
作者&投稿:荣戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more.世上最难的事莫过于能取千金却只索半厘。

...of the most beautiful buildings in the world and th
小题1:根据The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture (建筑). 描述,可知这个地方现在成为了一处名胜古迹,故选D。

高呼一声Y_golonac即可召唤伊戈罗纳克 当北落师门出现时吟诵三遍 Ph'nglui mgfw'nafh Cthugha Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'l thagn! Ia! Cthugha! 即可召唤克图格亚 在额间用手指依次摆出正三角形菱形和倒正三角形并呼喊 Hear me! King of Infinite Space! Planetmover! The Foundation of Fastnes...


求芬兰旋律黑团Alghazanth 2008年专辑Wreath Of Thevetat歌词!!最好...
without swaying a hammer or piling any stoneswhere once their towers stood we raise our ownAt the mass grave of religions man's triumphant age beginsthe heartblood of these tyrants will wash us clean of sinwe'll stand among the victors through this colossal warthe sight of moving mountains ...

The 44th American President
Martin Luther King当年的预言一定程度上实现了,看- 在美国这方热土上只要有本事,凡事- 还是有机会成功的。 由于是上班时间,我没有观看现场演- 。同实验室的人也都个忙个的,似乎- 怎么关注似的,只有个本科生Halli中- 下课到实验室后,嚷嚷着Obama就职演- 的事,并试图通过CNN的现场报道观看- ,不过由于电脑没...


寿万13095826234问: work through是什么意思? -
勃利县美洛回答: vt. 干完 解决 克服 依靠etc 例如 They will need time to work through their problems. 他们需要时间来解决他们之间的问题. We must work through the difficulties until we find an answer. 我们必须克服种种困难找到解决办法. 这个意思是要看语境的 祝学习进步

寿万13095826234问: Working through a dream i see you.什么意思? -
勃利县美洛回答:[答案] 是walking through a dream i see you吧 在梦中穿行,我见到了你.阿凡达的主题曲 I see you

寿万13095826234问: he went on working through the nightthrough可以用during或within或until吗? -
勃利县美洛回答:[答案] 不可以.因为through表示自始至终工作了整整一夜;而during是“在...期间”、within是“在.之内”、until是“直到...”,后三个都无法表达出工作了整整一夜的意思.

寿万13095826234问: he went on working through the night -
勃利县美洛回答: 不可以.因为through表示自始至终工作了整整一夜;而during是“在...期间”、within是“在....之内”、until是“直到...”,后三个都无法表达出工作了整整一夜的意思.

寿万13095826234问: are you working your way through school? -
勃利县美洛回答: 回答如下 Work one's way through sth是一个固定搭配,表示的意思有两个: To stay engaged in a task continuously长期为某一任务而努力,从头到尾浏览 或 To work in order to pay for some long-term educational program.勤工俭学 这里专应该问的是是否是一直在勤工俭学.属

寿万13095826234问: 高手帮忙翻译一个句子 -
勃利县美洛回答: 多数人在夜晚的前半段会(EARLY)做一些不好的梦,越到醒前做的梦会越好,这也许说明他们(多数人)在过滤(WORKING THROUGH)白天积压下来的不好的情绪.WORKING THROUGH是一个词组,知道意思就不别扭了. :) EARLY就是早期,前期,前段...

寿万13095826234问: 用英语,"通过我的努力",和"通过这件事”该怎么说? -
勃利县美洛回答: Through my efforts Through this thing/event

寿万13095826234问: Let's go home, working it through. - --这句有问题吗? -
勃利县美洛回答: 没问题.working it through 作go home的伴随状语

寿万13095826234问: 英语翻译we are working through negative feelings generated during the daywork through 我觉得应该是我们工作在白天产生的不良情绪中但是答案吧work ... -
勃利县美洛回答:[答案] 我的第一反应也是克服,work in negative feelings...就是你说的 “工作在……” 一般,through 都有成功通过,完成的含义在里面,那在work through这个词里就有顺利通过地工作的意思了,也就是意译为克服了 比如:go through 经历,检查,浏览,...

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