
作者&投稿:充和 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Beijing female to invest in group (pluralistic business group company) administrative personnel of the office engaged in administration for many years in the domestic big enterprise 2005 - 2008, accumulate abundant working experience, have deep understanding as to the administrative work. Have good adaptability and skilled communicative skill, can assist persons in charge effectively and finish every work independently. Relatively good at carrying on the social activity, the experience of more organized recreational activities. 2006-2007 Annual: The human resources of consultant firm of holy lucky business administration of Beijing and management consulting assist the manager to manage the selling operation, expanded customer resources and marketing channel, during this period of time, participated in course of a lot of open class and honest teacher of forest, enabling oneself will have certain understanding to the trade of consulting, build the various schools of thinkers on the customer, the communicative skill of doing exercises well, have train the managerial ability of better business, has established good customer's relation and prestige, made the outstanding achievement of sale.

In 2008 -2009 Guosen Economic Development Research Center Senior Manager, Customer Service
Responsible for the promotion of macro-economic studies and customer maintenance of public relations work of the hands of a large number of customers all the resources of the enterprises and institutions in the decision-makers, including oil, Sinopec, COSCO Group, the three groups, Beijing Economic Technological Investment Development Corporation China Institute of Science and Technology Personnel, 15, China Electronics Technology Group Research Institute, Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute, the municipal science and technology groups, and part of the state administrative organs such as the State Administration of Industry and Commerce Office, Trademark Office, the tax authorities in various districts, the Ministry of Finance, the State made Reform Committee, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission and so on. The government and the large group have a certain relationship. Outstanding performance while working to become the youngest manager of the company several times to get departments Award winner has been the performance of the recognition unit is to focus on training of the operating units in the backbone.

I have cheerful personality, well communication ability and organizational capabilities, have stronger team's spirit , a better sense of cooperation with people, well mix with colleagues. Having peace of mind to do, obeying the company's discipline, loyalty to the company, active thinking, highly creative and always having a smile in the face of setbacks philosophy of life, well learning ability, willing to learn new knowledge and widen thinking.

At work, I heard that a long time in the overload of work on how to maintain a state of smiling service. At the same time ,also have a great number of experience to be meeting with foreigners , to make my own use English with them,overcome the bashful feeling. Internship strengthened my sense of teamwork, I learned about team work in cooperation with members of the collaboration, will be able to play a full strength. I assume the group lead, and the successful completion of the tasks at the same time learned in the face of all kinds of complex circumstances, the calm way of dealing with things and ideas.
I understand the work of society's operation, as well as the running processes of enterprising and organizational structure. I learned how to communication with customers to getting effectively the product sell result,communicate out how to maximize the brand's merchandise promotion, and how to hand on the unfriendly customer with more civilise way to resolve the dispute.

I cheerful personality, good communication skills and organizational communication capabilities, a strong sense of team, a better sense of cooperation, good at getting along with his colleagues. Having peace of mind to do, the company consciously obey discipline, loyalty to the company, active thinking, highly creative and having a smile in the face of setbacks philosophy of life, learning ability, willing to learn new knowledge and broaden their thinking.
At work, I learned a long time in the overload of work on how to maintain a state of smiling service. At the same time also have a large number of foreigners and the exchange of experience, the courage to make their own in English and others to engage in exchanges with foreign guests out of their own in the face when the shy. Internship strengthened my sense of teamwork, I learned about team work in cooperation with members of the collaboration, will be able to play a full strength. I assume the group lead, and the successful completion of the tasks at the same time learned in the face of all kinds of complex circumstances, the calm way of dealing with things and ideas.
I understand the work of human relations operation, as well as the business of running processes and organizational structure. I learned how to work with customers on how to effectively communicate to the marketing of products out how to maximize the brand's merchandise promotion, in the face of how unfriendly to the customer when a clever way to resolve the dispute.

1 We get along well 2 to help maintain the confidence of the success of 3 Finally, he came up with a good idea to 4 Do not worry, he was no problem 5 She was always abundant experience of

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highly creative and always having a smile in the face of setbacks philosophy of life, well learning ability, willing to learn new knowledge and widen thinking.At work, I heard that a long time in the overload of work on how to maintain a state of smiling service. At the same...

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哪位好心人帮我吧下面翻译成英文 谢谢了
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峰峰矿区18323982854: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下下面这些啊 -
宗牵他达: 1. Electrified railway track system group products company2. Ministry of quality engineering and technical supervisors Assistant Engineer3. Primarily responsible for product quality control, production supervision, and provide technical services. ...

峰峰矿区18323982854: 哪位好心人帮助我翻译一下文言文啊,请翻译成白话文,着急用,谢谢! -
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峰峰矿区18323982854: 有哪位好心人谁帮我翻译一下英语%> --
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峰峰矿区18323982854: 大家好.有好心人帮我翻译一下吗?把中文翻译成英文和俄文,很急的..
宗牵他达: The Atlantic aquatic flowers are about 30 cm long, with red, orange, yellow petals three color, translucent, the flower has a strong vitality, flowering period up to one year on. Its bright color. Taste and elegant appearance is the best of flowers. Is the ...

峰峰矿区18323982854: 求哪位好心人帮我翻译中英文对话? -
宗牵他达: 可以啊,随时可以来找我.我扣五四六五五八三二八.要看你哥有没时间.满意速速速采纳,谢谢合作!

峰峰矿区18323982854: 跪求 有哪位好心人帮我翻译一点英文呗!!急急急!!(不要用翻译器得)谢谢
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峰峰矿区18323982854: 有没有好心人帮我翻译一下阿,在线等,很急,谢谢了I left the hospital on a meeting night. I was greeted warmly, honestly, and with a true ring of sincerity by ... -
宗牵他达:[答案] 那晚会面后我便出院了.到场的人都给了我温暖诚挚的问候,我被真诚所包围. 那晚一个戒酒成功的瘾君子和他的妻子将我带回家.他们并没有急着带我进客房并道晚安,而是就着给我讲起了他们受到的际遇.他们言辞恳切,很显然想努力助我脱离不归路...

峰峰矿区18323982854: 请各位好心人士帮我翻译哈这篇文言文 急需!
宗牵他达: 有一个收藏戴松所画的“斗牛”图的人,用丝绸做的布袋装着随身携带,拿出来让大家欣赏.一旁有一个牧童说:斗牛的力量在前,尾巴是夹在两腿之间的,现在看见你斗牛的画的尾巴却是垂直的,为什么呢? 黄荃画的名为“飞燕”的画,燕头...

峰峰矿区18323982854: 哪个好心人帮我翻译一下.
宗牵他达: [ Do not have to let me see you feel bad, I do not want to see you to feel bad You may not feel bad, Because I am helpless.

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