
作者&投稿:喻维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“Well,wearenotstupid,youknow.Wewon’tgothesunduringtheday,ofcourse.We’llgothereduringthenight.” (2) Tomwasagoodboy.Hewassevenyearsold,andhewasgoingtoschoolsoon. ButTomhadashortcoming.Hecouldn’tgetupearly.Heoftensleptuntilnineorteno’clockinthemorning. Hismotherdidn’twanthimtobelate...

a: stone corp. hi, mary speaking.四通公司,您好,我是mary.b: hello, i'd like to speak to mr. hunter, please.你好,我想找hunter先生。a: may i ask who is calling, please?请问您是哪位?b: my name is herbert wood of ibm puter pany.我是ibm电脑公司的herbert wood.a: thank...

domain ofacademicemotionscoversnotonlystudentsa'chievementemotionsrelatingtosuccessand failurebutalsoemotionsrelating to instruction orto the process ofstudying. A ccording to valence and arousal dim ensions,academicemotions include positive- high arousalemotions, positive- low arousalemotions, negative- ...

W: (H 从幕後走出来)Hi! Honey! today? Is it all right? H: Mummm~ So so! W: It sounds not too bad! Then, I thnk you should have time to know one thing! This morning I... Welcome home! How are you H: Oh! Sweety! I am a little tired! Can youwait a moment?

the water is wide 歌词翻译((现代版,古诗版,草根版)稀罕不?
五绝:《渡轻舟》水宽难至岸,无翅不能飞。送我轻舟渡,心怡载赋归。--- 七绝: 《望轻舟》悠悠江水轻舟渡,绿叶潮头看水流。衣袖泪沾思念切,浓情千万化闲愁。

Hi,boys and girls .DO you nove we have a beautiful shool. My shool is very big and very...It is not big but very beautiful. In the center of the school there is a new teaching ...itha *** eenthreeyearssinceicametotheschool.myschooli *** eautifulandtherearemanybeautiful 6...

Let it be you not write good? 6. 以myfather题写一篇短文描写一下爸爸的外貌和爱好的 My dad is a tall and handsome middle-aged man. He has...The son spoke w ith the charge nurse, who assured him his father was doing well followi ng a heart attack. The doctor could provide details....

Students need nine hours sleep!And i think play some puter games is not badly.Soi think the ...Hi,everyone.Let me introduce my dad for you.My dad is 36.He is a architect.He has lots ...The son spoke w ith the charge nurse, who assured him his father was doing well followi ng...



照世17564544938问: with的用法有那些 -
福鼎市法可回答: with 是一个十分有用的介词,其用法也比较复杂,以下用法值得注意:1. 表示方式、手段或工具等时(=以,用),注意不要受汉语意思的影响而用错搭配,如“用英语”习惯上用in English,而不是with English.2. 与某些抽象名词连用时,其作...

照世17564544938问: with + 宾语+ 宾补(6种情况做宾补) -
福鼎市法可回答: “with+复合宾语”是高中教学的难点,也是高考的考点,在句中可作时间状语、条件状语、方式状语、原因状语、伴随情况等.为了帮助同学们掌握其特点,将其用法归纳如下:1.with+名词+形容词: Before he came here, my father used to ...

照世17564544938问: with引导的独立主格里,with可以省略吗?是都可以省略还是有些可以??还是都不可以? -
福鼎市法可回答: 答:with是个介词,后跟复合宾语,宾补可以是形容词短语、介词短语、非谓语动词短语.因为宾语和补语之间有逻辑上的主表(/谓)关系,而这个介词短语在句子中又作状语,所以有人将它也归入独主主格结构中(就是作状语用的非谓语动词...

照世17564544938问: with的伴随状态的用法with的伴随状态有什么用 -
福鼎市法可回答: 表示伴随状态的用法:with +宾语;with +宾语+宾补(形容词、能够作表语的副词、介词短语、分词、不定式等).如:He looked at me with a smile.He used to sleep with the window open. 他过去经常开着窗户睡觉.The little boy ran along the ...

照世17564544938问: 翻译:…… ,with nothing ( ) ( )(可做),……
福鼎市法可回答: 无事可做 with nothing to do

照世17564544938问: with nothing to do,i went for a good round.中with引导的是原因状语从句吗? -
福鼎市法可回答: with nothing to do 是原因状语,但with 不能引导从句,"With nothing to do,I went for a good round."是一个简单句并非从句.

照世17564544938问: with的复合结构造句!with+n+adj/adv/prep/v.ing/v.ed/to do/ 请问谁能用这些词,每个造一个句子?就是with+n+后面的那些 每个造一个! -
福鼎市法可回答:[答案] He stood in the wind with his nose red.He slept in the room with the light on.She came in with nothing in hand. He came out of the workroom with the machine runnin...

照世17564544938问: 含有with短语的句子谓语动词与什么保持一致 -
福鼎市法可回答: 你说的是with+宾语+宾语补足语吧? 首先这不是一个句子,它只是一个结构,我们叫它为with的复合结构,当然不是句子就没有谓语动词了,这个结构中的动词叫作非谓语动词,这个非谓语(doing、done、to do)用什么形式,有 with后的宾语...

照世17564544938问: Don't sit there - ----. Come and help me with this table. 为什么不可以用with nothing to do 做伴随状 -
福鼎市法可回答: with nothing to do 一般来说,也可以做伴随状语.但不能用于祈使句.如果说.You are sitting there with nothing to do ,Come and help me with this table. 这样就可以了.

照世17564544938问: with nothing needed to be done, he went out for -
福鼎市法可回答: 一般用后一种说法:With nothing to do , he went out for a walk 等于:Because he had nothing to do, he went out for a walk.如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳 手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步

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