
作者&投稿:晁饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

one place, go far away to net work antenna of any a corner, any one, we are an integral part of the network, al so enjoy the network an indispensable. T hrough Internet we can communicate wi th anyone in the world, also can underst and the latest information of other cf...

1,months 2,busy 3,cooks 4,loves 5,working 6,learning 7,cut 8,lives 9,clothes 10,happy Ye Qing was born in a poor family.叶青生在贫苦家庭。 His father died when he was seven m__1__old.父亲在他7个月的时候就去世了。 His mother is a farmer , and she is a great ...

Trevor,you can take your passport to handle with your work permit tomorrow.

[3] Stach E,Mackowsky M-Th,Teichmüller M,et al. 斯塔赫煤岩学教程 . 杨起,李宝芳,黄家福,等译 . 北京: 煤炭工业出版社,1990. 29 ~66 [4] Cook A C,Struckmeyer H. The role of coal as a source rock for oil. In: Glenie R C,ed. Second south-eastern Australiaoil exploration sympo...

Minor and Trace Elements in Chinese Coals
Of the 89 Chinese coal samples,38 samples were collected from Upper Permian in South China,28 from Permo-Carboniferous in North China,and 23 from Mesozoic or Cenozoic. The Chinese coals on average contain La,Ce,Nd, Sm,Tb,Yb,Lu,As,Co,Cr,Cs ,Hf,K,Na,Ni,Ta,Th and U more than,Eu,...

Early in 2000 he went abroad to studay.注意: 要掌握 in order to 和 so as to 用法。结果状语:A few years later he came home to find that his hometown had already changed.注意:要掌握 to, 和 ...enough to 的用法。2. 动名词:具有名词性,可以用作主语...

and has the advantages of low cost, w ide coverage of the netw ork and stable perform ance1...XU Tao-yua n,H U Xia(Yangtz e Univ er sity,J ingz hou434023)Abstract:After three-...and mo re outer convex w hile the concrete streng th and the ratio of high to w idth o ...

64. without th inking twice 没有多想 65. get off 下车 66. have a heart problem 有心脏病 67. to one’ s surprise使... 某人惊讶***出乎某人意料***的 68. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于;幸亏 69. in time 及时 70. save a life 挽救生命 71. get into trouble 造成***陷入***麻烦...

1. go along 沿着……走 2. on the side of the road 在马路边 3. shout for help 大声呼救 4. without th inking twice 没有多想 5. get off 下车 6. have a heart problem 有心脏病 7. to one’ s surprise 使... [京讶的 8. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于 9. in time 及时 10...

半兽人的Orcs(Origin of Orcs)的起源
在这里Andreth说的是从众神俘虏Melkor到Noldor返回中洲之间的那段时间。这段时期人类在群山之东生活,还没有穿越Ered Luin (蓝色山脉)到达Beleriand。这就可以解释为什么Eressea的精灵会认为Orcs是来自精灵的,因为当时的精灵对人类的存在还一无所知。Finrod向Andreth问起人类在黑暗时期的作为,以及他们和Iluvatar的争执(...

扶昭18939819342问: work in the field是什么意思 -
银海区美狄回答: work in the field的中文翻译work in the field现场工作双语例句1Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation.哈伯德因在戒毒康复领域所做的工作而为人所熟知.2Those events assisted in further advancing work in the field of social policy and development.这些活动有助于进一步推动社会政策和发展方面的工作.

扶昭18939819342问: jake and his wife work in the fields. fields为什么要加s -
银海区美狄回答: 两人在同个field工作,就是单数 两人各自在不同field工作,复数

扶昭18939819342问: they+didn't+start+to+work+in+the+field+until+the+r
银海区美狄回答: They didnt start to work in the field until the rain stopped.填写:stopped

扶昭18939819342问: When I passed there,I saw some farmers - ---(work) in the field -
银海区美狄回答: 填working see sb. do sth.和see sb. doing sth.的区别,前者表示看到某人“在”做某事,后者表示看到某人“正在”做某事.整个句子的意思是:当我路过那里的时候,我看到一些农民正在田里劳作.凭着对句子意思的理解,可以完成这道题

扶昭18939819342问: the rich man see a farmer work in the fields怎么画分句 -
银海区美狄回答: 你好,the rich man是主语,see是动词,a farmer是宾语.work是宾语补足语, in' the fields是地点状语.望采纳!

扶昭18939819342问: when i -- (see)him,he--(work)in the field -
银海区美狄回答: when i saw__(see)him,he__worked(work)in the field

扶昭18939819342问: The farmers are working ( )the tomato field.为 -
银海区美狄回答: work in the field 意思是在田地里劳作.field 前的介词需要用in

扶昭18939819342问: work at,work on,work in的区别及用法 -
银海区美狄回答: 在英语中, work at意为:在…工作;从事于…,致力于…. work on意为:从事于…;继续工作. work in意为:在…工作;插进;引进. 例句: I want to work at home on a Tuesday. We work on improving visual acuity. He's going to work in the ...

扶昭18939819342问: When I passed there,I saw some farmers - ___(work) in the field -
银海区美狄回答:[答案] 填working see sth.和see sb.doing sth.的区别,前者表示看到某人“在”做某事,后者表示看到某人“正在”做某事.整个句子的意思是:当我路过那里的时候,我看到一些农民正在田里劳作.凭着对句子意思的理解,可以完成这道题

扶昭18939819342问: 用in the fields造句 -
银海区美狄回答: We often work in the field outside 我们经常在外面田野里干活.Right, perhaps in the field of hope 向右,也许是希望的田野 Giant machines reap the wheat grown in the field. 巨大的机器收割田野里生长的小麦.

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