
作者&投稿:利怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

人物简介 黄金三人组 哈利·波特(Harry James Potter),本作主角,生于1980年7月31日,是著名巫师夫妇詹姆·波特和莉莉·波特的独生子。他是伊诺特‧皮福雷的后裔(在国王十字车站与邓布利多谈话中证实),而书中的反派势力伏地魔,则是卡德马‧皮福雷之后代,因此两人有共同的祖先。哈利有...

陡峭的,带有流动的水)top security 高度安全的,高度保密的 grubby 肮脏的 One wild cart-fide later footstool脚凳 slip off mauve au=o 淡紫色 pin up fight length drawling voice 慢吞吞的语气 Hufflepuff 赫奇帕奇学院 sneer 冷笑,嘲笑 wizarding families 术士的家族,巫术家族,巫师家族 ...

worked in Po gold - bork black magic shop work. Then for a period of time, he turned tracer scene. After suave, creating the "after voldemort's" masks, and his own death eater creates the wizarding world unarmed under the dark years. In 1981, when Halloween murder of harry ...

Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate non-magical people, conquer the wizarding world,and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.故事的主要内容是哈利试图战胜邪恶的黑暗巫师伏地魔,他的目标是征服非魔法人,征服魔法世 界,消灭所有阻挡他的人,尤其是哈利波特。Since ...

Harry Potter is famous in the wizarding world for surviving a murderous attack by Lord Voldemort, one of the most powerful and feared wizards ever known and the primary villain in the series. Harry's parents, James and Lily, were killed in this incident on 31 October 1981 in their home ...

英语作文带翻译:My Favorite Book Harry Potter
Harry learns spells, fights dark wizards, and saves the wizarding world from danger.What I love most about “Harry Potter” is its ability to transport me into a different world where anything is possible. I am fascinated by the magical creatures, the spells, and the wizarding cul...

官方分院测试是权威的指引,始于Pottermore,现在可以在Wizardingworld上找到。它不仅能测试你的归属,还包含了守护神和魔杖测试。对于iOS用户,特别是拥有Apple ID的海外朋友,可以尝试使用Wizardingworld的AR功能,体验独特的「AR分院」过程,分院帽会通过AR技术在你眼前完成魔法分院。跳转至官方分院测试入口: ...

霍格沃茨之遗分院测验在哪里答题?分院测验答题已经开启,测试的题目和答案深空游戏小编已经为大家准备好,各位玩家可以多参考下面的攻略,小编已经将分院测验的答题链接分享在下面,包括分院测验答题的答案也都有介绍。霍格沃茨之遗分院测验答案大全 测试入口:https:\/\/www.wizardingworld.com\/legacyconnect 1、...

Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop 嬉戏与戏谑巫术恶作剧商店 Honeydukes 蜂蜜公爵 活米村中的魔法糖果专卖店。 Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions 摩金夫人的各式长袍店 斜角巷中贩卖各式各样的巫师长袍。 Magical Menagerie 奇兽动物园 活米村中专卖各种珍贵魔法怪兽的商店。 Quality Quidditch Supplies ...

马尔福:你马上就会发现某些巫师家族比其家族高等,没有人想和差劲的家伙交朋友。Draco Malfoy: You"ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don"t wanna go making friends with the wrong sort.邓布利多:哈利,人不能活在梦里,不要依赖梦想而忘记生活...

华鸦13961316539问: 写一篇英语关于我最喜欢的电影明星 -
叶县安坤回答: Harry, an boy whose life has become quite the opposite of what you call "normal", discovers himself a wizard who holds the fate of the wizarding world. During his seven years of life at Hogwarts, he undergoes extreme situations, saves the ...

华鸦13961316539问: 中国魔法社区有哪些? -
叶县安坤回答: Pottermore官网已经更名为Wizarding World,并且不再提供中文测试入口.不过,中文用户可以通过访问Wizarding World的官方网站,体验其中与哈利.波特魔法世界相关的各种内容.Wizarding...

华鸦13961316539问: 哈利波特中所有的专属名词(要英汉互译的那种) -
叶县安坤回答: 霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry) 古灵阁巫师银行(Gringotts Wizarding Bank) 食死徒(英语:Death Eater) 阿兹卡班(Azkaban) 凤凰社(the Order of the Phoenix) 魔法部(The Ministry of Magic ,简称 M.O.M.) 想要什么接着问哦亲,我现在只能想到这么多

华鸦13961316539问: 哈利波特魔法世界的主题公园开幕了!有谁知道在哪里?! -
叶县安坤回答: 是在美国 !!据国外媒体报道,美国奥兰多环球影城(Universal Orlando Resort)周四宣布,其园内新建景区“哈利波特魔法世界”(Wizarding World of Harry Potter)将于今年6月18日正式向游人开放.啊啊啊6.18这个日子好啊,就是今年中考...

华鸦13961316539问: 哈利波特里五年级和七年级的巫师考试叫什么? -
叶县安坤回答: 普通巫师等级考试, (英文名:Ordinary Wizarding Level,又缩写为O.W.L或OWL)是在《哈利·波特》(J.K.罗琳著)系列丛书的一个学术性的称号授予霍格沃茨魔法学院的学生,是在第二次,也是最后一次考试,高级巫师等级考试(英文名...

华鸦13961316539问: 《哈利波特》中的O.W.Ls和N.E.W.T是什么意思
叶县安坤回答: O.W.Ls. - Ordinary Wizard Levels、普通巫术等级测验 N.E.W.T. - Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests、全称超级疲劳轰炸式的巫术测验

华鸦13961316539问: 《哈利波特7》的英文读后感150字,急!!!感谢你八辈祖宗! -
叶县安坤回答: After ten years, J.K.R did not let us down. The darkest, fastest-paced, most desperate and dynamic magical adventure of the 7-part series carries the reader along faster than a speeding broomstick chased by Dementors. Throughout, doubts must ...

华鸦13961316539问: 电影 哈利波特受到人们的普遍欢迎 英语作文 -
叶县安坤回答: 哈利波特收到人们的欢迎 作文:Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the eponymous adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and ...

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