
作者&投稿:傅敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.留在外面,不进人keep out
2.与......相同的the same as
3.为..做好准备get/be ready for
5.向某人借某物borrow sth from sb
6.给某人提建义give sb some advice/ give some advice to sb
7.找出find out
8.have a fight with… 与…打架;与……打架;与某人争吵;与某人打架
9.get a part-time 得到一份兼职工作
10.get on well with sb.和某人相处融洽
1. You should ____go___(go) to see a doctor.
2. Mother asked me ____to get____(get) up early.
3. They are ___planning___(plan) how to spend the summer holiday.
4. Let’s ____try___(try) our best to make our world more beautiful.
5. He ____left____(leave) his bag at school yesterday.
1.You should write him a letter. 划线部分提问
____What______ ___should______ ____I_____ do?
2. You are not as popular as your best friend.改同义句
Your best friend is____less______ ___popular______than you.
3. The bike is his.画线部分提问
____Whose____ is the bike?
4. He has some money ,too.改否定句
He ____doesn't____ ___have_____ ___any_____money, ____either____.
This style of dress ___is______ __in_____ _style________ now.
I don’t like this computer, it’s ____out___ _____of____ ______style___.
The students shouldn’t _____fight_____ __with_______ ___each_______ ___other________.
If you have something to ask me, please ___call/ring_____ _me_______ __up_______.
Maybe you could ___give______ him __a_____ ___ticket______ __to_____ a ball game.
6. 我不想在电话上谈这事。
I don’t want to talk about it ___on______ __the______ ____phone______.
五、 选择
1. My parents want me __C___at home every night
A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stays
2.I argue ______ my best friend
A . with B. about C. at D. and
3.He doesn’t have any money , __A____.
A. either B. too C. also D. but
4. My friend ___B__the same clothes .
A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on
5.Could you give me __A___ advice
A. some B. any C. many D. a lot
6.My friend is angry with me . What should I __A___to him ?
A . say B. speak C. argue D. talk
7.He could do nothing except___watching__ TV.
8.Please ____A__ who broke the window .
A. find out B. find C. look for D. look out
9.He __B___ the pen on the ground just now
A. droped B. dropped C. falls D. fell
10. Don’t D your kids so hard.
A. want B. take C. put D. push
11. Maybe he put it in his pocket , __D____ he ?
A. does B. doesn’t C. did D. didn’t
12. The boy is __C____to go to school .
A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough D. young enough
13.Please show me the ticket ___C___the concert
A. of B. for C. to D .on
14.I need to get some money to __D___the summer camp .
A . pay on B. pay in C. pay with D. pay for
15.When I arrived home , I remembered that I ___D___ my key in the classroom .
A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left

1、never 翻译为“从不”,有一种从头贯穿到尾“始终不”的意味,如果题干中没有these days 这个时间状语的限制,则可以考虑,但是又和前面的回答“yes”发生了冲突,与never 矛盾,因此不可选。
2、so…… that……翻译成如此……以至于 外国人语速如此之快以至于我几乎没听懂。a little 没有否定的意味,也没有感情色彩,就是字面上的意思“一点”,外国人语速如此快以至于我听懂了一点,意思不合适。同时理解出题人的目的很重要,little 表示否定“几乎没有”是一个常见考点。
3、选A .玛丽一定要测量体温么?不,不需要。当情态动词must提问时 肯定回答用 must:是的,必须这样;否定回答是 needn't,不,没必要。而B选项放到题干里面翻译为她需要测体温么?不,她必须,逻辑不通。因此不选。这是语法,最好还是记牢。希望有所帮助哦!

2.B该题考查stop+to 与stop+doing的用法,stop+to表示停下手上正在做的事去做另外一件事,而stop+doing 表示停止手中正在做的事情。根据题干该句是指老师让学生们停止说话,去听她说话。故该题选B

1。He (B)to tell her the news.
A.dares to B.doesn't dare C.dare not D.dare
2.The teacher asked the students to stop (B)and (B)her
A.to talk,listened to
B.talking ,listen to
C.talking,listening to
D.to talk,listen to
stop doing sth停止正在做的事
stop to do sth停止正在做的事去做别的事

dare not do
don't/doesn't dare to do
两个结构都对,本题是to tell所以用第二个结构
stop doing sth 停止正在做的事
stop to do sth 停下正在做的事去做某事

dare not do
don't/doesn't dare to do
两个结构都对,本题是to tell所以用第二个结构
stop后用现在进行时,and前后统一时态,listen to是固定用法:听某人说

c dare是系动词
c -ing表示停下来,to do表示去做

1 for the first time 当我第一次看到他时,他正在看书。When I saw him for the first time, he was reading. 拓展: 1) 第二次 for the second time 学过含time的短语:at times; from time to time2 shake 的用法:1) 过去式shook 过去分词shaken 现在分词shaking2) 握手sha...

3.(故事背景大概是他们上课在讲一篇故事)-你们那边(上课)有没有把这篇故事(的课程)讲完啊?-还没呢。我们昨天课堂上只讲了2\/3。选A,讲课的内容覆盖了整篇的2\/3——个人觉得这个用法很地道。D(talk about——讲; lesson——课)的意思我感觉有点中国式英语,估计这题是个中国人英语老师...

1.D,根据句意,不会花太长时间的,所以是我马上要完成工作了,be going to do表将要,马上的意思 2.A,看着Frank,with his two sisters以为人很多?其实不是,Frank is leaving for London by train with his two sisters ,可以把with后面的放后面,所以这句话不影响,仍然是单数,因为看的是...

