
作者&投稿:离翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个是对owner's equity 做了一个解释。我学了4年的西方财务,但是要我怎么解释owner equity给你听我也不知道怎么解释好。我只好大致翻译一下。owner equity是说企业的净资产。它是代表了拥有者在企业中的利益。当企业被个人所有拥有,ownerequity被定义为capital. 当企业是股份制公司, 一个公司的运作...


你好,格雷英语为你解答 imprinter的中文意思是:印刷机 [英][ɪmp'rɪntər][美][ɪmp'rɪntər]n.印刷机,压印机; 印码器;形近词:microprinter、periprinter、teleprinter 例句:1、The utility model is applied to the rubber imprinter.本实用新型用于胶...

翻译 汉译英
logistics socialization, organization, specialization is not high, in the logistics of supporting the various links of convergence is poor, inadequate services, can do "one stop" services to small businesses;

Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.现在互联网在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的作用.它对我们的影响很大,特别是在我们的人际交往中.For one thing, the Internet ...

Defect operators and Fredholmness for Toeplitz pairs with inner symbols. J. Operator Theory 58 (2007), no.2, 251-268.(with K.Guo)Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology, III. Homogenous quotient modules of Hardy modules on the bidisk, Sci. China. Ser. A 50(2007)...

彘卢18224821820问: economical是什么意思 -
克什克腾旗丽科回答: economical[英][ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪkl][美][ˌi:kəˈnɑ:mɪkl] adj.经济的; 节约的; 合算的; 例句:1.That could help address a major impediment to wide adoption of such technologies: they need heavy subsidies to be economical. 这可能有助于解决大规模采用这种技术的一个主要障碍:它们要想在经济上合算的话需要高额的补贴.

彘卢18224821820问: 英语翻译优点缺点自行车方便(convenient)、经济(economical)、有益于健康速度慢,不能用来进行长途旅行.火车快速、省时、乘坐舒适不方便,没有铁路... -
克什克腾旗丽科回答:[答案] Advantages and disadvantages of convenient bicycle (convenient ),economic ( economical ),is beneficial to health is slow,cannot be used for long-distance travel.Train fast,time-saving,ride comfort is ...

彘卢18224821820问: 把"省钱"翻译成英语是什么? -
克什克腾旗丽科回答: save money或economical 省钱百货 则直译为Economical Store 若符合现代风格的,易记的,不妨直接叫做“Save Your Money"赠人玫瑰,手留余香!~

彘卢18224821820问: 勤俭节约怎么翻译?
克什克腾旗丽科回答: 楼上翻出来的是“勤俭起家”的意思,其实说简单点可以用economy来概括.

彘卢18224821820问: I am thrifty.You are economical.And he is stingy.怎么翻译? -
克什克腾旗丽科回答: thrifty,是通过减少不必要的开支;economical ,是因为有效率的才经济;stingy,是个贬义词,吝啬.

彘卢18224821820问: 节俭的的英文,节俭的的翻译,怎么用英语翻译节俭的 -
克什克腾旗丽科回答: 节俭 英文:thrifty; frugal; economical; austerity frugality

彘卢18224821820问: “经济适用房”翻译成英语是什么? 求 急急 谢谢
克什克腾旗丽科回答: 经济适用房 Economical Houses 经济适用房 Economical and Practical Housing 经济适用房Economical and Practical Apartment 下面是economic和economical的区别,在经济适用房里,是不适合用economic的 economic: of economics经济学的 eg: the government's economic policy the Economic Report economical: saving, thrifty节约的 eg:He uses the economical methods of teaching.

彘卢18224821820问: be ecomomical with 有这个短语吗 -
克什克腾旗丽科回答: be economical with economical with 基本翻译 节省 网络释义 economical with the truth:隐瞒事实 be economical in,with:对..节省,节俭

彘卢18224821820问: 解决两个英语选择题!
克什克腾旗丽科回答: 1,get through 后一般不接sb 2.economical和expensive这两个是反义词,on the contrary是相反的意思.整句话的意思是说这不是一个经济节约的方式去得到更多的水,相反这是昂贵的.

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