
作者&投稿:冉蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


When people get sick, they will go to see the doctor. The most common thing the doctor says is that to drink more water. Most people don’t put it in their hearts, thinking it is just useless. But drinking more water indeed brings people health, because it can make the blood circulate quickly and get rid of the harmful part. So it is good for people to drink more water no matter what they are doing.



Act out the conversation in groups.看了牛津版六年级上册英语Unit 7教案的人还看:1. 新版PEP六年级英语上册第一单元测试卷 2. 人教版六年级下册英语unit1B部分课文翻译 3. 人教版六年级下册英语unit1 partA课文翻译 4. 新版PEP六年级英语上册第三单元测试卷 5. 六年级下册英语Unit1知识点 ...

Unit 7 tiring 引起疲劳的 educational 教育的 peaceful平静的 fascinating 迷人的 thrilling 令人激动的 take it easy 从容 Florida 佛罗里达州 trek 旅行 Amazon 亚马逊河 jungle热带丛林 fall 瀑布 Niagara Fall 尼亚加拉大瀑布 touristy 游客很多的 spotlight 公众注意的中心 consider 考虑 lively 活泼的 s...

九年级英语书Unit7Mom kowns best里cry,watch,think为什么要加ing_百度...
整个句子中已有主语和谓语,best 修饰kowns ,缺少一个宾语,动名词做宾语。



八年级下册Unit7dao Unit8英语单词
八年级是初中的关键,成绩上去到九年级就很轻松了,不上去就很难考进好的高中。下面是我分享的八年级下册英语单词,欢迎大家阅读!Unit 7 What's the highset mountain in the word? 275 square n.平方;正方形 276 meter (=metre) n.米;公尺 277 deep adj.深的;纵深的 278 desert n.沙漠 ...

本单元是八年级英语下册的第七单元(Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?),主题是如何更礼貌的提建议,主要功能项目是―Make requests‖和―Apologize‖,本单元的语法要点是―Would you mind …?‖和―Could you please…‖等句型的运用,知识重难点为:―would you mind +动名词‖和―Could you please...

People always say the one who likes smiling will never lack of luck. Indeed, the smiling people are friendly and kind, they like to give hands to other people and people like to make friends with them, so when the smiling people are in trouble, people around them will take ...

仁爱版英语,七年级下册UNIT7 Topic3 SectionC SectionD的翻译_百 ...
Sc 康康的生日派对 上个星期四我们为康康举办了一个生日派对。他的父母给我们买了许多食物和饮料。我们买了很多礼物给康康。我们每个人又送给康康一张贺卡。我们亲手制作了卡片。他非常喜欢它们。大生日蛋糕上有13根蜡烛。我们都围坐在蛋糕旁。康康默默许了一个愿,然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。我们在派对上...

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锺哗沙利: When people get sick, they will go to see the doctor. The most common thing the doctor says is that to drink more water. Most people don't put it in their hearts, thinking it is just useless. But drinking more water indeed brings people health, ...

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锺哗沙利: Hello hello, mom, I need some things for class this afternoon. Can you bring them to school for me? Can I need my math book. The math book? Your math book? Oh, on the dresser. I want my

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锺哗沙利: 【新人教新目标英语九年级课文和单词录音(全14个单元).rar】的下载地址如下: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqANX9U 密码: wage 注:这是压缩文件,需解压成mp3格式才能播放.解压后, 就能看到第一单元2d的录音文件了.

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锺哗沙利:[答案] 巴拿马运河始建于19世纪80年代,1914年完工.它连接着大西洋和太平洋.工程师们称它为人类对自然的一次胜利.

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