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Dutch Pavilion is like a tulip in full bloom.荷兰馆犹如一朵盛开的郁金香。 British Pavilion is both like a dandelion and a hedgehog.像刺猬又像蒲公英就是英国馆。Australian Pavilion looks like a coffee bar.澳大利亚馆像一个咖啡馆。参考资料:自己 ...

silver alloy ordinary professional type of silver alloy, 9K and 14K gold, 90 secondary school students after the first use of silver or silver flute flute, the more popular brands have a love climbing, and Attas, there are performers use special glass flute. Traditional wooden flute...

The French Republic, referred to as "France" for short, is a semi-presidential republic country native to Western Europe. Overseas territories include South America and parts of the South Pacific.法兰西共和国,简称“法国”,是一个本土位于西欧的半总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南...

棉花糖用英语说作 "marshmallow"① "marshmallow" 的音标为 [ˈmɑːrʃmɛloʊ]。② 句子或词组的翻译及含义解释:- "marshmallow" 指的是一种由糖、蛋白质胶凝剂和香精制成的轻、松软、弹性的甜食,通常是白色的。- 该词也可以用来形容某些柔软、蓬松或轻盈的物体。...

成都旅游景点英文介绍 成都景点英文介绍简短
Bridge to a stone bearing, with such as roughwan Kou bamboo slips over the river, along with bamboo as a bar, a total distance of about ...Ancient wooden towering mountains, such as shade cover, summit overlooking Dujiangyan water conservancy project overview. 介绍成都的英语作文介绍成都的...

木舟中心 (The Center for Wooden Boats)、西北海港海岸文物中心 (Northwest Seaport Maritime Heritage Center), 西雅图都市警察博物馆 (Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum) 和飞行博物馆 (Museum of Flight), 奥迪西海岸发现中心 (Odyssey Maritime Discovery Center), 普捷湾船舶交通中心 (Puget Sound Vessel Traffic...

此外,还有许多个性咖啡馆躲藏在各社区里不知名的街角,或是街头巷尾经常不奇然出现的Espresso Bar,在西雅图,平均每一百公尺就会看到一个Cafe这样的字眼,多到数不清的咖啡店,让游客也看到傻眼。对于西雅图一词,人们可以很自在地窝在咖啡馆里冥想,可以撑把小伞随意的走在大街上扭腰摆臀。西雅图就是这样的深具格调,应该...

The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 and listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world. It has been known as the Palace Museum since 1925, soon after Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)...


元音又称母音。所有元音的发音都需要张嘴震动声带。几乎所有的英文字都含有元音分为:单元音、双元音两大类。单元音又分为:前元音、中元音、后元音 !!顶下哈,闪!抢个沙发,,88!

禾鸦17565684448问: 常见的包装形式有哪些?
色达县泌列回答: 常见的包装形式有: (1) 箱.主要有木箱(Wooden Case)、纸箱(Carton)、纸板箱(Card Board)、框箱(Crate)、夹板箱(Plywood Box)、柳条箱(Willow ...

禾鸦17565684448问: 木条用英语怎么说 -
色达县泌列回答: wooden stick 你这个“条”,很难界定诶

禾鸦17565684448问: woodwooden作为定语有什么区别?具体的搭配例子能否举几个?
色达县泌列回答: 1. wood做定语,是名词修饰名词,往往表示与木头有关的东西,比如 a wood factory木头厂 wooden 是表示木头制的,比如 a wooden chair 木椅子 2. wool做定语既可表示羊毛制的,羊毛织的,比如a wool blanket羊毛毯,也可表示与羊毛有关的,比如 the wool trade羊毛业 woolen就指羊毛织的,a woolen blanket

禾鸦17565684448问: Do you have wood wooden bar over time中文是什么意思
色达县泌列回答: 你有木头木酒吧

禾鸦17565684448问: wooden base是什么意思 -
色达县泌列回答: wooden base[英]ˈwudn beis [美]ˈwʊdn bes 木模基 [例句]Somalia : a sick man lies on a wooden cart as he waits to be screened by security personnel at the entrance of a military base used by ugandan peacekeepers.索马里:在乌干达维和部队某军事基地入口处,一位病人躺在木板车上,等待警卫人员的检查.

禾鸦17565684448问: eat from wooden basin是什么意思?
色达县泌列回答: 楼主您好!翻译结果: 吃木盆地

禾鸦17565684448问: 木桶的英语翻译 木桶用英语怎么说 -
色达县泌列回答: 木桶 bowie;kit;vat更多释义>>[网络短语] 木桶 Wooden Cask;cask;barrel 木桶理论 Buckets effect;the Wooden Barrel Theory;Cannikin Law 木桶歌厅 The Wooden Bucket

禾鸦17565684448问: 求大侠们翻译下, 木哟芭蕾 这个四个字的英文,我翻译不出我把这句英文翻译成了中文求英文. -
色达县泌列回答: 好像是:Wooden yo balle吧

禾鸦17565684448问: eat from a wooden basin是咩意思?? 急 -
色达县泌列回答: 吃盛在木盆里的东西.这样翻译更加符合语言习惯呢

禾鸦17565684448问: wooden packing 和 non - wooden packing 是什么意思? -
色达县泌列回答: 木质包装(估计就是用木箱或木盒封装) 非木质包装

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