
作者&投稿:苗歪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英语牛人帮忙翻译一下 急急急急 谢谢了!!~


望采纳 谢谢你!


Dear Ms. / Mr:
You have the honor to recommend our school's chairman of the Environmental Protection Agency # # # I environmental advisor to China's social life.
# # # 10 from the year began as the Shanghai Municipal Environmental Protection%%% Secondary School Association fans, self-initiative and creative work completed for secondary schools in Yan'an environmental protection, publicity, and other organizations have done a lot Coordination, organization, the Association of environmental protection a success, which won the school "Star society," the honor. As my right-hand man, 2006,2008 in the year to lead the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out the Huangpu River Basin Water Environment study tours, discussion on how to protect the mother river of Shanghai - the Huangpu River has a deep understanding and experience, and the joint efforts of all members Under the articles published in the society caused great repercussions, and even Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng was the reply personally, as well as corporate Swarovski training programs.
Each person has a different Moments; it seems to me, # # # who, in addition to natural leadership qualities and relentless fighting spirit, is probably the most eye-catching service in the practice of divergent thinking. Still remember the fall of 2007, when the sub-chen and his classmates for the Prohibition of the school canteen, the canteen of the use of disposable plastic bags to carry out research into the feasibility of the half, he came to me one day at the office, excitedly told me: "China Teacher, I found the school's water, electricity, waste and recycling, there is also a waste of the phenomenon, "he continued," we may be able to promote the hardware or make some improvement? "Looked at him in the eyes of enthusiasm and confidence I replied: "Try also no harm!" In this way, and he had opened an issue in the school of the General Office under the guidance of teachers, began to proceed to the school's water, electricity and waste recovery system to a major operation . As a result, after two semesters of study and design, # # # team, not only with full and accurate data to convince the success of the school cafeteria and canteen to prohibit the use of disposable plastic bags at the same time put forward constructive alternatives, and also submitted a " The creation of school-saving action "report on the subject, was adopted by the school to school, I saved a substantial amount of resources expenditure.
However, # # # is not perfect. I formally joined the agency as the "Shanghai Roots & Shoots" (an international charity organization in Shanghai Branch) after the first president, he can not always perfect co-ordination is very good and out of school, work, but " Non-saints, no Practice makes perfect? "On the cause of environmental protection with his firm as a rock of loyalty and tireless pursuit of, I assure you: # # # send your school is worth taking notice and a scholarship!


Dear Ms. / Mr:
You have the honor to recommend our school's chairman of the Environmental Protection Agency # # # I environmental advisor to China's social life.
# # # 10 from the year began as the Shanghai Municipal Environmental Protection%%% Secondary School Association fans, self-initiative and creative work completed for secondary schools in Yan'an environmental protection, publicity, and other organizations have done a lot Coordination, organization, the Association of environmental protection a success, which won the school "Star society," the honor. As my right-hand man, 2006,2008 in the year to lead the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out the Huangpu River Basin Water Environment study tours, discussion on how to protect the mother river of Shanghai - the Huangpu River has a deep understanding and experience, and the joint efforts of all members Under the articles published in the society caused great repercussions, and even Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng was the reply personally, as well as corporate Swarovski training programs.
Each person has a different Moments; it seems to me, # # # who, in addition to natural leadership qualities and relentless fighting spirit, is probably the most eye-catching service in the practice of divergent thinking. Still remember the fall of 2007, when the sub-chen and his classmates for the Prohibition of the school canteen, the canteen of the use of disposable plastic bags to carry out research into the feasibility of the half, he came to me one day at the office, excitedly told me: "China Teacher, I found the school's water, electricity, waste and recycling, there is also a waste of the phenomenon, "he continued," we may be able to promote the hardware or make some improvement? "Looked at him in the eyes of enthusiasm and confidence I replied: "Try also no harm!" In this way, and he had opened an issue in the school of the General Office under the guidance of teachers, began to proceed to the school's water, electricity and waste recovery system to a major operation . As a result, after two semesters of study and design, # # # team, not only with full and accurate data to convince the success of the school cafeteria and canteen to prohibit the use of disposable plastic bags at the same time put forward constructive alternatives, and also submitted a " The creation of school-saving action "report on the subject, was adopted by the school to school, I saved a substantial amount of resources expenditure.
However, # # # is not perfect. I formally joined the agency as the "Shanghai Roots & Shoots" (an international charity organization in Shanghai Branch) after the first president, he can not always


To little devil: s/he might be thinking of staying in Chinatown. In that case, English is not essential.

