
作者&投稿:长沙常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...like their tea strong and dark,but w—— a lot
with 应该是这个词 ,填ith

A. To watch bull-fight. B. To go fishing. C. To go hiking. D. To sleep a lot. ( )28. Tom is going to Spain on ___. A. May 1st B. June 1st C. May 31st D. June 30th ( )29. How long is Mary’s holiday? A. It’s about one month. B. It’s about two months. C...

thanks a lot darling . i wish to see you soon ,
thanks a lot darling . i wish to see you soon , it my best wishes for 多谢了。我希望不久能见到你,这是我最美好的祝愿 ---如有疑问,可继续追问,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢。

It took me a lot of time 重点词汇 花费spend; cost; expense; expenditure; outlay 大量a large number; a great quantity; generous; magnanimous; a great deal 时间time; hour; while

He wanted John to charge a lot for the blouse,but John didn't agr...
首先,用with this 严格来说是不正确的,agree with 后面接的宾语应该是表示人的,可以说didn't agree with him可以。直接ith this 去掉也可以。把agree当作单独的不及物动词用

The school life is very busy but exciting.There are many activities in or school,we all take an active part in it.I have made many new friends and we ofter help and learn from each other in study.Our teachers have taught us a lot.They tell us what is worth doing,what is worth ...

Hi everyone,I've been in Xuezhou for over a week now 短文
restaurant 62.b ecause the food is fantastic.I've 63.S pent a lot of money,but it's certainly worth it.I like people in Xuzhou.They are 64.S o nice people I I've taken many photos SO you’11 be able to see 65.f or yourself when I come back home next ...

作文如下:My parents and I traveled to Sanya together,and we had a good time.We went to many interesting places.We went to see the sea together and swam in it.我和父母一起去了三亚,我们玩得很开心。我们去了许多有趣的地方。我们一起去看海,在海里游泳。We took a lot of ...

作文思路:首先引出主题,如何保护环境,中间介绍保护环境的具体方法,结尾在总结全文。标题:How to protect the environment(如何保护环境)Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also ...

Research on Different Pyrites in Late Permian Coal of Sichuan P...
Obviously,pyrites in Muchuan coal are mainly framboidal w hich are mostly associated w ith clay,and partly epigene- tic vein-like pyrite. In Nantong coal,there are a lot of nodular and cell-infilling pyrites. The py- rites in Wuyi coal are mainly euhedral crystal and framboid and ...

闫桦13251624094问: with+宾语+现在分词/过去分词/不定式 -
临沧市盐酸回答: 其实这是英语中一种常见的复合结构,就那WITH 来说把它可以有以下3中结构 with加上sth再加上doing/done/to do doing表示动词和sth之间是一种主动关系而done表示被动而to do 表示一种还没发生的动作,在这里我可以举例 1.With a lot of ...

闫桦13251624094问: with的用法
临沧市盐酸回答: 介词with的复合结构,常见形式及用法: 1、with+现在分词 They started working with the machine running. 2、with+过去分词 He is used to sleeping with the window closed. 3、with+不定式(to do) With a lot of homework to do,Tom cann't go out ...

闫桦13251624094问: with a lot of work to do 与 with a lot of work to be done 的区别 -
临沧市盐酸回答: 此句中to do结构主动表被动,2句错误 第一句是这里有很多工作要做第主动与被动的区别.第一句好,口音化!

闫桦13251624094问: with的用法.with+n+ to do 和with+n+doing/done的区别 -
临沧市盐酸回答: 这是 with 的复合结构,即: with + 宾语 + 宾补 当补语和宾语是主动关系时,宾补是 doing被动关系时,宾补是done 当表示动作还没有进行时,即:表示将来时,用 to do◆with + 宾语 + 动词ing (表示主动,正进行) He lies there, with his ...

闫桦13251624094问: with a lo of work to do ,和with a lot of work to be done 在说话时候有啥区别?不用从语法角度去解释,从言前,言中,言后去解释,语言学角度! -
临沧市盐酸回答: 其实就算是语言学分析,还是离不开语法分析的,因为我们首先要知道文字是在说什么.两句的差别在于 to do 和 to be done,一个是主动不定式,一个是被动不定式,在英语的应用习惯中,用主动不定式有主语打算去做的含义,而用被动不定...

闫桦13251624094问: with a lot of difficulties to settle,they had to stay in the lab.不定式用主动to settle -
临沧市盐酸回答: 按理来说settle和difficulty是动宾关系,应该用被动,但很多情况下,如果动词和主语相关,或者动词的主语是广泛的群体时,一般用主动形式,如:I have a letter to send 是我要自己去寄信 I have a letter to be sent 是我要他人帮我寄 English is difficult to learn. 主语是广泛的大众,所以不用被动

闫桦13251624094问: 为什么with 后可以不是动名词啊?with a lot of work to do -
临沧市盐酸回答: with后面一般加名词或是动名词,这里这个work就是with带的名词,后面的to do只是修饰work的不定式,定语而已,跟with没有直接联系.

闫桦13251624094问: With a lot of things to deal with ,John will have a difficult time -
临沧市盐酸回答: 这个句子中还能找到解决事情的 逻辑主语,John ,和deal with 存在 逻辑主谓关系,动词不定式用主动式. eg I have a lot of homework to do . 是一个道理. to do 也是 主动式,主要是和I 存在逻辑主谓关系.

闫桦13251624094问: 非谓语动词练习 主动表被动With a lot of difficult problems - -------, -
临沧市盐酸回答: B. to be settled:With a lot of difficult problems 相当于逻辑主语settle与它是动宾关系,这是独立主格结构

闫桦13251624094问: whith+宾补+宾语 结构的语法(高一语法大师进) whith+宾补+宾语 在句子中做状语 with a lot of homework to do ,he did not go to the cinema. with a young men... -
临沧市盐酸回答:[选项] A. finishing B. finished C. to finish D. finishes

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