
作者&投稿:车俭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I will be brief,for my short date of breathIs not so long as is a tedioustale.Romeo,there dead,was husband to that Juliet;And she,there dead,that Romeo's faithful wife:I married them;and their stol'nmarriage-dayWas Tybalt's dooms-day,whose untimelydeathBanish'd the new-made bridegroom...

骑融13919159876问: 请用英语介绍一件你最喜欢的物品(学习用品或家用电器).包括物品的名称,产地,用途等. -
枣庄市中性回答: my favourite pen "Hero" maybe is the best pen in the world! It is made in USA and it was given to me as a gift from my uncle. It helps me write everything i like to put down on paper. when i do my homework, or keep my diary or write a letter to my ...

骑融13919159876问: 按要求写一篇英语小短文22:30需要Read the ad.then write a letter to apply for the jib.The school newspaper needs a writer.To get the job,please answer these ... -
枣庄市中性回答:[答案] ——been watching English movies for 3 years.I have been watching sports since about 7 years ago and I'm really a big sport fan.I have been studying English for 2years but I just started writing in En...

骑融13919159876问: 介绍一种物品作文 急急急急急急急急!!!! -
枣庄市中性回答: My desk My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it wa...

骑融13919159876问: 星辰小学英语写作培训
枣庄市中性回答: 小学英语写作训练之我见基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一就是:使学生掌握一定的... and that again and again till you know the passage by heart and write it as if it were ...

骑融13919159876问: 用英语给外教建议关于如何上好写作课如题``一篇小短文```建议如何上英语写作课```是给外教的哦``要英文的``十分感谢 -
枣庄市中性回答:[答案] Some suggestions of how to set up a writing tutorial It's a good idea to know how the students going with their writings by telling them to write some opinions about the writing class.I hope I am not doing too bad in this one. First I would like to say is that ...

骑融13919159876问: 用Python写过哪些脑洞大开的小工具 -
枣庄市中性回答: #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # --*-- encoding: utf-8 --*--# enable print(,end='') #from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys import os import re import bs4 import urlparse import requestsdef download(url, out, title):#out = url.split('/'...

骑融13919159876问: 以"my parents"为题,写篇初一的英语小作文,要求:语言简短能在40秒以下,30秒以上用普通速度读完. -
枣庄市中性回答:[答案] I is a happy girl .My family is very happy! I love my parents! My father is a wark . He like bright tea. play football and baskeball .... I will work harder and I hope one day I can be a good doctor like my mother. 3. For a long time I have decided to write ...

骑融13919159876问: 人教版小学英语三年级、四年级、五年级、六年级上下册有哪些四会单词、四会句子 -
枣庄市中性回答: 6B词组(1)Unit 11. on Sunday morning 在星期天早晨 2. go for a walk 去散步3. take a walk 散步 4.Do you\they look the same ?你们\他们看起来一样吗?5. be glad to see them 很高兴见到他们 6. under a big tree 在一棵大树下 7. have a chat 聊...

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