Only that s/he might not realize that before s/he touch the land of US, s/he still has some talking / writing to do - in English, that is.

bvhcvcvn zcnc n gs ndcn vnvbxnBvanbdaSHgcsabdvsnmgasvdnavxcnasxcvxzcv AVB xBVDWHASABVDncsncvA nbcfnavdmhsacsavfsdfdvsmzg hgdfvhjzgvashxgfgsafvsadfvmsdcvnbxcvcx csdmc asmhcvszfsgfewhjkakyudfcxvhjfshdcmshgasvcmkhdgfsdhgfjsghsdfdcbahgc,zbhdsgsxchfvjzsdmcxbvcvmfgbz cvhszhgfdsh,k hfmsdhfh b dsbfsdfvbmsfgask gsdfgdsbmv d fjgsdzfvskbcvmsdfm jfvhzsdfbzvbc.sdfgdf f hfdhgfgbfgbjkdbkzcvkcxjbvdfjbk jfk., nmb,fbvsdjgbkgdxfjgbdxzjldgsjnlgfdxlbkjdhblkxdbl,fdhnbldsnfbkdfnbldfkrfhgsdfjlhsdfujnfkljhgln ldjlhcfgjhl ;l j; jh ;jhhdflih/lijr g;j /p;hj;jdf;hj;ofjhfod;jhpfijhrtlhuseilthjdfpoihujhdrtgpjhnjhdfp;hij o j ipftjkyhporthi'orlrt.ujht/rlh;ojitpossdfjlosrjltridfglhirtjludh;p/ujgnpoudflhu;ojghr;.st ; rtkljhsrtjhtlrjhs.lkrengltwer,turehjeugyrukreuuyrsefjwqyduwgsdugsgjfywery tyrtfyefeyyweag ya irutyiserugriugiuryigtigyauiertguatweutyugyquiweytftgyfgew

1.他在夜深人静后门有动静时开始(做某事)2.这次破坏不是很严重,仅仅是在车门上有道划痕。3.妈妈在温柔的一前一后摇动摇篮时为妹妹清唱了一支摇篮曲。4.thense(这个词打错了吧) 天气很热,在等待宣布结果的时候我们真是出了一身汗。5.他靠在座椅靠背上而且把腿在前面伸直。6.她就是那种在...

The life in us is middle,Disregarding which person to coming across,Thing that these person city church does not know before your few,Be good be still bad disregarding these person,They all are church your person。Reason why , I have to thank them。在我们的生活中,任何人都会...

不同人对成功有不同的看法, 因为人们的愿望和理想是各异的.可是我肯定, 成功对于每一个人来说都是珍贵的,因为它并不容易得到, 因为在我们追求成功的过程中, 我们考验了自己的身体和心灵, 同时被人类最宝贵的品质---爱, 耐心, 勇气, 责任感---所启迪. 这些才是最好的财富. 现在我十分骄傲有机...


我自己都觉得我是个傻瓜 I thought that I could live for no one else 我本来以为即使没有其他人我也可以生存 But now though all the hurt and pain 但在经历了所有的伤心和痛苦之后 It's time for me to respect the ones you love mean more than anything 是时候来看重你所爱的人 So ...

bl:玻璃,不是指一种易碎品,而是同性恋 bc:白痴 bd:笨蛋 ry:人妖 lm:流氓 pg:屁股 gf:girl friend,女友 bf:boy friend,男友 md:妈的,粗口,特别慎用!tmd:*** ,粗口,特别慎用!jjww:唧唧歪歪,指人说话的样子 sjb:神经病 pmp:拍马屁 mpj:马屁精 kick:扁 kh:葵花,就是...

All of you distinguished judges, hello. First of all I would like to introduce myself, other students had the best speech so sure you are comfortable, but I think some of you should be tired now, then please be encouraged it! My name is lhy, experiments are in the middle ...

B: 见到你很高兴, 陈主任。我是非常激动拜访您的公司和当然, 游览在上海和全国周围。 B: 这的确是我的乐趣和特权接受了您客气的邀请和工作以一群卓越的人象陈主任。我盼望这参观fro 年。我有一个梦想, 我会访问中国和某天会工作在上海美丽的城市有一阵子。我是非常感恩的您做我的梦想来真实。B:...

