
作者&投稿:氐君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n.1. 凉快,凉爽 2. 凉爽的空气或地方 adj.1. 凉的,不热的,凉快的,凉爽的 2.(指颜色)给人以凉爽感觉的,冷色的 3. 冷静的,镇定的 4. 冷淡的,冷漠的,冷冰冰的 5. 满不在乎的,厚颜无耻的,无礼的,自行其事的 6.【旧,俚】令人愉快的,棒的 7.【口】附加于钱﹑距离等数目...

⒌ Room Temperature Fabrication of Hollow ZnS and ZnO Architectures by a Sacrificial Template Route [No. 5 Most-Accessed Articles: April-June,2006]J. Phys. Chem. B 110⒁,7102-7106 (2006);⒍ Fabrication of Copper Hydroxyphosphate with Complex ArchitecturesJ. Phys. Chem. B 110⒂...

④名词+动词 例:daybreak 破晓,toothpick 牙签⑤动词-ing形式+名词 例:reading-room阅览室,sleeping-car 卧车车厢⑥副词+动词 例:outbreak 爆发,downpour 倾盆大雨⑦名词+动名词 例:handwriting 笔迹,sun-bathing 日光浴⑧名词+in\/to0+名词 例:mother-in-law岳母,brother-in-law 姐夫(3)合成动词①副词+动词 例...

light 的意思 n. 光; 发光体; 电灯; 点火器;adj. 轻的; 明亮的; 浅色的; 少量的;v. 点燃; 照亮; 用光指引;adv. 轻地,轻装地;音标英 [laɪt] 美 [laɪt]拓展例句1. The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.灯熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。

light 含义
As you can see, this spacious dining-room gets a lot of light in the mornings. A source of illumination. Put that light out! Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information. Can you throw any light on this problem? (in plural, now rare) Facts. pieces of information; ...

A traditional skill 英语作文
haveno wha t,only the teacher on the platform. Is thehead teacher of our class teaches us chemistry,although he is very humorous,but what impressedus mos t was our Eng1ish teacher. Ta1king and1aughing in the c1assroom,make us to the wholeclass is in laugh,make us feel ...

美音 [ˈʌpˈstɛrz]upstairs 基本解释 adv. 在楼上,往楼上;在高空。adj. 楼上的。n. 楼上。upstairs 变化形式 复数: upstairs。所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研CET6。upstairs 用法和例句 We went to her warm , comfortable room upstairs .我们来到她楼上温暖、舒适的...

IntheKitchen,livingroomorbedroom;Outside:XXtotheleftortotheright Infrontofyourhomeyouhave Adjacentto oneblockaway acrossthestreet\/totheoppositeside attheintersection\/junction 楼上楼下:yourneighbors:afloor(severalfloors)above belowyourhome 6.英语作文介绍你的家庭地址及周边环境myfamily ilovemy...

5. Einstein is a great scientish who is famous for the theory of relativity.6. The meeting room being built can seat an audience of 5000.7. The little girl likes the kite which looks like a butterfly best.8. I would appreciate it very much if you could help me with ...

更正楼上若干答案如下:1. is sleeping 2. was doing 3. reached 4. will be 或 is going to be 5. have known 6. comes 7. will have 或 are going to have 8. to hear 9. has gone 10. happened 绝对保证准确率!

朝婵17887549382问: 祝你们用餐愉快的英文 -
峡江县可尼回答: 一、祝你们用餐愉快的英文是:I wish you a pleasant meal. 二、wish释义: 1、v.希望;祝愿;想要 I wish I could do that 我希望我能做那件事. 2、n.希望;愿望;祝福;希望的事 I wish I could be sure of other matters. 我希望其他的事也能好起来...

朝婵17887549382问: wishroom plus2游戏玩法技巧攻略 -
峡江县可尼回答: 首先,确保你了解游戏的基本规则和玩法.wishroom plus2是一款冒险解谜类游戏,玩家需要在游戏中探索不同的场景,寻找线索,解决谜题,最终达成游戏目标.以下是一些攻略技巧,帮助你更好地玩转wishroom plus2. 1. 观察力是关键 在...

朝婵17887549382问: 有谁知道学基础街舞的好点的网站?
峡江县可尼回答: 街舞迷城 http://www.wishroom.cn/dvbbs/list.asp?boardid=2 怎么样才能学习好街舞 http://www.wishroom.cn/dvbbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=748http://jiewu.m-zone.com.cn/2008/ 相信自己一定能学好!!!

朝婵17887549382问: 英语翻译句子!! 跪求!!! 急!!! -
峡江县可尼回答: 1,the priciple anonced that she intend to retire.2, Is anyone do this job?3, Don't forget to bring the letter.4, His wish is to be a policeman.5, He get an opp...

朝婵17887549382问: 请帮我用英文翻译一下,谢谢~不要电子翻译. -
峡江县可尼回答: 1今天是我的生日,我的哥哥来给我过生日.我们在餐厅吃晚餐.我们吃鱼,蔬菜,面条,米饭和汤.我们还吃了生日蛋糕,我许了一个愿望.就是我和我的家人都健康快乐.我今...

朝婵17887549382问: 帮我翻译. -
峡江县可尼回答: Because of some changes made in the holiday's inn plan trip, we are forced to cancel two singles room registered under the name of "John Smith" from December 12 to December 15. Regarding this matter, we wish to apologize and we hope ...

朝婵17887549382问: 寂静岭4里wishhouse的钥匙在哪获取?求教 -
峡江县可尼回答: 希望之家? 把牛奶给那个疯子,得到一个铁铲,去有一只树的手的地方挖,挖到钥匙后先回家存在箱子里,然后由希望之家旁边的洞回家再把钥匙拿出来开门.如果身上带着钥匙回希望之家会陷入无限轮回中.

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