
作者&投稿:子维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

答案:our wives,our phones。分析:our意思是“我们的”,表达的是复数概念,其后接的名词wife(妻子)也应该是复数形式wives;鉴于目前手机的普遍程度,phone最后也用复数形式。温馨提示:1.名词单复数不再是高中语法的难点了。2.当然,名词单复数的使用还要看具体的上下文语境,比如,一家人就使用一个手...

As-per-our-phone-conversation-just-before 就在我们的电话交谈之前 双语例句 1. Similes usually start with " like " or " as ".明喻通常以 like 或as开头.2. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do.比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。3. English has hurt me a thousand times, but...

cut off 指的是切掉,割掉,砍掉,剪掉。cut out 指的是剪切块;删除部份;切断;[电]断流器。例句 cut off 1、Our phone's been cut off.我们的电话被切断了。2、The electricity had been cut off.停电了。3、They were almost completely cut off from the outside world.他们几乎完全与外界...

父母应该看我们的手机吗? 英语作文
Do you think parents checking our phone annoying?Is it proper that they check our phone from time to time?For one thing,defining a good action provides many different definitions depending on who you ask.The same thing is true for trying to define a good parent.Parents should hav...

最简单的说法是:as per our tele-conversation

电话 diàn huà (电话装置) telephone; phone; telephone system; telephony; (美俚) horn:报警电话 alarm telephone 公用电话 public telephone; pay telephone 专线电话 special line 挂断电话 ring off the telephone; hang up the phone 长途电话 trunkcall; long distance call 窃听电话 tap ...

in the right part of our living room,in front of sofa,youcan see our TV,the left part beside sofa places our phone,and the right side is tea table,there is also a air conditioner in front of tea table. so much for the introduction of our living room. 希望能帮助你 ...

per our conversation是什么意思
per our conversation 根据我们的谈话 双语例句 1 As per our telephonic conversation just now.按照我们刚才的电话交谈。2 Per our phone conversation, pls do the following test& send us yourtest result.按照我们的电话交谈,请做以下测试,我们发送您的测试结果。

Naturally , our grandparents were pleased to ge...
Naturally 状语,our grandparents主语 were 谓语pleased表语 to get our phone call 不定式做原因状语 naturally (自然而然地)是状语 ,to get our phone call (不定式做原因状语)

cut out与cut off的区别是什么?
一、意思不同:(1)cut off 指的是切掉,割掉,砍掉,剪掉。例句:His company is preparing to shut down in the event that their water supply is cut off 假如供水被切断,他所在的公司就准备关闭。(2)cut out 指的是剪切块;删除部份;切断;[电]断流器。例句:He could also have cut...

东方戚13489598149问: your phone中国能用吗? -
襄垣县盐酸回答: 你如果想要使用要复完这个软件的话,在中国也是可以使用的,但是一定要经过一些特别的设置才可以.

东方戚13489598149问: 刷机后手机开机显示"The Software update failed.Make sure that your phone is connect 怎么办 -
襄垣县盐酸回答: 系统程序出现问题了 这个情况要重新做系统修复机子的 可以早我 修复好

东方戚13489598149问: 电脑上写Android程序,Android模拟器总是显示your phone does not -
襄垣县盐酸回答: 你的android程序使用了sd卡,但假设机子上没有sd卡就会报错,你需要代码上判断是否有sd卡.

东方戚13489598149问: 如果你是英语高手请进1.Your mobile phone( 手机 ) rings,and instead of the usual electronic signals,it's playing your favorite music.A friend sends you ... -
襄垣县盐酸回答:[答案] C 混合 D 最后倒数第二段指出 A 同上 D 提供服务的一家公司 D 文中无体现

东方戚13489598149问: your phone has ever been rooted是什么意思 -
襄垣县盐酸回答: 这句话的意思是你的手机已经被授予root权限,希望可以对你有所帮助!

东方戚13489598149问: your cellphone中文是什么意思 -
襄垣县盐酸回答: 你的手机

东方戚13489598149问: 求助英语语法题 If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be - ___. -
襄垣县盐酸回答:[选项] A. deceptive B. defective C. deficient D. ineffective 选哪个好呢

东方戚13489598149问: yourphonecalls是什么意思 -
襄垣县盐酸回答: your phonecalls 你的电话1 Activate your phone's automatic “ location ” setting, whichenables the cell network to calculate your position for all phonecalls, not just 911 calls.激活你手机的自动“位置”设置,能够让你的手机网络计算出你的位置对...

东方戚13489598149问: your phone number( )22335. -
襄垣县盐酸回答: what\\'s your phone number?No,I am not.I am Bill

东方戚13489598149问: ”你的电话号码”用英语怎么说? -
襄垣县盐酸回答:[答案] your phone number 如果要问别人的电话号码是什么的话可以说: What's your phone number? Please tell me your phone number.

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