翻译成为中文就是:土耳其(国家)科尼亚(省) 42550(邮政编码)塞尔库克鲁(城市,县城);KOSB第9大街36号 Buyukkayacik Mahallesi,EKDOKSAN DOKUM 汽车金属配件有限公司。开心快乐每一天!

火星文(火星文:焱暒妏),趣味地意指地球人看不懂的文字,由符号、繁体字、日文、韩文、冷僻字或汉字拆分后的部分等非正规化文字符号组合而成。随着互联网的普及,年轻网民为求彰显个性,开始大量使用同音字、音近字、特殊符号来表音的文字。火星文简介 由于这种文字与日常生活中使用的文字相比有明显...

利川市15851188150: 英语牛人快来啊!英语词组翻译… -
阮姿银黄: die with有两个解释,一个是“和XX一起死”例句:My heart died with his betrayal. 我的心和他的背叛一起死了另外一个就是形容“很”怎么怎么样,这个和中文很像I'm dying with hunger. 我都快饿死了take either half 就是在两个1/2里面任选一咯,比如You can take either half of the watermelon. 你可以随便挑半个西瓜与事实相符 XX agree(s) with the facts希望对你有帮助.还有问题可以找我

利川市15851188150: 牛人帮我简单翻译一下英文简历. -
阮姿银黄: 通过全国计算机等级考试(三级数据库技术),熟练掌握C语言;熟练运用Office系列办公软件、Photoshop图像处理软件、Spss、Eviews、Mathematica等统计软件;简单操作用友、金蝶等财务...

利川市15851188150: 高分悬赏,求英语翻译,“行有不得,反求诸己”,牛人快来啊. -
阮姿银黄: If your efforts all fall flat, you should examine yourself.这句话的意思是:凡是行为得不到预期的效果,都应该反过来检查自己.

利川市15851188150: 英语牛人!请进来帮忙!急 -
阮姿银黄: 朋友你好:下面是我翻译的,请看一下. I'm very glad to hear from you.I think it's a good way to use FedEx,please give me your account and the address.I'll send the works to you as soon as possible.Specially,could you please send a certificate of ...

利川市15851188150: 求英语牛人帮忙翻译三句话,急用啊!不要用翻译器!在线等啊~!1.南京师范大学文学院是南京师范大学历史最悠久,实力最雄厚的学院之一,也是我国文... -
阮姿银黄:[答案] college of art,as a part of Nanjing normal university , known for its long history and powerful strength,is one of the important base for the talent training in arts and scientific research.it also ha...

利川市15851188150: 英语牛人快来,帮我翻译成英文呗! -
阮姿银黄: Worldwide creative industry is growing at a break-neck speed. Under the backdrop of continual globalization and technology evolution,more and more fresh blood is needed to keep up the growth.

利川市15851188150: 快来帮忙翻译啊 救命 啊 超级急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
阮姿银黄: 1,I have changed your PO number from 262 to 263, because No. 262 belongs to another client named CLEO. I have sent it to you yesterday, please note it.2. P...

利川市15851188150: 请英语牛人近来帮忙 急! -
阮姿银黄: How to Eat SpaghettiMany non-Italians don't know how to eat spaghetti. This is true even for the U.S. in spite of the large Italian community.Italian table manners when you ar...

利川市15851188150: 牛人快来:劳驾用济南话翻译一遍李清照的 如梦令 昨夜雨疏风骤么么么那个!!!急急急!! -
阮姿银黄: 这是查来的标准翻译 可供参考:昨夜雨小风急,我从沉睡中醒来,酒醉没有全消.试问卷帘的侍女,她却说海棠花依然如旧.知道吗?知道吗?应是绿叶更加茂盛,红花却已凋零. 这是济南话?我再帮您改改.可惜好些土话打不出来. 原文 如梦令·昨夜雨疏风骤 ·李清照 昨夜雨疏风骤.浓睡不消残酒.试问卷帘人,却道“海棠依旧”.知否,知否?应是绿肥红瘦! 昨个夜里,雨倒不是很大,风就太力巴了.昨夜后晌喝大啦,俺仔吗细地慜了一个倒个,还没醒酒呢.俺问正在拉窗帘的那个家政丫头,院子里的光景是么模样了,她却糊弄俺,说窗户外头的海棠花和头几天差不离!一下子把俺气火了:你知道吗你?你知道吗你!应该是叶子肥了不少,那些花朵子可给折腾瘦了!

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