
作者&投稿:亢咳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly oueigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to ...

■ le rouge (de la confusion\/de la honte) lui monta au front : his face went red ou flushed ou he blushed (with embarrassment\/with shame)白色 ■ blanc de colère\/de peur : white with anger\/fear ■ blanc comme neige : (as) white as snow | snow-white ■ blanc comme...

The following type modifier characters can appear in a conversion specification:h Indicates that the conversion will be one of diouxX or n and the next pointer is a pointer to a short int or unsigned short int (rather than int). hh As for h, but the next pointer is a pointer to a ...

谁帮我翻译下啊 30分
Uh,与您的坏自已 Say大声它(我得到了嘴)Say大声它(我得到了嘴)Look a'here,某些人民说我们得到了很多毒心 Some说它是洛塔神经 I说我们不会停止移动 我们得到的Til什么我们该当 We buked,并且我们scourned We是被对待的坏,被谈论 As正肯定象您出生 But正象一样肯定象它作为 Two注视做一个对...

小红莓ode to my family的歌词是什么?
Do you like me standing there? Do you notice?Do you know? Do you see me? Do you see me?Does anyone care?Unhappiness where's when I was young,And we didn't give a damn,'Cause we were raised,To see life as fun and take it if we can.My mother, my mother,She hold ...

● number is not even using the reverse method for a series of "delay circuit", a delay time is not accurate, and two automatic compiler will be redundant circuits can be simplified as a swap;● major global buffers must be dedicated pad-driven secondary buffer can be derived ...

After many hours of drinking and card playing, he stumbled up to the bar. Drunk as a skunk, he said, "Bartender, I'll give you one last chance. I'll bet you five hundred dollars that I can stand on this bar on one foot and piss into that whiskey bottle on that shelf...

6, as a mediocre caused by the killing of the remedy, our society should be a high degree of respect for the education of talented people.如果你要法语翻译,请看下面的句子:1. Couronnée de succès, il confortablement pendant quelques jours Wanshui la soirée.2, que je ne ...

because first of all it looks like one and second of all sometimes my dog thinks it’s one. And I tell you man so funny it comes up to start biting on that. I push him in the head a couple of times. It’s nuts ,man. It’s so cool man. I love to swim as well...

as a result again call "small Ying continent".三潭印月岛内游览路线一般由北向南进行。Three ponds print tour route inside the island in month general from north to south carry on.在岛北码头上岸,抬头即可见一座飞檐翘角的歇山式敞轩,由赵朴初题额“小瀛洲”,此处原为彭公祠,是清光绪...

花王18325157292问: If you have any question(question用加S吗),you can ask me. -
雨湖区雌莫回答: any adj. 任何的;所有的;丝毫pron. 任何;任何一个;若干adv. 稍微;少许作为形容词的any可以和单数、复数连用、还可以和不可数名词连用. 因此,该句中question用单复数都可以. In any case, we could halve the benefit. 在任何情况下我们...

花王18325157292问: You can ask me - ---- - more knowledge
雨湖区雌莫回答: for, 因为ask...for表示“请求”

花王18325157292问: You can ask me if you have any questions. any是任何还是一些的意思? -
雨湖区雌莫回答: 是任何 在给你一些常用的吧记住没问题 thank anyway do you have any questions

花王18325157292问: You can ask my some questions这个句子怎么变成否定句,和疑问句 及回答 -
雨湖区雌莫回答: You can not ask me any questions.Can you ask me any questions? Yes, I can./ No, I can't.

花王18325157292问: You+can+ask+him+to+buy+some+cakes是甚么意思
雨湖区雌莫回答: 翻译成:你可让他去买1些蛋糕.

花王18325157292问: You can ask my some questions这个句子怎么变成否定句,和疑问句 -
雨湖区雌莫回答: 楼上的两位没有发现句子的问题吗~应该是me吧~ Can you ask me some questions ? You cann't ask me any questions .

花王18325157292问: 'You ask me,I ask who?"是中国式英语吗 -
雨湖区雌莫回答: 是中国式英语. 因为英语的特殊疑问句中,疑问代词(如who)要置前.正确的说法可以是: You ask me, but who shalll I ask? 这是直译.如果意译,可以有很多译法, 可以为:1. Nobody can answer your questions.2. How can I know?等等.

花王18325157292问: books allows me to imagine you can ask me to go 是什么语法点?
雨湖区雌莫回答: books allows me to imagine you can ask me to go 主语 谓语 宾语 宾补 宾语从句 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某imagine that想象ask sb. to do sth.请某人做某事祝你学习进步!望采纳,谢谢!

花王18325157292问: You+can+call+me+Jon+此句有两个宾语?哪一个是直接宾语?哪一个是间接宾语呢?
雨湖区雌莫回答: 这个句子的成份分析是:主语(You)+情态动词(can)+谓语(call)+直接宾语(me)+间接宾语(Jon)

花王18325157292问: you can ask it 后面加什么 -
雨湖区雌莫回答: you can ask it 后面加介词或不加.倒如:1. If you feel that the flow is too much for you, you can ask it to slow down.如果你觉得这股急流对于你过于强大,你可以让它缓一缓.2. I do not understand the knowledge, you can ask it.我有不懂得的知识,就可以问它.

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