
作者&投稿:褒戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

U-Kiss新曲《bang bang bang 》中文歌词
我想摇滚嘭嘭帮嘭嘭帮我想摇滚 所以我想jeulgeoungeol砰嘭嘭帮 翻译的不好请原谅

What I shoulda done was raised Cain about the low wages, but instead, I took the damn dollar and all I could say was "thanks" or somethin dumb-soundin like that, an I went on down the street, wadding an unwadding that dollar in my hand, feeling like a idiot. You see what I mea...

楚朗13259552326问: 请问EXO的饭制视频Young&Stupid里的那首歌的名字 谢谢
眉山市抗栓回答: 就叫《Young&Stupid》是加拿大四人摇滚乐队Hedley的歌曲 可以在酷我音乐里搜到 用度娘搜时就打“young stupid”第四个就是~ ——EXO团队——

楚朗13259552326问: 期末英语阅读练习. Long ago,there was a young poor boy.He had no family.He only had an old camel.Each day the boy and his camel walked many miles ... -
眉山市抗栓回答:[答案] 51.When the old camel died,the boy cried because __C____. A.he was afraid B.he was poorC.he was lonely D.he was lost ... 53.What can we learn from the story? CA.The boy was lazy and stupid.B.The old camel came back to life. C.The boy lived ...

楚朗13259552326问: foolish 和stupid有什么区别呀 -
眉山市抗栓回答: 恩.开始是随便复制了下别人的回答.不过看你的疑问,我又找了很多资料.总结是,foolish很少用于口语.一般是stupid和silly.在口气的轻重程度上,最侮辱的口气是stupid.最轻最常用的是silly.关于foolish.我看见生活在外国的中国人的论坛里的...

楚朗13259552326问: 1级典范英语《皮皮公主的假期》翻译 -
眉山市抗栓回答: 皮皮公主的假期1. 准备出发 皮皮公主城堡里的每一个人都很忙.国王忙着擦亮他的钱币,王后忙着挑选遮阳帽,所有的女仆们抱着一堆堆的马甲跑来跑去.“我可以带上杜宾度假吗?”皮皮公主问.“恐怕马车上没有小马的地方.”王后说....

楚朗13259552326问: It's good to be young and stupid是什么意思? -
眉山市抗栓回答: 年少无知真好

楚朗13259552326问: to be old and wise U must first be young and stupid是什么意思 -
眉山市抗栓回答: 只有经历年少无知才能收获成熟睿智

楚朗13259552326问: stupid是什么意思
眉山市抗栓回答: stupid [英][ˈstju:pɪd][美][ˈstu:pɪd] adj.愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的; n.傻子,笨蛋; 最高级:stupidest比较级:stupider 例句: 1. He had a stupid smile on his face. 他脸上带着愚蠢的微笑.

楚朗13259552326问: TO be old and wise,you must first have to be young and stupid中文是什么意思呢?
眉山市抗栓回答: 想要老成智慧,首先要青春天真

楚朗13259552326问: ...ehat had happened to Mr Young's business?Because she didn't want to spoil Mr Young's vacationWhat can you learn from the story?Mr Young had a stupid ... -
眉山市抗栓回答:[答案] What did Mr Young do? 杨先生是做什么的呢? He was owner of a private 他是一家私营企业的老板(后面应该还有个company) What was Mrs Young worried about? 杨太太担心什么呢? Her husband's heslth (担心)她丈夫的健康(health不是...

楚朗13259552326问: there are just so many stupid是什么意思 -
眉山市抗栓回答:翻译:恰恰有那么多的傻瓜/笨蛋.解析:这个句子出现语法错误.stupid可以当名词,但是many只能修饰可数名词,所以stupid要用复数形式.原句改为:There are just so many stupids.分析:这是一个存在有句型.There(形式...

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