
作者&投稿:貊贞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Were they buying the food at that time?(作肯定回答)__Yes___,__they_ _were._It’s fine today. Why not go swimming? (同义句)It’s fine today.__How\/What__ ___about___ going swimming?If it doesn’t rain, they’ll go to the beach on foot. (同义句)If it doesn’...

有区别 发音不同 holiday,sunday[i]today[ei]

1、Heal the World:这首歌是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,也是一首关于儿童、地球、爱心的优秀作品,词曲都是由MJ一手包办的,豆瓣评分高达9.7。2、esterday Once More:中文名为《昨日重现》,这首脍炙人口的歌大家都十分熟悉,它是二十世纪七十年代欧美经典的英文歌曲之一,曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲,也被无...

英文歌曲推荐 超好听
《Heal the World》中体现出了MJ无与伦比的高超唱功,他的声音似乎来自另一空间,纯洁而又充满童真,触动着人们的心弦。该曲在欧洲大部分国家打入单曲榜的前10,在英国单曲榜上停留了15周,售出40万张获金唱片认证,被誉为世界上最动听的歌曲。2、esterday Once More 中文名为《昨日重现》,这首脍炙...

l go to school every day.(yeesterday )什么时态改成什么时态?_百度...
I go to school every. 我每天都去上学。这个句子的时态是一般现在时。改为yesterday的句子应为:I went to school yesterday.我昨天去上学了。这个句子的时态是一般过去时。表示已经发生的事,原来的动词go应用过去式went

Yesterday I went to school on foot.

my sister ()(be) at home esterday evening填入动词的正确形式_百度知 ...

We watched a wonderful play last night.musical play 音乐剧

I am shopping today改为一般疑问句
I am shopping today改为一般疑问句?:I went_hopping_esterday.---Did you go shopping yesterday?i am shopping today 改成否定句:加not。 I am not shopping today. 勤学好问 天天进步! 开心快乐每一天。

元旦(1月1日)---NEW YEAR'S DAY 成人节(日本,1月15日)---ADULTS DAY 情人节(2月14日)---ST.VALENTINE'S DAY 元宵节(阴历1月15日)---LANTERN FESTIVAL 狂欢节(巴西,二月中下旬)---CARNIVAL 桃花节(日本女孩节,3月3日)---PEACH FLOWER FESTIVAL (DOLL'S FESTIVAL)国际妇女节(3月8...

政放19567861959问: 请以“yesterday"为题,写一篇短文.不少于45个单词.怎样写呢? -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答:[答案] YesterdayI got up at half past six.I washed my face and washed my teeth at a quarter to seven.I ate my breakfast at seven o'clock.I went to school at half past seven.I had lessons at eight o'clock...

政放19567861959问: 圣诞节英语作文40个词 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: My christmas holiday Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the ...

政放19567861959问: 看图写英语作文关于圣诞节不少于40个单词 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答:[答案] 图在哪里?Christmas Day comes on December most western countries ,people celebrate the festival.the night before christmas day is called christmas eve.the festival is just like our chinese spring...

政放19567861959问: 英语过去式作文,小学六年级的单词,40个单词. -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: Yesterday we had a good time in our school.We did lots of things.In the morning,I made a thank-you card and gave it to my teacher.In the afterrnoon,we had a Chinese lesson.In Chinese lesson. I read a thank-you letter to my parents.In the evening,...

政放19567861959问: yesterday的英语作文怎么写啊 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: Yesterday was Sunday.I was very happy.I got up at 7:00 in the morning.Then I ate breakfast.I went to the park to flew a kite.In the afternoon,I went to swam.The water is cool.I like do it. I went home at 5;00 in the afternoon. How fun yesterday !

政放19567861959问: yesterday为题 一篇不少于45单词的短文 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答:[答案] I once had listened a song named yesterday once more ,but I don't want it .Yesterday I experienced a horrific thing .I saw a little girl being bumped by a litter car !I just don't wanna anyone being hurt !

政放19567861959问: 写一篇关于圣诞节的作文.(不少于40个单词) 谢谢 ! 望快点,急急急 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: Although Christmas is a Western holiday, but now there are many Chinese people love it, perhaps because in the day we can get many gifts, or perhaps because it isInteresting, but I love it, and more than that, but also because we are teachers and ...

政放19567861959问: 关于《你的生日》40字英语作文 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: 关于《你的生日》40字英语作文 Yesterday was my birthday. I am now one year older than two days ago. I have a few friends come to my birthday party. My mother made me a very nice birthday cake. Everyone gave me a present. And they sang me ...

政放19567861959问: 以yesterday为题目的英语作文 -
木垒哈萨克自治县丹参回答: Yesterday My yesterday is quite well.. On the morning,my mother asked"Hurry up,my dear,or you will be late on your class."So I got up quickly. Then the class was over,I played with my good friends.For example,we played games,played the piano,...

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