
作者&投稿:却战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the cheapest
very crowded
more comfortable
the most beautiful
enjoy your time quietly

第一题看不清 2.so crowded 3.more comfortable 4.the most beautiful 5. enjoy your afternoon peacefully

1、There is a football match between class 1 and class 3.
一般疑问句:Is there a football match between class 1 and class 3?
否定句:There isn't a football match between class 1 and class 3.
肯定回答:Yes, there is .
否定回答:No, there isn't.

2、Many students are watching.
一般疑问句:Are many students watching?
否定句:Many students aren't watching.
肯定回答:Yes, they are.
否定回答:No, they aren't.


Is there any football match between class 1and class 3?
there is no football match between class 1and class 3.
yes, it is.
no, it isn't.

Are there many students watching?
There are not so many students watching.
yes, there are.
no, there are not.

1 Is there•••?
There isn't •••
Yes,there is..
No, there isn't.
2 Are many •••?
Many students aren't•••
Yes,they are.
No,they aren't.

1.Is there a football match between class 1 and class 3?
There isn't a football match between class 1 and class 3.

Yes,there is./No,there isn't.
2.Are many students watching?
Many students aren't watching.

Yes,they are./No,they aren't.


这道题是考察学生是否掌握“主将从现”的典型题目。如掌握了这道题,以后类似的题目绝对不会再错。所谓“主将从现”是指主句是将来时,从句一定是现在时。这道题的主句是“They won't be back home”,从句就应当是“until the work is done”——现在时态。a.was done 是过去时态;b.will be ...

1.ahead是副词,不能修饰名词的 2.D是“忽略的”的意思 句子意思是:你应该关注你没有在设计上忽略掉任何细节。3.rise主要指是自然物的升高比如:太阳的升起,涨水,月亮的升起,价格的上涨等等。raise主要指:举起什么,抬高什么,有主语发出的动作 4.B翻译过来解释不通啊。C“直到”语态前后冲突 ...

选B.had hoped 句子的意思是:他本来希望明天能够出发的,但现在看上去这很困难。根据后面的 we would be able to leave tomorrow ,我们判断这是对过去事实的一种虚拟,所以前面要用had hoped。当条件是与现在或过去事实相反时,就可以用虚拟。所以此处是B.had hoped 希望对有你帮助。

关于英语的问题 好心人帮帮忙 在线等 快啊
比较是人们认识客观事物的一种重要手段,正可谓“有比较才有鉴别”。在英语中,人们常用“more(...) than...”结构比较人和事物之间存在的某种差异,“more(...) than...”表示“比……多……”或“比……更……”的意思,“than”用作连词,引导比较状语从句。这是 “more(...) than...”...

选 a little 原因: quite 和 very 修饰形容词原级,句中 more difficult 是比较级,用a little 修饰 选A 原因:nothing 没有东西 no one 没有人 选A 原因:be used by 被某人使用(人教版新目标,八年级下 Unit 1 Self Check的文中的话,如果我没记错的话)选C 原因:形容词 + enough...

各位好心人 帮忙解答几道初二英语题 非常谢谢
1.blowing stop sth. from doing sth.阻止。。做。。。长城有7000千米长,它会防止风把土吹跑 2.works 这里面应该用一般现在时,因为这句话想表明的是Wangfeng的工作是什么 3.D 像taste, look, smell这样的感官动词,也可称其为系动词,后面加形容词,而sell是一个实意动词,应该用副词来修饰...

1C,specific表示确切 2B,succeed in 固定结构 3D,every time 接一般时态 4A, either 用于否定式表示也不,D项应为Neither can I的倒装形式。5A,accomandate表示容纳。6C,run表示经营 7D, sound接形容词做表语。8C,digital computer 数字计算机 9A,indentical表示一摸一样。10D,congratulate on ...

对话部分 1. so, when (did you move) to Brazil 2. (Are you growing up) in Brazil 3. Where (did you live)?4. (Did you go) to school in Recife?5. And when (did you come) to the United States?后面回答要根据你的自身情况来了,和短文无关 参考答案:1. China 2. Yes ...

50 A 从排队买花就可看出来。51 B

墨脱县19167596380: 2道英语题,英语好的好心人帮帮忙... -
大狐樊吗氯: no longer latetried my best

墨脱县19167596380: 有两道英语题,请帮一下忙.
大狐樊吗氯: 1.I can both understand and speak English. 2.Either you or I will go to the airport.

墨脱县19167596380: 英语翻译帮个忙啊,用英语翻译一下 -
大狐樊吗氯:[答案] 1、Befor I got home my parents had had lunch! 2、The phone ring when I watching TV! 3、This is my born city!

墨脱县19167596380: 2道简单的英语题希望帮个忙
大狐樊吗氯: have sb. do 迫使某人做某事 这个题要用IS 的 是答案错了吧

墨脱县19167596380: 两到英语题,请懂英语的帮下忙
大狐樊吗氯: 第二条:are used to being arrange time.第一个貌似是 suffer from

墨脱县19167596380: 有两道英语题不会、好心人帮忙看一下啊!!
大狐樊吗氯: 选B, look like “看起来像”的意思

墨脱县19167596380: 问几道英语题目,希望好心人士帮个忙.....
大狐樊吗氯: 1. give 2. pressure 3. discuss 4. excuse 5. hardworking 6. half-bull---and half-bull

墨脱县19167596380: 英语竞赛题,没想出来,好心人帮个忙. -
大狐樊吗氯: 1、在这个句子了,shoots的意思是“照相”;泡在水里、挂起来的是那张相片,所以有可能2、A river is richer because it has two banks.

墨脱县19167596380: 问几道英语题目~高手帮个忙把!跪求!用英语回答问题1、I am not an artist with pencils or pens.But I make pictures of men and women and all the people I ... -
大狐樊吗氯:[答案] 1.camera 2.clothes 3.h and p 4.computer 5.plane

墨脱县19167596380: 两道英语完型填空.大哥哥们帮下忙了.1.I am a teacher.My job is full of___ - l always do not know what to do next.(vary)2.My English teacher can sing the song ... -
大狐樊吗氯:[答案] 我是英语老师,帮帮你. variety,wonderfully

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