
作者&投稿:左勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

anxious[5ANkFEs] adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的any[5enI] adj.(用于疑问句,否定句等)什么;任何的 pron.(无论)哪些;(无论)哪一个 adv.略微,一点...away[E5weI] adv.离开;远离baby[5beIbI] n.[C]婴儿,幼畜,幼鸟 adj.婴儿的,微型的back[bAk] n.[C]背部,后面 adv.向后,回(原处) adj.后面的 ...

I like play football rather than { }volleyball A;play B:playing_百...
选择A rather than 可作连词词组使用,连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中间进行选择,意为“是 A 而不是 B ”、“要 A 不要 B ”、“宁愿 A 而不愿 B ”等,后面可以接名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词和动词不定式等。1.名词。例如:He is a writer rather than a teacher.与其说他是教师,...

求《最后一片常春藤叶》的读后感 要英文写的读后感
Young artist johnsy finally ivy leaves fall amid passed away, she after completely lost the live belief, this big mistake, but the kind old painter behrman caught point, use energy, drew an expectation masterpiece, reoccupy life aroused johnsy live faith to make johnsy strong to ...

That’s why you go away, I know You were never satisfied No matter how I tried Now you wanna say ‘goodbye’ to me Love is one big illusion I should try to forget But There’s something left in my head I won’t forget the way your kiss is The feeling so strong We'...

()4。你认为这是主要思想的secondpar读?许多人的美国总统有辑了(服从)在军队在他们上任。B .只有那些不在学校努力工作但weregood在战斗可以总统。C .艾森豪威尔总统在开始第二世界水河 5。根据这篇文章,他没有去上学?A .林肯和华盛顿B神父anklin罗斯福taftd。尤利西斯蚂蚁 ...

B. Theank you. C. You're welcome. ( ) 4. A. Yes,they are the same. B. No, they are different. C. They are the same. ( ) 5. ...far away.They tie a letter to the dove's leg. Then the dove can take the letter home.How interesting!Do you like doves now? 1. What do...

***Bombs Away***纵模型飞机炸毁逃跑的汽车和海面的船(黄点标志) 这种飞机不好*纵,但炸弹是无限的,找到目标放就是了(还有两架备用)报酬:2000 ***Dirty Lickin's***在Haitians全死之前,杀死所有的Cubans。 先到对面从楼梯到上到屋顶,用狙击步枪快速杀死敌人,当敌人增援抵达时,采用机枪或火箭筒射杀。 报酬:400...

英国 Declan ---Tell me why 英国 The choirboy---Tears in heaven 克罗地亚 Dino Jelusic---Angel eyes .You are my one and only 英国 Libera---Fay away 瑞士 Yvann---Le Ciel Au Fond Du Coeur 英国 Tom Morley ---My song for the world 西班牙 sergio ---desde el cielo 欧洲的 ...

The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 9. 装运期限(Time of Shipment): 10. ...


楚佩17895378438问: 美国人别名叫yank/yankee的来历或是历史,中文英文都可以,最好是英语.谢谢 -
织金县派维回答: http://baike.baidu.com/view/167246.html?tp=4_01

楚佩17895378438问: 微信名away什么意思? -
织金县派维回答: away是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和副词,可以翻译为离开、远离,等等.

楚佩17895378438问: away 的用法 -
织金县派维回答: away adv.离开;远离;在远处;一直;朝另一个方向;消失 adj.不在的;遥远的;[棒]出局的;客场的 例句用法 1.He lives 3 miles away from here.他住在距离这里三英里的地方.2.I hope to get away early in the morning.我希望一早就动身离开....

楚佩17895378438问: be 动词 加副词的结构 -
织金县派维回答:[答案] 如果说be +副词的结构,可能是在针对be 动词构成的短语动词提问. 由be+副词构成的短语动词主有(后边加tr表示及物,intr表示不及物): be against (tr) ,=be opposed to ,意义:反对,常见用法 be against doing ... be away (intr) = 不在家或此处至...

楚佩17895378438问: away的用法 -
织金县派维回答: away adv.(副词)1.From a particular thing or place:远离:远离某件特指的事情或地点:ran away from the lion; sent the children away to boarding school.远离狮子身边;送孩子去寄宿学校就读2.At or to a distance in space or time:在或到空间...

楚佩17895378438问: throw away和throw out的区别 -
织金县派维回答: throw away和throw out的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、throw away:扔掉,丢掉. 2、throw out:赶走,开除,将…除名. 二、用法不同 1、throw away:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”.用在动...

楚佩17895378438问: 动词+副词短语有哪些
织金县派维回答: get up, come on, stand up, sit down, come down, come out,turn on, turn off, wake up, take off, put on, take away, put away,look after,look at,有很多,就先写这些常见的.

楚佩17895378438问: 找出10个与away构成的短语 -
织金县派维回答: put away 收好,放好.put your money away. give away 赠送 泄露(秘密)I gave all my money away to the charity. take away 拿走I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday get away 逃走 逃脱 he is lucky enough to get away from ...

楚佩17895378438问: yankdood是什么意思? -
织金县派维回答: 是指Yankee Doodle 就是指早起美国的那些年轻人.也是美国康州的州歌,

楚佩17895378438问: 英语语法away的一个的特殊用法 -
织金县派维回答:[答案] away 通常作为 adv.(副词)意义:向(在)远处;离开 动词+away, 如 1.实义动词后: walk away 走开 pushed him away 将他推开 2.be动词后: when he was ten or twelve feet away he stopped. 他走至10到12英尺远处停下了. )

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