
作者&投稿:齐空 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ould like 中的some要改为 any 吗? My aunt would like some chicken...
准确的说:1.some 用在肯定句中;期望得到肯定回答的疑问句中(would like属于这一类,凡是请求类的句子也属于这一类);条件句中(即具有肯定意味而不是询问信息时)2.any:问话人对回答的期待没有倾向性(指纯粹信息询问)或倾向于否定回答时;条件句中(具有询问信息意味)给你几个例子:Would you ...

英文便条格式及范文如下:一、格式:便条通常由四部分组成——日期、称谓、正文和署名。1、日期:位置在便条的右上角。2、称谓:顶格写,后面用逗号。3、正文:便条的主要组成部分,一般安排一段或两段。4、署名:在正文右下角,靠右写。二、范文:Dear Alice:I wonder if you eould lend me your...

5、表示客气或委婉的请求或建议:Would you mind moving your car a bit?(不知能否麻烦您把车开远一点?)would的发音: \/wʊd\/。其中,“w”读作 \/w\/,这个音与“u”合并发音,读作 \/w\/;“ould”读作 \/ʊd\/,其中,“ou”读作 \/ʊ\/,"ld"发一个轻微的\/d\/音。

Hlep!Hlep``What shlould I do? I am a gay. I want to find a person...

Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like y...
第一句:先行词是 a friend ;引导词是关系代词 whom ;第二句:先行词是 evening ;引导词是关系副词 when;第三句:先行词是 a time ;引导词是关系副词 when .

i want to say to parent英文作文100字
ould like to say thank you to my mom. 我想对我妈妈说谢谢 My mom loves me very much and cares for everything for me. 我的妈妈非常爱我关心我的一切。She gets up very early every morning and makes dinner for me, and she also washes dirty clothes for me.她每天早上很早起床给...

回答:你好 7 请你带我参观一下你们的学校好吗(show...arould) Would you please show us around your school? 8他们拆掉了一些旧桥,又造了一座新的(pull down) They pulled down some old bridges and made some new ones. 9 他们来不及没关系(it doesnt matter) It doesn't matter ...

What is she like ?这句话是什么意思,like在句中是什么用法?
What is she like ?这句话的意思是:她是什么样的人?What does she like ?的意思是:她喜欢什么?What does she look like ?的意思是:她长什么样?具体解释如下:What is she like?一、读音:英 [wɒt ɪz ʃi laɪk] 美 [wɑːt ɪz ʃ...

如:I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)\/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的希望你愉快地呆在这儿) 一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常 发生。① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning...

w ould you mdrry me?是什么意思

笪詹17646158729问: would you like .答句应该是什么? -
建昌县欣美回答:[答案] Yes,I'd love/like to. No,thanks.

笪詹17646158729问: would you like ...?答句应该是什么? 谢谢 -
建昌县欣美回答: Yes,I'd love/like to......No,thanks.

笪詹17646158729问: 造句:would you like...一问一答 造3句 -
建昌县欣美回答:[答案] 1.—would you like a cup of tea? —Thank you. 2.—would you like some bread? —No,thanks. 3.—would you like to go cycling with me? —Yes,I'd like to.

笪詹17646158729问: Would you like``````?请问它的答句是神马?肯定的和否定的. -
建昌县欣美回答:[答案] Yes, please. No, thanks.

笪詹17646158729问: 用would you like 造句并回答 -
建昌县欣美回答: would you like some milk?yes

笪詹17646158729问: would you like的答语 -
建昌县欣美回答: Example: Q: Would you like some tea? A1: Yes, please. A2: No, thanks.

笪詹17646158729问: would you like+动词?的应答语是什么? -
建昌县欣美回答: Would you like后动词要用不定式(to do)形式肯定回答:Yes, I'd like to.(to 不可以省略)否定回答:I'd like to,but……

笪詹17646158729问: 求"would"在提问句中的用法
建昌县欣美回答: Would you like...?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是否“想要……”或委婉地提出请求、建议或者陈述个人的想法. 1. 后接名词或代词. Would you like some bread...

笪詹17646158729问: 造句:would you like...?一问一答 造3句 -
建昌县欣美回答: 1. —would you like a cup of tea? —Thank you.2. —would you like some bread? —No, thanks.3. —would you like to go cycling with me? —Yes, I'd like to.

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