
作者&投稿:储牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Habbit and health Health is more important than wealth.So good health is good for everyone. Then, how do we keep healthy? In my opinion,we need some good habbits. First,we should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of meat. Beacause they are good for our healthl. S...

请你以“How I keep heaithy”为题,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍你...
It is important to keep healthy. I usually do some running in the morning. On weeekdays we do exercises and ey exercises. In the afternoon I play basketball with my friends for about an hour after school. I often help my parents clean the house and wash clothes. I get up ...

Blade Barrier Ith (伊司) 完美红宝石 Jewel(无要求) +(10-20) 点生命 攻击者受到反伤害 (4-7) 每次命中偷取 (1-3)% 生命 盾牌随机属性 Caster Shield Small Shield Round Shield(小盾牌) Luna Eth (爱斯) 完美紫宝石 Jewel(无要求) +(10-20) 点 Mana (5-10)% 提升抵挡概率 快速恢复 Mana (4-...

...much more if somebody would just have fatith in me.
你写的konw错了吧``应该是know吧 大概是:我知道,如果一些人能够信任我,我可以做地更多``

How to Keep Heaithy(写一篇英语写作)
so renewing our spirits and releasing our stress are also needed,for they do good to our mental health.Briefly, keeping a balanced diet, doing more exercises, keeping a high mood, all of them are the indispensable things which make you be bound to keep healthy. 全手打 ...

A has nothing to do w ith B. Doubling the size of the bomb m ade little difference in the size of the crater in ice it made. ( 17) to be of . . . interest\/importance\/significance\/value\/usefulness\/use\/benefit\/concern\/ effect \/ assistance ( 具有……兴趣 \/ 重要性 \/ 意义 \/ 价值 \/...

A heaIthy Iife英语作文
We all know the importance of being healthy. So how exactly should we do to keep a healthy body condition? Below are some pieces of advices.我们都知道保持健康的重要性。那么如何表保持一个健康的身体状况呢?以下是几条建议。First, you should eat many vegetables and fruits and avoid ...

英语作文:THE WAYS TO KEEP HEAITHY为题。70个左右。1)要有健康的饮食...
3.有良好的生活习惯,定期锻炼,充足的睡眠,不要过度劳累,不抽烟等等 The ways to keep healthy As we all know,people want to keep healthy.But how can we do that?It seems mysterious.So I think we should eat more vegetables and fruits,because they contain a lot of vitamins.We ...

how to d eal w ith stress in our life 的英语文章80字
Time flies and life is short. So don’t forget to stop to smell the In our eagerness to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. Too often you hear people say, “I’m too busy,” for this or that. What a shame! One day, when they do find time to...

用过的球 used ball 争球 held ball 技术犯规technical foul 界线 boundary line 犯规次数牌 foul markers 罚则 penalty 故意犯规 intentional foul 前场 front court 本方球篮 own basket 罚球 free throw 对方犯规 personal contact 中场 mid court 对方球篮 oppo's basket 犯规 foul 身体接触 screen foul 后场 ...

鲍怡15837078943问: with sb. 加doing ,done和to do的区别 -
冕宁县正心回答: with sb doing 、with sb done、with sb to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、with sb to do:和某人将要一起做某事. 2、with sb doing:和某人一起正在做某事. 3、with sb done:和某人一起完成了某事. 二、...

鲍怡15837078943问: 英语问题 with加名词加being done这一结构可否用于瞬间性动词上,例如settle. -
冕宁县正心回答: 进行时态,多半表示一个动作的过程,间隙动词持续时间很短,所以一般不用于进行时态或者完成进行时态

鲍怡15837078943问: with+名词或代词+分词 -
冕宁县正心回答: 都可以,但后者表示动作还没结束,如with the earth being polluted 前者已经完成,如with the work finished

鲍怡15837078943问: with的宾补结构with+n+done,doing,to do那些的怎么用啊 我看到有人说是doing正在做,to do还没做 但是我觉得有点不像啊 是with后面单独构成一个句子吗?... -
冕宁县正心回答:[答案] 这是非谓语动词典型的用法,构成宾补结构.简单点说就是with+done表被动 doing表状态,表进行 to do表目的,表将要做的事 have done表完成 +名词+介词短语 如:with a kiss on the cheek +adj 表状态 如:he left the room with angry 后面还可以加从...

鲍怡15837078943问: 到底有无with to be done的用法.. -
冕宁县正心回答: with是介词,介词后面加名词(或名词性词组). 本来,有to带来的名词性结构的,但是 with不跟to的名词性结构连用,故,没有with to be done 一说. 但是,lz提到的 With the exam to be held tomorrow中,with 后面加的是 exam (the这里做特指冠...

鲍怡15837078943问: With加过去分词是直接加done还是being done? -
冕宁县正心回答: being done with是介词,后面是名词或名词性短语;不能直接加动词或过去分词,

鲍怡15837078943问: with+名词+to do造句
冕宁县正心回答: I cannot feel relaxed with so much work to be done. 望采纳~

鲍怡15837078943问: 求with的复合结构6个超简单的例句!1.with+名词(或代词)+现在分词2.with+名词(或代词)+过去分词3.with+名词(或代词)+形容词4.with+名词(或代词)... -
冕宁县正心回答:[答案] 1.with 名词(或代词) 现在分词 如:She fell asleep with the light burning. 她开着灯睡觉. 2.with 名词(或代词) 过去分词 如:With nothing left in the cupboard,she went out to get something to eat. 因为家里橱柜里没有吃的了,她出去买些吃的. 3.with ...

鲍怡15837078943问: 4.with+名词+过去分词: 如:He stood for an instant with hi -
冕宁县正心回答: raised在这里含有被动的意思.因为举手是:人raise hands.所以手要被人举起来.

鲍怡15837078943问: with加动名词 跟 过去分词 是什么形式 -
冕宁县正心回答: 其实这是英语中一种常见的复合结构,就那WITH 来说把它可以有以下3中结构 with加上sth再加上doing/done/to do doing表示动词和sth之间是一种主动关系而done表示被动而to do 表示一种还没发生的动作, 1.With a lot of homework to do,I can't go out. 2.With a lot of homework finished,I am tired. 3.With the baby crying,I couldn't fall asleep. 第一句表示作业还没做,第二句表示作业已“被”完成.第三句则表示婴儿在哭 另外想提醒复合结构是非谓语结构

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