
作者&投稿:单鲁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谢谢 各位大虾 帮忙翻译下
1. Rite Karte anonym Verbraucher-Karte, den Karteninhaber Kreditkarte Ausgaben im Hotel, um die Menge des Konsums kompensiert die Menge an Speicher-Wertkarte. 2. Rite Karte verloren werden wahrscheinlich von anderen verwendet werden, melden Sie den Verlust für das Hotel, eine neue Karte. (Unser...

rite ritual请问这两个单词有什么深层含义的区别
Ritual 是平时的小仪式,像一些生活中稍微正式的小习惯啊什么的,比如每节英语课上老师都要先听写然后再讲课之类的这种习惯性仪式,不太正式。

It is not right to write Wright as "rite"...什么意思?十万火急...
把Wright 写成rite是不对的。这里是英语同音词的陷阱 right 形容词 ,正确的 Wright n.建造者,制造者; 工人;rite n. 仪式,典礼,礼仪; 习惯,惯例; [宗] 礼拜式;这三个词语是同音的

哪位知道rite of passage
rite of passage意思是成人仪式。以下是成人仪式的相关介绍:成人仪式,又称为“成丁礼”、“成人礼”、“成年礼”等,是过渡仪式的一种,指不同文化中标志从童年到青春期或成人阶段过渡的全部礼仪、仪式及实践活动。该仪式分为“分隔”、“过渡”、“聚合”三个阶段,包括同孩童时代的分离、孩童时代...

x–rite color assistant 意思是屏幕校色软件。assistant 核心词汇 英 [ə'sɪstənt]     美 [ə'sɪstənt]n. 助手,助理,助教;【化】(用于染色的)助剂 adj. 副的;辅助的 The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his ...

哪位知道rite of passage
rite of passage 英[raɪt ɔv ˈpæsidʒ] 美[raɪt ʌv ˈpæsɪdʒ]n. 通过仪式;[网络] 过渡仪式;[例句]As a result, the author believes that the behavior to city to young peasant s evolves into a symbol...

x-rite color assistant是什么?
x-rite color assistant意为爱色丽公司颜色助理。重点词汇解释:1、color n. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色 vt. 粉饰;给某物涂颜色;歪曲 vi. 变色;获得颜色 双语例句:Purple is her favorite color.紫色是她最爱的颜色。2、assistant n. 助手,助理,助教 adj. 辅助的,助理的;有帮助的 双语例句:...

哪位知道rite of passage
21世纪大英汉词典》 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 rite of passage (also rite de passage) 1. N a ceremony performed in some cultures at times when an individual changes his status, as at puberty and marriage 过渡礼; 如成人礼和婚礼 rite of passages就是传说中的汉语里的【人生大事】吧。

Because the geography environment is different from history background, the western business in inside rite has got many differences, contemporary rite also be zhe basth of sosal ?In competing the vigorous and international business satge nowadays, such as can be well-trained but ...

Which Greek philosophy is sometimes known as the stagyrite?

无儿17170187530问: 美国留学文书写作SP的内容有哪些?
崇州市维宁回答: 美国留学文书写作SP的内容SP需要包含以下四部分内容: Reasons for choosing the intended field of study(对专业的学习兴趣和渴望) Your preparation for higher study (学习经历和项目实践) Reasons for selecting our program (选校原因) Short-term and long-term career objective (长短期目标和职业规划)

无儿17170187530问: 如何从C++代码直接访问android framework层的WifiService -
崇州市维宁回答: 说到底,Java层的service就是就C++层的binder的封装,所以从原理上来讲通过C++代码直接访问android framework层的service是完全可能的,这篇文章以访问WifiService为例,讲解如何去实现这个功能.费话少说,直接上代码:WifiTest.cpp[...

无儿17170187530问: 我要用asp调用WebService (被调用的是一个短信接口下面给详细说明)希望能按照这个要求给我写个例子 谢谢 -
崇州市维宁回答: ASP 调用例子<%'常用函数'输入url目标网页地址,返回值getHTTPPage是目标网页的html代码function g...

无儿17170187530问: 西南大学楠园607几人住一宿舍,有没有独立卫生间 -
崇州市维宁回答: 4-5人间,具体我也不知道.独立卫生间有的,空调也有,洗衣机(公用)也有,热水机(公用)也有,热水器不一定有、没有的话会有公共浴室.宿舍2012年开始断断续续在换...

无儿17170187530问: 1.For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:On a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following the ... -
崇州市维宁回答:[答案] As we know, dormitory life is part of the college life.It's important for our study and rest.Sometimes,in our dormitory maybe have some controversial, owe to other things and personal hobby.Ha...

无儿17170187530问: 寝室合同上“delete as appropriate”到底是什么意思 -
崇州市维宁回答: 你好很高兴为你解答:答案是:请删去不适用 希望对你有帮助

无儿17170187530问: 请帮我给下面C程序添加注释,看不懂 -
崇州市维宁回答: #include "ds18b20.h"#include "1602.h"#include "Key.h"uchar temp;uchar a,b;uchar x;uchar baojing_flag,xianzai_flag;uchar const table[]={"temperature-----"};uchar const table1[]={"baojingT-------"};uchar i;uchar fu_flag;void main()//这...

无儿17170187530问: Directions:For this part,you are required to write a short essay entitled How to Create a Harmonious Dormitory Life.You should write at least 120 words following ... -
崇州市维宁回答:[答案] On a Harmonious Dormitory Life Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life.But sometimes the harmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another. As is known to all,a harmonious dormitory life is important to college students and ...

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