
作者&投稿:毛怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's much colder in Beijing than in Guangzhou in winter!
不用甲weather 因为形容词为cold obviousely,要用 It

In recent years, China's commercial banks, credit card business increasingly rapid pace of development. However, due to China's credit card business to its late start, hardware and software environment is not perfect, the risks are also increasing. Therefore, the credit card risk management becomes particularly important. In this paper, the credit card business from commercial banks may face the risk analysis, to seek suitable for China's commercial banks to guard against and avoid the risk of credit card strategy and key initiatives to further strengthen China's commercial banks of credit card risk management and control of the proposal.

Scientists will have to come up with new ways to increase the food supply worldwide (说明:这里用到了come up with,世界粮食供应,实际是世界范围的,所以该用worldwide)
Now they have perhaps solved this puzzle already.
He finds that the control system of this airplane responds well.(说明:这里用到了respond well,此句用一般现在时也可,表示是一个事实)
Even if we have made tremendous achievements in our work, we should not be complacent
Many people are convinced of that education is the great drive for society development(这里用到了to be convinced,但其习惯用法是be convinced of that)

1) The scientists will have to propose a new way to increase the world food supply.
2) The scientists will have no choice but to suggest a new method to inrease global food supply.
way 比较口语,method比较书面。global/world 都可以
propose 和suggest都可以不过个人偏向suggest

1)Maybe now, they'd have already discovered the mystery.
2) Now, they'd have already had a solution to this problem .
3) Now, they may have already solved the puzzle.
因为这是个假设形式的句子,所以要用虚拟语气,would/ may + have + done 动词的过去分词,来表示现在有可能发生的事。

may /maybe等区分,May 可能性大于80%,maybe =50%,might be <50%, might <10%

he discovers that the air-plane is responding well to the new control system.

responding with +方式
responding to +事物
he has discovered that the air-plane is responding well to the new control system.



we should not be presumptuous, even though we have achieved huge success in our work.

presumptuous 是很书面的词, 非常非常自满的人。
even though 在书面语言里最好不要置前。


1)many people consider that education is the propeller of our society development.

2)many people are convinced that education is the strength for developing our society.

consider 是书面常用的词语,多解释为认为,中性。
think 也常解释为认为,想,比较容易改变的想法。

strength 力量,propeller 有点比喻的用法, 是船的动力浆,有推动的意思。本人认为这里propeller比较贴切.

PS: 顺便说个题外话,有人不要太cocky, 也许上面的比较有中国味,但起码语法上的错误并不大,语言除了掌握会说以外,也要会正确运用。你,对于这两种语言都没有掌握,八岁移民并不能代表你的英文就一定好, 送你一句忠告:山外有山,天外有天,人外有人。 你有先天的条件,不光要把自己的语言领悟,掌握,也要珍惜你先天的条件。


1.The scientists will have to put out new ways to increase global provisionment.

2.Perhaps now they have already tumbled on the answer to the mystery.

3.He found the aircraft responds well to the controls.

4.Although we have got brilliant achievements in our work, there is still no room for complacency.

5.A lot of people believe that education is the immense propulsion of social development.

1. Scientists have to come up with a new way of increasing the global food supply.

2. Perhaps, they've already solved the mystery.

3. They found the control system of the plane to be very responsive.

4. Even though we've yielded successful results in our work, we can't be arrogant.

5. Many people believe that education is the biggest factor in propelling our society forwards.

我的英语比中文好。 (八岁就移民到加拿大的)
虽然我觉得以上的人都翻得还可以。。。 但都中国味很浓的。 >_>;

1. Scientist will have to come up with new ways to increase world food supply.

2. Now they may have unveiled this mystery already.

3. He finds that the control system of this plane responds pretty well.

4. We should not become self-complacent even we did make great achievements in work.

5. Many people are convinced that education is the immense engine for social progress.

“最近”需搭配完成时态。I've been busy lately\/recently.I'm a little busy。表示“我现在有点忙”

忙于某事:be busy doing sth 英语中的 be busy doing sth 是一个常用搭配,比如:He is busy writing,他正忙于写作。I’m busy cooking the dinner,我正忙着烧饭。She was busy weeding the garden,她在花园里忙着除草。He’s busy studying for his finals,他正忙着准备期末考试。注:...

她总是很忙,忙着学习忙着工作忙着学校社团 英语翻译
“她总是很忙,忙着学习,忙着工作,忙着学校社团。” 的英语翻译是:She is always very busy, busy studies, busy work, busy school club.绝对是对的!满意就请您采纳吧!

我最近一直很忙 翻译英语
如果你想表达这件事已经完成,用现在完成时:I have been busy these days.如果这件事还没有完成,用一般现在时:I'm busy these days.

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

忙点好 翻译成中文我知道的有这几个:Busy point good Good busy.Busy bit Busy is good

忙着活,忙着死 这个句子 用英语表达 翻译为 : Busy living, busy dying.

翻译如下:Zip: It's Saturdays now.Zoom,I'm always very busy.(今天星期六了,Zoom,我总是很忙。)Zoom :Why?(为什么?)Zip:Let me see.From Monday to Wednesday,I usually collect nuts inthe afternoon.(让我想想。从星期一到星期三,我通常在下午收集坚果。)Zoom:What else?(还有别的...

(英语翻译) 如多我很忙,我就不去了。
I will not go if I am very busy.更口语式的说法是:i will not go if i am busy big time.

我的朋友一年到头都很忙 英语翻译
我的朋友一年到头都很忙 My friend has been busy all through the year.

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙翻译成英文 -
高逄低精: Dream promotion country or promotion country dream

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙翻译成英语 -
高逄低精: Not only can Wang communicate in Japanese, he can also communicate in English.上面是直接翻译,一般不那么说.下面的会更适合.Not only is Wang fluent in Japanese, he is also fluent in English.fluent - 流利

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙英语翻译 -
高逄低精: 他们相信10年后第一个“树家”就会成立.

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙英语翻译 -
高逄低精: 1. I am sure they will get to know each other soon.2. We must get this work done.3. If you study hard, chances are that you will pass all the exams with very good grades.4. Don't put off today's work until tomorrow.5. You shouldn't drive three hours ...

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙英语翻译
高逄低精: No matter what, I really want to be in your heart.

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙翻译成英文
高逄低精: 第一句内个词我不会,只会这个.第一句:I thought that his calligraphy had progressed . 第二句:This year I increased the number of students

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙用英语翻译
高逄低精: Anyway, we haven't received the components above, please be sure to provide them for us, thanks a lot! 你好 请注意零件 用components这个单词比较好 我在国外上学 老外说零件就用这个单词 希望帮到你 祝愿学业进步!

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙英文翻译 -
高逄低精: 既然是"提携"应该是感谢他让你升职,得到好的机会之类吧,不管如何,恭喜LZ先 由于不知道细节,只能将梗概大概写下,剩下的就靠你自己去扩充了.Dear Mr. XXX,I really appreciate your consideration and giving me such a valuable ...

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙英文翻译 .^ - ^
高逄低精: If I can, I hope you did not appear in the world

天祝藏族自治县13362778165: 帮忙用英语翻译
高逄低精:My grandfather still feel good, doctor says he has nothing to do, and can be released from the hospital, I told my family are very grateful to you to take my grandfather to the hospital in time, I want to thank you in person

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