
作者&投稿:窄庞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hey judy 《Hey Jude》是披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼创作的一首歌,于1968年发行。原本计划收录进同名专辑《The Beatles》,後来作为单曲发行,并迅速成为了当年的冠军单曲。《Hey Jude》原曲长7分11秒。这首歌的原名是《Hey Julian》,后来改为《Hey Jules》,最终变成《Hey Jude》。 虽然它比一般的单曲长了两倍,但还是广受欢迎,并且很快就成了英国和荷兰的排行榜冠军。短短两个星期后就出人意料地售出了两百万张,并且在美国的美国告示牌Billboard 榜首位置上停留了9个星期。《Hey Jude》在全球的销量超过了八百万张。Hey Jude, don't make it bad 嘿朱迪!别沮丧Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转Hey Jude, don't be afraid 嘿朱迪!别害怕You were made to go out and get her 你天生就要勇于克服恐惧The minute You let her under your skin 当你将它身埋于心底那一刻Then you begin to make it better 世界就开始好转And anytime you feel the pain 当你感受痛苦的滋味Hey Jude, refrain 嘿朱迪!要忍耐Don't carry the world upon your shoulder 别把世界的重担都往肩上扛For well you know that it's a fool 你知道那些愚蠢的人Who plays it cool 总是装做不在乎By making his world a little colder 把自己的世界弄得很冷酷Hey Jude, don't let me down 嘿朱迪!别让我失望You have found her now go and get her 既然找到真爱就要勇敢追求Remember (Hey Jude) to let her into your heart 记住(嘿朱迪!)要将她揽入你的心房Then you can start to make it better 那样世界就能开始好转So let it out and let it in 所以啊,让你的爱自由来去Hey Jude, begin 嘿朱迪!开始啊You're waiting for someone to perform with 你期待有个人与你同台表演Don't you know that it's just you 你不知道那个人就是你自己吗Hey Jude, you'll do 嘿朱迪!你会办到The movement you need is on your shoulder 下一步该怎麼做就全看你自己Hey Jude don't make it bad 嘿朱迪!别丧气Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐Remember to let her under your skin 记得将它深藏于心Then you'll begin 世界就能To make it better 开始好转Better better better betterNa na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude

Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na Na Na Na Na Na-Na-Na-Na-Na
Hey Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Na Na Na Na Na Na-Na-Na-Na-Na
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Hey Jude, don't make it bad 嘿裘!别沮丧 
Take a sad song 找一首哀伤的歌 
And make it better 把它唱得更快乐 
Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田 
Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转 
Hey Jude, don't be afraid 嘿裘!别害怕 
You were made to go out and get her 你天生就要勇於克服恐惧 
The minute You let her under your skin 当你将它身埋於心底那一刻 
Then you begin 世界就 
To make it better 开始好转 
And anytime you feel the pain 当你感受痛苦的滋味 
Hey Jude, refrain 嘿裘!要忍耐 
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders 别把世界的重担都往肩上扛 
For well you know that it's a fool 你知道那些愚蠢的人 
Who plays it cool 总是装做不在乎 
By making his world a little colder 把自己的世界弄得很冷酷 
Hey Jude, don't let me down 嘿裘!别让我失望 
You have found her now go and get her 既然找到真爱就要勇敢追求 

Hey, hey julia, you’re acting so peculiar
I know I’d never fool you in a million years
A horn section you resemble and your figure makes me tremble
And I sure would like to handle what’s between your ears
You’re a temptation to a man
I could not resist you and I won’t if I can
You’re so unexpected and whatever you injected made me feel how I felt when I sang

Hey, hey julia you’re acting so peculiar
I know I’d never fool you in a million years
You’re a strain on my eyeses and you’re full of surprises
Love materializes soon as you come near.
There’s a sensation you create,
Robs me of my sleep and I’ve forgotten the date
My head started spinning soon as you started singing
And like a fish I just rose to the bait.

Hey, hey julia with your crazy sense of humor
You turn fact into rumor soon as you come near
A horn section you resemble and your figure makes me tremble
And I sure would like to handle what’s between your ears
You’re a temptation to a man
I could not resist you and I won’t if I can.
You’re so unexpected and whatever you injected made me feel how I felt when I sang
Julia, you’re a danger just like giving sweets to strangers
And I think it’s time I took you in hand.

Hey Judy

Hey Judy


是不是 Hey jude


Hey, hey julia, you’re acting so peculiar I know I’d never fool you in a million years A horn section you resemble and your figure makes me tremble And I sure would like to handle what’s between your ears You’re a temptation to a man I could not resist you and I ...

