人会说,看动漫是浪费时间和幼稚的事情,但我不这样认为。事实上,我可以从看动漫中学到很多东西,比如说,从不言弃,信任,自信,智慧等等。 我也喜欢那些动漫里的人物,因为他们通常比真人更强壮或更帅气。他们可以去实现我们的梦想。

The legendary ' one piece ', D Roger say he died before leaving with wealth, fame, power of the world first. " ONE PIECE ", many people in order to compete for the " ONE PIECE ", to the sea, many pirates began to establish hegemony, and formed "the era of pirates ". Ten years later, the show D the road to fly in order to achieve and save him because of the four Queen ' Red ' shanks agreement and sea, in the distant on the road to find a like-minded partner, went into the "great waterway ", target: when the " one piece ".

传说中‘海贼王’哥尔·D·罗杰在死前说出他留下了具有财富、名声、力量世界第一的宝藏“ONE PIECE”,许多人为了争夺“ONE PIECE”,争相出海,许多海贼开始树立霸权,而形成了“大海贼时代”。十年后,蒙其·D·路飞为了要实现与因救他而断臂的四皇‘红发’香克斯的约定而出海,在遥远的路途上找寻着志同道合的伙伴,一起进入“伟大航道”,目标:当上“海贼王”。

Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do.
Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , never give up , believe , confidence , intelligent and so on.
I like the person in the anime too. Because they are usually stronger or cooler than the real people. They can make our dream come true.


I Love Watching Cartoons
Cartoon is my favorite thing. Every day when I get home, the first thing I do is to open the TV and watch the cartoons. Maybe someone would think that watching cartoons is a so naive thing, but I don't think so. Cartoons refer to many things, containing some profound thought, which often makes me think about it a lot.
To conclude, I love watching cartoons. Cartoons give me happiness and cause me to think deeply.

I Love Watching Cartoons( 我喜欢动漫)
Cartoon is my favorite thing. Every day when I get home, the first thing I do is to open the TV and watch the cartoons. Maybe someone would think that watching cartoons is a so naive thing, but I don't think so. Cartoons refer to many things, containing some profound thought, which often makes me think about it a lot.
To conclude, I love watching cartoons. Cartoons give me happiness and cause me to think deeply.


I am fond of cartoon most.I, being a cartoon fan, like watch it.
Simple as the cartoon is, the meaning behing it is as deep as ocean.
I can see something in cartoon.For example courage,friendly sentiment and confidence and so on .In cartoons,there always have touching andleasant things.So I like cartoon very much.

Watching anime is one of the favorite things I like to do.Some one may say watching anime is a waste of time and a kind of naive thing, but I don't think so. In fact, I can learn a lot from watching anime. For example , never give up , believe , confidence , intel...

功夫不负有心人,最后妈妈考试顺利通过了。 妈妈是我学习的榜样,看到她那么认真,我在心里暗暗地告诉自己:“我一定要好好学习,像妈妈一样做什么事都认认真真。” 我非常爱我的妈妈,如果给她打分,我肯定会给她打大大的100分。 我的妈妈作文2 一双黑黝黝的大眼睛、高高的鼻梁、小小的嘴巴和苗条的身材就组成了我...

功夫不负有心人 名人事例


为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我帮大家整理的榜样优秀作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 榜样优秀作文1 要说助人为乐,我便不由自主地想起一位帮助过我的人——一个素不相识的大姐姐。 那是发生在我上学前班时的一件事。放学了,大家一窝蜂地拥出教室,我也在其中,在拥挤中我摔倒了。我的腿被地上的石子蹭破了...

我再走进房间一看,他把妈妈的口红、粉底霜全部都翻了出来了,妈妈的衣服也被他翻的乱七八糟。我生气了,想打他一巴掌。他急忙说:“我是香港小姐,是受到保护的!你敢打我,我叫‘四大天王’来收拾你”唉这个调皮又聪明的表弟,真是让人又好气又好笑。 5. 一个热心的人作文,写邻居,450字 我的邻居可是一个可爱...

2. 以 做生活的有心人 写一篇500 从中选几段吧,好了采纳答案哦,O(∩_∩)O~ 在生活中,经常会有一些不经意的事情发生。于是我常想,我们应该有一颗热爱生活、感恩生活的心灵。下面的文字便是我关于这方面的一些感受。 (一) 一天,我正在家里练习书法。爸爸见我写得参差不齐,便教我怎样才能写好。爸爸说:...

下面是我帮大家整理的功夫不负有心人作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 功夫不负有心人作文1 我很喜欢音乐。在家里,我弹钢琴;在民乐团里,我吹唢呐,有时也演奏口风琴,有时还是敲排鼓…… 我最爱弹钢琴。记得去年暑假,我要考八级了。考级前几个星期,《练习曲》和《三部创意曲》我都弹得很熟练,而且会背了,只有《...


4、刚才,好像高敏如在跟她讲什么,一脸得意洋洋的样子,这种人,呸! 真恶心! 愧疚: 1、内疚、懊悔敲击着我的心,翻来覆去睡不着。 老师的关心,使我心里像打翻了五味瓶,真不是滋味. 我那颗忐忑不安的心越跳越快,我不敢往下想了XX激动的上言不搭下语~ 我胆怯地低着头,不敢看爸爸那张阴云密布的脸。 我...

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