
作者&投稿:蒯蒲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

帮我翻译一下这段英语 谢了 跪求!!!
我来帮你翻译,纯人工翻译哦:事实上:每255个女人中就有一人并且每十二个男人中就有一人有某种形式的色彩视觉缺陷。采取 基于 X-Rite 的官方FM100色相试验,进行在线颜色的挑战。基于你的个人信息,下面就是你的分数如何跟其他与你具有相似的人口统计资料的人进行比较。你的成绩:12 你的性别:男 年龄...

rite ritual请问这两个单词有什么深层含义的区别
Ritual 是平时的小仪式,像一些生活中稍微正式的小习惯啊什么的,比如每节英语课上老师都要先听写然后再讲课之类的这种习惯性仪式,不太正式。

泰山的英语介绍:Mount Tai, one of the five famous mountains in China, is located in the central part of Shandong Province, between Tai'an, Jinan and Zibo, with a total area of 242,000 hectares.The main peak, Yuhuangding, is 1545 meters above sea level and has a magnificent...

play basketball is one of my farorite outdoor activities的英语作文...

tomstos my are vegetables favoutrite 连词成句?
Tomatoes are my favorite vegetables.西红柿是我最喜欢的蔬菜。

A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said: "It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'---try to write Wright aright!"段子经典英语笑话 The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly...

8.说出她的名字 say out her name 9.花费几个月 spend several months 10.带领某人参观某地 take sb to a place 11.把这本书带回来 bring back this book 12.发射宇宙飞船到火星 send spaceship to the Mars.13.在地球上 on earth 14.太阳系之外 exterior of Solaris 15.更喜欢这部电影 like...

3氦气球 helium balloon 4礼仪小姐 miss etiquette 5音响 sound (system)6乐队 band 7气球放飞 letting-go of the balloons 8花轿 sedan 9全套用品 full equipment 10鲜花路引 fresh flowers lead the way 11心型烛台 heart shaped candleholder 12龙凤喜字 wishing words with dragon and phoenix 13...

105=Atlanta 212=NYC 213=LBC=Long Beach City 313=Detroit 40 cal=calico=一种枪 44=fo' fo'=一种枪 45=fo' fifth=一种枪 90 Ruger=P 90=一种枪 9=Nine=Techs=Tech Nine=一种枪 5=500=five double O=Benz 500 6=600=six double O=Benz 600 6 feet deep=坟墓 64=six fo'=64年...

求两篇英语作文。一是怎样珍惜时间,二是怎样上课注意听讲。大约100个单 ...
while doing a lot of homework became a part of my life even many difficult outclass homework I really felt about the time passe by,I want to catch it but it just gone.So I am thinking about how to save the time. First,finish the most part of the homewrk in school ....

妫咱15659857295问: 又一个很菜的问题,write down和write out在用法上的区别. -
呼图壁县施图回答: write out:写出,写完.例如:We had to write out a list of ten jobs we'd like to do.我们得列出10种我们想做的工作. write down:写下,记下的意思.例如:When you write something down, you record it on a piece of paper using a pen or pencil.在记东西时,你把它用钢笔或铅笔记在一张纸上.希望对你有帮助.

妫咱15659857295问: 用write out 造句英语 -
呼图壁县施图回答: 1. He had painfully written out a first draft .他煞2113费苦心地写了初稿.52612. Computers can even write out prescriptions .计算机甚至会开处方.41023. Why don't you write out a speech and get it by heart ?你为什么1653不写份讲稿,然后把它...

妫咱15659857295问: 急急!write a report on...(汉翻英) -
呼图壁县施图回答: write a report on... 写一个关于..的报告 took plane ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,有疑问可追问,希望能及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

妫咱15659857295问: C语言编程.1)从键盘上输入6个整数放入数组a[6]中(2)并将各元素和平均值输出到一文本文件中保存 -
呼图壁县施图回答: #include #include#include#include using namespace std...

妫咱15659857295问: Write a report about sth是什么意思 -
呼图壁县施图回答: Write a report about sth 写一篇关于某事的报告 Write a report v.写报告 例句 1.I do not see how you can slip out of write a report about that. 我看你躲不了要写一份有关这事的报告. 2.Can I remind you to write a report? 我可以提醒你写一份报告吗?

妫咱15659857295问: 英语被动语态 -
呼图壁县施图回答:[答案] 被动语态 英语中时态很多,但语态不多,只有两种,即:主动语态和被动语态.今天我们着重讲被动语态. 1. 定义:被动语态... 这类动词有:know, say, believe, find, think, report等 ③ 是所有的主动句都可以变换成被动句,更不是所有的被动句都可以自...

妫咱15659857295问: java文件复制(bufferedreader读取一个文件内容,用bufferedwriter 写入到另一个文件) -
呼图壁县施图回答: BufferedWriter,在windows下newLine会写入\r\n两个字符作为换行符.如果只想\n一个,就手工写入一个换行符 bw.writer("\n"); 如果断行很多,就要检查循环中是否得当多写了东西.

妫咱15659857295问: 编写程序求出下式中n的最大值 2*2+4*4+6*6+''''''''''+n*n<1500
呼图壁县施图回答: var a,s:integer; begin a:=0;s:=0; repeata:=a+2;s:=s+a*a; until s&gt;=1500; writeln(a-2); readln; end.var a,s:integer; begin s:=0;a:=0; while s&lt;1500 do begin a:=a+2;s:=a*a+s; end; write(a-2); end.当循环次数不确定时,可以用While语句或Repeat语句来做.

妫咱15659857295问: Write a report your good and bad habits Say how o -
呼图壁县施图回答: Write a report your good and bad habits Say how often you do things Use the report in 3a as an example 写报告你的好的和坏的习惯说你做事情用多长时间报告在3为例

妫咱15659857295问: 英语中语态是什么?如何才能掌握? -
呼图壁县施图回答:[答案] 动词的语态 语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态. 主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态. 1)若宾... consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, suppose, think, understand It is said that… 据说 It is reported that… 据报道 ...

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