Economic forces

作者&投稿:丘受 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
what are economic forces~



Economic forces
1.Santaizi and Shenyang economic conditions, consumer confidence of local residents is relatively high, the prospects are optimistic.
2.Shenyang people's per capita disposable monthly income of over 10,000 with a high purchasing power.
3.Shenyang public services per capita consumption expenditure of 3193 yuan, which accounted for the vast majority of food consumption. Because we have different levels of the consumer launch of the different structure of the package, and is mainly targeted at the high level of consumption, they will buy more of our goods and services, so that the price tends to be popular and attract more customers to buy our goods and services.
Political forces
1 Shenyang government this year focus on the development of the restaurant industry and trade, increase employment and improve the quality of life of the people, which for us is a good opportunity, but the current situation can not be optimistic about the global financial crisis brought about by the development of the global economy fell, while in China The impact of relatively small, but residents of the consumer confidence dropped to a certain extent. We will launch a series of promotional activities in order to deal with this pheonmenon.
2, we will increase the transparency of company taxes and fees,be a good taxpayer. We will also take part in some social activities to enhance the well-known enterprises, which will handle the relationship with the Government. Because we will act to increase government revenue, expenditure on social welfare to improve to a certain extent.
Legal and regulatory forces
At present, China's inflation to ease to the benefit of our raw materials procurement. National GDP growth has remained high 9.9 percent, Shenyang residents will be able to accelerate the growth of disposable income, which people in our restaurant spending will increase. In addition, the provincial government, the city government's close cooperation with foreign ties of friendship and cooperation, organized by the International Conference on growing, Shenyang, the largest tourism development will be done in our government and our international friends in this area benefit.
Technological forces

1 marketing network of catering businesses have the effect of changes in the restaurant industry in the use of e-commerce technology, science and technology will be the introduction of the restaurant industry, the realization of the modernization of cooking techniques. Second, the food industry to strengthen the network construction, especially in the construction site catering. Is the modern chain restaurant of the main symbol of catering enterprises is a cross-regional large-scale expansion of the effective ways is to achieve a good restaurant in the form of e-commerce. Only by building a network catering industry, the management of the procurement chain, take-away, distribution can be carried out smoothly. At the same time, strengthen the construction characteristics of the food web, carry out extensive publicity, advertising, subscription, consulting, complaints, legal services, such as relief and help to run the platform, to enhance the food industry as a whole network level. Third, pay attention to the food industry brand building and operating characteristics, enhance the cultural quality of the food service and network of restaurants and cultural characteristics. Engage in e-commerce, to be on the cultural quality of the catering industry, catering industry away from low-level of service, cuisine and cultural characteristics go on the road. Third, in the catering logistics (procurement, sorting, preservation and distribution) link strictly to achieve the integration of e-commerce services. Fourth, by means of e-commerce, professional associations to guide and strengthen the exchange and sharing of information by the industry to competition in strategic alliances. Fifth, strengthen the food industry e-business personnel training. Human resources constraints has been the food industry bottlenecks in the development of e-commerce. Xi along the traditional practice, the lower the threshold to enter the restaurant industry, generally low quality of human resources, this is an indisputable fact, people who know information technology is even more rare. Sixth, culture and tourism, leisure entertainment and other service industries supporting the development of Web services and give full play to the openness and inclusiveness.
Socio-cultural forces
1, China's population is now aging, this will affect their ability to accept new things, we have made in marketing effective for a long time.
2,our company has a good image, and social influence, to a certain extent take the lead.
3, too picky customers and food quality inspection team to our food quality supervision, we should strengthen management of food hygiene, strict procurement procedures. Improve service quality.
4, the current Sanlu milk, we will learn a lesson and can not be indifferent, depending on people's lives regardless of security. So rest assured that the safety of food, high-quality services, foster the image of the industry NO.1

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汲弘活力: Economy management department

敖汉旗17511156682: “经济损失”用英语怎么说 -
汲弘活力: 经济损失: economic losses/loss/lose;pecuniary losses.Examples:1. 保险公司应赔偿你在火灾中所蒙受的经济损失. The insurance company must compensate you for your pecuniary loss in the fire.2. 史密斯先生深受经济损失的打击. Mr Smith was hard hit by his financial losses.

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汲弘活力: 经济 n. economyincomeeconomy 英 [ɪ'kɒnəmɪ] 美 [ɪ'kɑnəmi]n. 经济;节约;理财

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