2.C 翻译:大卫,你爸爸今年几岁了?--并且上周我们刚有一个特别的聚会为了他--生日,前面回答的是他爸爸的年龄,所以是forty(40),第二应该是他爸爸第40个生日,所以是fortieth(第40),因而选B 3.A 翻译:你需要一个新字典吗,苏珊?不,妈妈,我叔叔昨天给我买了一个。(这道题我不...

7.I have little time to miss my mom though we haven't seen each other for long 这个并不表示是...的时候的意思,只是说没什么时间去想念。。。8.Well,you used to have short hair ___(and\/with) 肯定是选and啦,因为short hair 和no glasses没有直接的关系,如果用with,意思就变成 ...

1、There is a football match between class 1 and class 3.一般疑问句:Is there a football match between class 1 and class 3?否定句:There isn't a football match between class 1 and class 3.肯定回答:Yes, there is .否定回答:No, there isn't.2、Many students are ...

1 play 2 watches 3 第三句有问题 应该是 How many lessons do your classmates (have) on Sunday 改过后用 have 4 does do 5 否定句:I don't have many books.一般疑问句 :Do you have many books?6 这句话也错了 应该是 Xiaoming usually plays basketball every day .改过后 提问是 ...

1.space译为场所,空地;【建】生活空间;房间时为可数名词 2.习惯用语,应用宾格 3.将句子变成Did you say what (he said) was true,显而易见,he said为插入语,而整句话为宾语从句, what was true为从句 4.强调句 who会谓语形式应与主语一致(注:此处who可改为that)5.此处考得是...

从整句话判断,最后还是没有走新路,是对前面说旧路不好的转折意思,either作为仍然,也用的时候,放在句末是它的常用用法。though也是但是的意思,但是though是引导整个下一个句子转折,在这道题中没有体现出来。7.为了学好英语,必须大量练习,选D 这句话to learn是目的状语从句,整个句子就没有主语...

1 。Is there( )for my car in the car park?A a space B space 【为什么要选A?space是不可数名词呀。】这边space不解释为【空间】解释为【位置】,所以是可数的 选A 2.M: Could you climb that tree ,my boy ? N:( )?A me B I 【答案选A,但我觉得B也可以撒...

泽库县13393318724: 请帮忙讲解几道英语题
斐具来可: 1、C 这是餐馆里would you please常用用法. 回答Yes,please. or No,thanks. 意思是:你需要一杯咖啡吗?是的. 2、D be busy with忙于**肯定不对 be famous for 为**出名也不对 be good at 擅长**也不对 be proud of 为**自豪对啦. 意思是:我们的班长已经在这次竞赛中获得一等奖,我们很为他自豪. 绝对正确啦

泽库县13393318724: 请大家帮帮我,给我讲几道英语题(麻烦大家说一下原因) -
斐具来可: 1、理解题意:“在发现东西的地方做个记号”.用 where .而 where 在从句中为宾语.所以选B2、题意为:“在过去的几年中,科学方面有了长足的进步”.显然是现在完成时.所以选C3、这里 while 表示“而、然而”.选B4、题意:“必须把包括字典在内的全部书记放回原处<原来的地方,过去>.”这里有include的一个用法:a、including+名词;b、名词+included5、选A 该怎么解释呢? 你就记住这个句型吧 There is<was> a A on<in、at...> the B B上<中>有一个A

泽库县13393318724: 帮帮讲几道ENGLISH题
斐具来可: have a more any other has never seen such is Three in four are

泽库县13393318724: 帮忙解答几道英语题,谢谢(在线等) -
斐具来可: A B c 第一题意思是你因该这么想,用should 第二题一位除非他亲自下...

泽库县13393318724: 帮忙讲几道英语题 -
斐具来可: 1.Cdare既可以用作一般动词,也可以搭配to用作情态动词,和单词need类似.所以不受人称和数的变化2.B该题考查stop+to 与stop+doing的用法,stop+to表示停下手上正在做的事去做另外一件事,而stop+doing 表示停止手中正在做的事情.根据题干该句是指老师让学生们停止说话,去听她说话.故该题选B

泽库县13393318724: 帮我讲几道英语题,谢了 -
斐具来可: 1.伴随状语 首先B、D可以排除,然后是C,一般有将来的意思,不符题意2.go down to 从事,着手干 后面加名词或代名词,因为介词to3.It's no use doing sth.固定搭配哦,看来你的语法不太好...

泽库县13393318724: 请求大家帮我讲几道英语题目吧!非常谢谢!只给答案的别来 -
斐具来可: 恭喜,你应该学得不错.是否把答案对错了?1.He was expecting to have completed the job by now.她本来指望到现在已经完成工作了.(B:it指情况:现实的情况是 ),he's only halfway through it. 才做了一半A.If so如果那样 B.As it is C.That is 也就...

泽库县13393318724: 几道英语的语法题,请帮我讲解清楚,1、( )I teach - ___ - Chinese and they teach - ___ - English.A.their,my B.they,my C.them,I D.them,me2.( ) - -Where is ... -
斐具来可:[答案] D(他们;我,都用宾格) C(在什么地方用in) C(说英语用speak) A(like+ing)

泽库县13393318724: 帮忙分析几道英语语法题.11.The engineer is not happy with the project,and_____is her boss.A.neither B.soC.eitherD.as12.____ - for a long time,but he tried ... -
斐具来可:[答案] 11.答案应为A.表示".也是"的时候,前面是否定句,用neither或者是nor.如果前面是肯定句,用so.本题前面有not,是否定... 剩下B和C,我们可以从时间上来分析,不定式一般表示将来的动作,而ING表示正在进行的动作,从下一句需要帮助来看,...

泽库县13393318724: 各位英语高手进来给我讲几道题 -
斐具来可: 1. 答案有误,正确答案应该是:B looking(and looked也可以). 解释:用and表...

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