
作者&投稿:苗药 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例文一:《我的暑假My Summer Holiday》
My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.
My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.
《暑假来了!Summer Holiday Is Coming》
The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.

Today, I heard a piece of good news. In order to enrich our school life, our school decided to make some free time for us. We don’t need to have class on Friday afternoon. And our school will provide some entertainment tools for us. We can play sports, sing songs, draw pictures and so on. We can learn many things and find lots of fun from it. I can’t wait to have such activity.

My summer vacation
I had a good time this summer vacation. My families and I went to(随便一个海)for it. The science there was really beautiful. Blue sea ,blue sky and the flying sea mews made up of the natural beauty. My father and I swimmed in the sea,and my mother lay on the beach for sun shower comfortably. What was more, we also went boating ourselves. At the same time, we took many pictures for memory. In a word, this summer vacation was so full and we were very happy. If I had another chance to spend my vacation, I wish I could go to (随便一个海) again.


we should go home. " We rest a while. He and unable to part from to set foot on the way home, I looked at the sea, I thought: " next year I will come. "大海边 今天,风和日丽,我们全家人一起去海边玩,我们下了车,展现在我眼前的是一望无际的大海。极目远眺,大海上帆...

2、金沙滩金沙滩位于山东半岛南端黄海之滨青岛市黄岛区金沙滩路。金沙滩水清滩平,沙细如粉,色泽如金,海水湛蓝,水天一色,故称“金沙滩”。青岛金沙滩是我国沙质最细、面积最大、风景最美的沙滩,号称“亚洲第一滩”,2008年底被评为AAAA级景区。 3、亚龙湾海南亚龙湾位于三亚市东南28公里处...

暑假是去海边旅游的最佳时节,世界各地有许多美丽的海滨城市值得一游。以下是一些推荐的目的地,每个都有其独特的魅力和旅游资源。悉尼,澳大利亚 - 悉尼以其标志性的悉尼歌剧院和悉尼海港大桥而闻名。此外,邦迪海滩、玛丽布拉海滩和基里比利海滩等都是享受阳光和海浪的好去处。巴塞罗那,西班牙 - 这座城市...

暑假的一件趣事周记500字1 暑假是我们小朋友最快乐的时光,可以尽情地去爬山、去看海,可以守着电视机看个过瘾。这个暑假就带给了我数不清的乐趣,其中,最快乐的还是去海边自由自在地游泳了。那天下午,我写完作业,就拉着爸爸和妈妈直奔海边。刚一下车,清凉的海风扑到了我的身上,把我满身的汗珠...

1 海天佛国『普陀山』普陀山 ---雄峙于杭州湾以东烟波浩渺的莲花洋中,与世界著名渔港沈家门隔海相望。是中国佛教四大名山之一 、首批国家重点风景名胜区,素有“海天佛国”、“南海圣境”之称。全岛面积12.5平方公里,形似苍龙卧海。“海上有仙山,山在虚无缥渺间”。普陀山以其神奇、神圣、神秘,成...

暑假期间,我和爸爸,舅舅,姐姐一同来到渔民度假村,晴空万里,天空没有一丝云彩,太阳把地面烤得滚烫滚烫;一阵南风刮来,从地上卷起一股热 浪,火烧火燎地使人感到窒息.杂草抵不住太阳的暴晒,叶子都卷成细条了,热得鱼都活蹦乱跳了,我心想:“哈哈!这下可钓到大鱼了.”我怀着高兴的心情开始 钓鱼了....


Dear wang:I have returned safely to my home in Beijing, Thank you for your grateful invitaion and your parents hospitality during I stay in your home town in nrothern sea of China. in deed, this my first time to visit the sea, especially, swimming in the sea, so I am...

第一次去海边 暑假里,我到阿姨家——临海的一个小渔村作客,她家不远处就是海。 一天傍晚,阿姨说明天一大早带我去海边摸海螺,我一听,兴奋极了,整夜都没有睡好觉。第二天,天刚蒙蒙亮,我就迫不及待地起了床,拉着阿姨直奔海边。 啊,晨海美极了:放眼望去,天连着海,海连着天,简直让人分不清哪儿是海,哪儿...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 英语小作文 书面表达假设你跟你的朋友在假期去海边度假.天气晴朗,天空中有一些云朵,有一只小狗在海滩边,你和你的朋友在沙滩上玩.根据此内容写一... -
申治羟基:[答案] One day,my friend and I went to the beach for a holiday.Though there was some clouds in the sky,it's sunny.While we were playing on the sand I saw a little running along the beach.How lovely it is!

三都水族自治县17110151174: 你的好朋友Sam和家人假期到海边度假了.以Sam's holiday为题写一篇60词左右的作文 -
申治羟基: sam's holiday sam went for a holiday with his family. and he enjoyed himself. they flew to the seaside in order to play. as soon as he arrived there ,he jumped in to the sea and started to swim.there were a lot of children at his own age,later they all ...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 急求一篇去海边游玩的英语作文,初三水平,有中文翻译,100字左右. -
申治羟基: 这个暑假我过的很开心.我和我的家人一起去了(随便一个海)游玩.那里的风景很美.蓝蓝的大海,蓝蓝的天空,还有自由翱翔的海鸥共同构成了天然美景.爸爸和我在大海里游泳,妈妈在沙滩上晒日光浴,很是惬意.而且,我们还可以自己...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 一群学生暑假在沙滩上玩的一篇英语作文 -
申治羟基: Firstly, swimming alone in the river is also very dangerous, especially for students. Accidents are unpredictable and no one will help or even know if they are alone. <br>Furthermore, it is important for students to be careful while on their way to and ...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 求英语作文关于一次假期经历最好写的是去海边游玩的英语作文啊,要长句 -
申治羟基:[答案] Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an ...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 英语作文:假期去海边 -
申治羟基:[答案] My holiday is going to playing with sea.There is very beatiful place where is blue.In order to have a good time on holiday,I have a planning,such as swimming and go fishing and so on.

三都水族自治县17110151174: 写一篇英语作文, 我在海边度假 在沙滩上玩, 在海里游泳 50词左右 速度 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急! -
申治羟基: I went to the beach with my friends last Sunday. We walked on the beach, played with sand, built up a sand castle. Then we swam in the sea. We also ate lots of delicious sea food. We really had a good time.

三都水族自治县17110151174: 英语作文:写一篇你在上周末与父母去海边游玩的情况给你的朋友 -
申治羟基: hoping toenjoy the sunriseDear Linda, How'd like to tell you aboutmy trip to the beach with my family last weekend;s it going. How was your weekend, we bought sou venirs for our friends. Yours. When we arrived;clock in the afternoon when we ...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 七下英语作文2篇,60词左右 要求其中一篇是写海边的,还有一篇是写你的暑假生活的借我参考参考,生词不要太多! -
申治羟基:[答案] 1题目My Happy Time At The Beach I had a great time last summer vacation.Now let me tell you something about it. I went to ... last summer I learned to swim.This summer I might study computers or English.Summer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to ...

三都水族自治县17110151174: 炎炎夏日去海边旅游英语作文 -
申治羟基: Swimming is a kind of sport that can help people keep healthy because it can make all of your muscles get into the movement.In spite of that,this sport could not hurt your bones or other problems that other exercises could.What is more,you can enjoy ...

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