让我们掌声请出刘博宇、和晨宇、和璇、蒋雨欣、和家梁、郑浩宇、贺金鹏、唐潇、和子俊、 上台 肖:请园长为本次考核优秀的学员颁发奖状 汤:小朋友的才艺我们看到了,但还没看到家长才艺哦。家长们也不甘示弱,给我们带来了个人 才艺展示 。和:下面请赏特蕾新丽江幼儿园学前班家长给我们带来的《 献给妈妈的歌 肖...

临朐县13577315005: 花晨宇唱的歌有嘿朱丽是什么歌是一首英语歌 -
繁翰云迪: Hey, hey julia, you're acting so peculiarI know I'd never fool you in a million yearsA horn section you resemble and your figure makes me trembleAnd I sure would like to handle what's between your earsYou're a temptation to a manI could not ...

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇在芒果跨年唱的一首歌,是英文歌,中间部分有linlinlinlin..的,还有一句happy -
繁翰云迪: 这首歌是《THE FOX》 中文《狐狸叫》原歌是没有happy new year的 这首歌是小白白举纲唱的 花花唱的是《Creep》 (*^__^*)

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇 有什么好听的歌 -
繁翰云迪: 1、烟火里的尘埃,林夕的词,西楼的曲,很美的一首歌 2、微光,演唱会的时候首唱让多少人泪洒五棵松.... 3、我个人很喜欢的let you go ,花花自己写的曲,很鬼魅的一首歌,电子摇滚,流畅,很华晨宇! 4、不朽,词超级霸气有木有...

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇唱过什么歌 -
繁翰云迪: 《我》《红豆》《我和你》《趁你还年轻》《亲爱的小孩》《海阔天空》《寂寞先生》(和曹格一起演唱)《We are young》《Poker face》《挑衅》《假行僧》《白色秋天》(和曾轶可一起演唱)《小星星The star》(和尚雯婕一起演唱) 等等.我也是华晨宇的歌迷粉丝.

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇唱的所有歌及歌词 -
繁翰云迪: 我 I am what I am 我永远都爱这样的我 快乐是快乐的方式不只一种 最荣幸是谁都是造物者的光荣 不用闪躲 为我喜欢的生活而活 不用粉墨 就站在光明的角落 我就是我 是颜色不一样的烟火 天空海阔 要做最坚强的泡沫 我喜欢我 让蔷薇开出一种结...

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇唱的什么歌? -
繁翰云迪: 假行僧,趁你还年轻,红豆,海阔天空,我亲爱的小孩,青春再见,挑衅,Hi 自由,洋葱,我和我,花儿与少年,寂寞先生,白色秋天,追梦赤子心,在那遥远的地方,I will always love you,The kill,The star,poker face ,we are the young,creep,还有一首火星哥的无字歌, 大部分都有改编,难度更大,更好听了!

临朐县13577315005: 求一首欢快节奏的歌名(歌词有 王子和??快乐生活之类,高潮是:嘿 Angell ) -
繁翰云迪: hey juliet hey julieti think you're fineyou really blow my mindmaybe someday, you and me can run awayi just want you to knowi wanna be your romeo

临朐县13577315005: 莫文蔚华晨宇合作的歌曲叫什么 半生缘完整歌词介绍 -
繁翰云迪: 歌手莫文蔚新单曲《半生缘(我们在这里相遇)》,首度携手当红炸子鸡华晨宇(花花),由花花为她量身定做谱曲.两人是在《天籁之战》节目中慢慢熟识,进而变成无话不谈的音乐好友,最令人兴奋地是幕后的彩蛋篇,原来花花在初相遇...

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇《烟火里的尘埃》是一首什么风格的歌 -
繁翰云迪: 很多营销号说《烟火里的尘埃》是迷幻摇滚风格的歌曲,我觉得不算是,只能说是华晨宇的风格.林夕写词前通过视频文字对华晨宇有过了解,写出的歌词也符合他的个人特点,似量身定制一般.编曲保留了西楼小样里的迷幻味道,英式的键盘伴奏,配合鼓点与贝斯,以及若隐若现的钢琴声,与华晨宇独特的唱腔相融合,高音结实奔放却又保持迷幻与空灵的感觉.

临朐县13577315005: 华晨宇写的一首关于巴黎圣母院的歌 -
繁翰云迪: 《卡西莫多的礼物》是由孛子作词,华晨宇作曲并演唱的歌曲. 歌词: 夜晚传来钟声 风熄灭了蜡烛 钟楼外 他的歌声 回荡夜空 镜子里的怪物 穿着同样衣服在无助眼神之中 是无边的孤独 呜~~~ 沉痛的歌 在诉说 这不是谁的错 喔~ 卡西莫多的礼物 享受孤独 阳光从不光顾 月光为我伴舞巴黎夜晚的钟声 是我的音符 如果习惯痛苦 眼泪不会很苦 若你伤悲 让我钟声 给你安慰 呜~~~ 沙哑的歌 含着泪 也为你祝福 呜~~~ 卡西莫多的礼物 享受孤独

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