
作者&投稿:蛮昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如:I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)\/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的希望你愉快地呆在这儿) 一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常 发生。① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning...

ould you ?a hamburger\\\/ OK,thank you中间是什么
do you want a hamburger?ok. thank you.

Ross:How should I know? lt's just kind of cold in the middIe.It just doesn't taste right.Do you want to try it?罗斯:我怎么知道?就是中间冷冷的,吃起来不对劲。你要尝尝吗?Waiter:Well,let me get that out of your way.Atould you like to order something else from the ...

These shlould get you started with your projest.此句中的get you...
起步 或者是着手 这句就是说 这就可以让你从这个工程开始起步了

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...
My god...gay...I suggest you that you should find a same person that same with you...

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...
you are so boring!

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...
well, first it's not necessary for you to worry 'cos according to a scientific research , sexual preferrence is fixed the moment you arrive in this world and 2 folds of all are homogeneous~ so it's abvious that there are so many of us who find attraction and love on ...

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...
...首先,是HELP不是HLEP 然后这不是解决同性恋问题的版面。。。麻烦你发到心理咨询那去。。。

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...
学好英文是你应该做的.用英文说话也不是你的错.你只有15岁.却用英文在知道留问题.本以为你是一个外国孩子可以理解.可惜的是.你第一个英文就打错了.是help.不是hlep..所以做人要低调..中国人嘛. 以后没事不要在这说英语.OK..?

保话15546677032问: 人教版 初一上学期英语语法 如Would you like to do sth ..... like doing sth -
平房区西博回答: Would you like to do sth是做肯定回答时用的,用询问的句式表达提议,询问对方在特定的情况下是不是愿意做什么,带有邀请、请客的意味.do you like doing sth 询问的是一个人一般性的爱好,所以如果你是主人,想请客人喝点什么,你得这样说:展开全部 Would you like to have ........... Would you like to have ............

保话15546677032问: would you like+动词?的应答语是什么? -
平房区西博回答: Would you like后动词要用不定式(to do)形式肯定回答:Yes, I'd like to.(to 不可以省略)否定回答:I'd like to,but……

保话15546677032问: like to do和would like to do的区别是什么?请举例! -
平房区西博回答: like to do是喜欢做某事.would like to do是想要做某事.并非省略,而是中文含义不同. l like to read books.我喜欢读书. i would like to read books.我想要读书.

保话15546677032问: would like to的用法以及与want的区别 -
平房区西博回答:[答案] “ would like ”意为“想要”,其语气比用 like 婉转些.具体用法如下:1.后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西.例如:I'd like two sweaters for my daughters.(我想给我的女儿们买两件毛衣.) Would you like ...

保话15546677032问: 关于would like的回答would you like to do和would you like me to do的回答分别是什么.哪一个是用yes,please哪一个用yes,l^d love to -
平房区西博回答:[答案] would you like to do 你想做……? Would you like to go to see a film with me? Yes,I'd love to. would you like me to do 你想让我做…… Would you like me to help you with your English? Yes,please.加个Thank you更好.

保话15546677032问: would you like to等于什么 -
平房区西博回答: do you like

保话15546677032问: would you like to be famous -
平房区西博回答: would like+名词或代词时,表示的是“具体要”某样东西 would like+动词不定式(to do sth.)时,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请,请求或建议.至于would you like to和would you like的区别,则是前者to后面跟动词,即would like+动词不定式.would you like就是would like+名词.

保话15546677032问: Would you like...有什么句型,怎么使用,什么意思? -
平房区西博回答: "Would you like..?/" 句式大家已经接触很久了,今天,我们就来深入的了解一下它:句中的like后面常接名词、代词和动词不定式,表示/"你想要....吗?/",与/"Do you want...?/" 意思相近,但前者语气比后者委婉,用来礼貌地提出请求、...

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