
作者&投稿:班沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

蠹徐15844465529问: 关于x的不等式(log2x)2+blog2x+c≤0(b,c为实常数)的解集为[2,16],则关于x的不等式c•22x+b•2x+1≤0的解集为______. -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] 令t=log2x,由x∈[2,16],可得t∈[1,4], ∴不等式(log2x)2+blog2x+c≤0(b,c为实常数)的解集为[2,16],等价转化为t2+bt+c≤0的解集为[1,4], 故1和4为方程t2+bt+c=0的两个根, ∴ 1+4=−b1*4=c,解得b=-5,c=4, ∴关于x的不等式c•22x+b•2x+1≤0...

蠹徐15844465529问: I have never heard______. -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[选项] A. so wonderful a music B. so wonderful music C. such a wonderful music D. such wonderful music

蠹徐15844465529问: 高中定语从句 用“介词+关系代词”填空 写理由 thanks.They may start as a group of high - school students,_____ - practising their music in someone's house ... -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] 1.for whom 对于他们来说 (practising their music 是从句主语 is the first step to fame. 是系动词与表语.从句完整是practising their music for the group of high-school students in someone's house is the first step to fame.) which 主句:the Monkees ...

蠹徐15844465529问: 定语从句中的介词+引导词The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as made music.不明白这里为什么用of whom,这样... -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] “介词 + which/whom/whose“ 来引导定语从句,其中“介词 + which”可以代替when; where; why等,“介词 + whom/... e musicians of whom the band was formed 这里有一个定语从句,其中the musicians 为先行词,of whom为介词 + 关系词一起引导...

蠹徐15844465529问: 150℃、1.0*105Pa时,aL乙炔和aL丙烯的混合气体与过量的bLO2混合,点燃使这两种烃充分燃烧后,再恢复到原状况,此时混合气体的体积为 ( ) -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[选项] A. 10aL B. (2a+b)L C. (b-a)L D. 无法计算

蠹徐15844465529问: 某班有学生55人,其中音乐爱好者34人,体育爱好者43人,还有4人既不爱好体育也不爱好音乐,则班级中即爱好体育又爱好音乐的有___人. -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] 作Venn图如右图, x+y+z=55-4=51, x+y=34, y+z=43; 故y=(34+43)-51=26. 故答案为:26.

蠹徐15844465529问: 英语翻译用there be :这里有一家艺术学校这里有很多人在跳舞介词短语提前句首,主句完全倒装:河两边种着高高的树neither/nor/so +谓+主:我喜欢音乐,... -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] There is an art school ,in which many people are dancing .Along both sides of the river are some tall trees.I like music,so do they.I have never been to South Korea, neither do I like itNot noly d...

蠹徐15844465529问: such和sohe played_______ - music in Poland.A such a beautifulB so beautiful a 这个选什么,我觉得AB都对啊. -
九龙坡区曲妥回答:[答案] music是不可数抽象名词 如果前面加了形容词就变成可数了 一定要是a/an+adj.+n.才能够这么用,所以答案是A

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