
作者&投稿:陈秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

请列举一些关于和平,互相理解的英文的名言名句。 谢谢。
"What can you do to promote world Afarewell to Arms.Ernest Hemingway, American writer 告别了,武器。美国作家 海明威.E.All dlays are dangerous in war.John Drydon, British poet 在战争中,任何拖延都是危险的。英国人 德莱顿.J.But bombs are unbeliveable until they actually fall.Patri...

1.They were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be!他们与德斯理一家没有一点一样的地方、Dursley(德斯理)是人名。un+Dursley+ish是固定用法吗? 不是。。自己创造的。。。 un-这个词头是表否定的意思。。。为什么后面加AS IT WAS POSSIBLE TO BE???把unDursleyish 当成一个形容词就...

Yet, change finally comes to me this holiday. In order to have a more meaningful vaccasion, i made up my mind to do something except for merely playing pc games or play basketball with friends. It was really a hard thing to study especially you just finish the boring exams and tests. ...

most notable when speaking to Inuyasha. For examples of some things he would say take a look at the quotes section. Although he may be perceived as an evil youkai he's not someone you would call "sneaky" or deceitful. He does not hide behind anyone or send minions to do ...

以好人卡为话题 求一篇不少于500词的英语作文(我大二)
I hope you once again in the 2008 Olympic Games There. Moreover, I admire you very much, I do not know how much you eat the bitter »how many times they practiced» achieved champion, after learning I have to study your tireless practice. "One time, we are exami...

70.I don’t hear clearly I think there is something wrong with (有毛病)my ears.71.We’d better not go there alone by ourselves(不要单独去那儿).72.I do believe you until I see with my own eyes(直到…才相信)73.This problem is too difficult to solve(太难解决).7...

it is too late, so let me tell you one important thing:although your can master many words, but if you do not learn english grammar, you will not be good at english,or you just leave your eghlish at low level. you konw, grammar is method can orgnize your words to one...

I found it easy to Iearn Eng|ish well.为什么it后面不加is_百度知...
is 是绝对不可以的。虽然前面整个句子的谓语是 found,是一般过去式,后面的宾语从句,也是不能用现在式的。但可以加上 was,那样,就是一个完整的宾语从句了。it 是形式主语,后面的 to learn English well 是真正宾语。至少什么也不加,这是动词 find 的另外一个用法。find it + adj + to do...

I’ve achieved only half of what I’d hoped to do. 20. management: n.1) the people in charge of a factory or business¨ 该公司正由新的管理人员领导。The business is under new management.2) the act of managing a business¨ 许多小公司的失败是经营不善所致。The failure of many small ...


禾林15814678488问: 用wish to do sth.写句子 -
钟山县阿莫回答: I wish to be a teacher when I grow up.我长大后想做个老师.

禾林15814678488问: 用wish to do sth -
钟山县阿莫回答: wish表示“希望”(大多难以实现或与事实相反),往往带有“祝愿”的意味.wish后常跟不定式、双宾语、复合宾语(宾语+形容词/副词)、for+名词、宾语+不定式等结构.例如:(例句1)I wish to see your manager, please.我想见见你们...

禾林15814678488问: wish to do sth造句 -
钟山县阿莫回答: I wish to bring you good luck.

禾林15814678488问: 用wish to do sth -
钟山县阿莫回答:[答案] wish表示“希望”(大多难以实现或与事实相反),往往带有“祝愿”的意味.wish后常跟不定式、双宾语、复合宾语(宾语+形容词/副词)、for+名词、宾语+不定式等结构.例如:(例句1)I wish to see your manager,ple...

禾林15814678488问: 用hope to do wish to do 各造两句话 -
钟山县阿莫回答: I hope to go to Beijing. I wish to go to school. I hope to spend a year in America after I leave school. I wish to see your manager.

禾林15814678488问: wish sb to do sth例句 -
钟山县阿莫回答: wish sb to do sth这个很好分的 你只要注意sb前面的词性是什么就好了前面是介词或者是动词 后面的就一定是宾格

禾林15814678488问: wish to do与wish加从句的区别 -
钟山县阿莫回答: 区别如下:1. wish后面的从句,表示与事实相反的情况,或表示将来不太可能实现的愿望.一般是虚拟语气,例如:I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高.2. wish后面有时候也会接动词原形,因为省略了would/could,例如:I wish it (would) rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了.3. wish to do 是指:想做……, 希望做……, 表示一种愿望,而且这个愿望是可以实现的,例如: I wish to see the manager. 我想见一见经理

禾林15814678488问: hope可以加to do还是wish可以加to do? -
钟山县阿莫回答: 你好,都可以的!hope意"希望"指能达到或实现的"希望". 结构为: 1:hope+to do sth. 例I hope to hear from her. hope后绝对不可以加sb to dowish 表示"希望,愿望",指可以是可能实现的,也可能是难实现的. 结构为: 1:wish +to do sth.例I wish to vist the West lake. 2:wish+sb.+to do sth.例I wish him to stady hard.

禾林15814678488问: wish和may的区别 -
钟山县阿莫回答: 为您解答 一,在同为祝愿的意思时,意思上区别不大,用法有区别. wish+sb.+n,/adj.祝愿某人......后面宾语后接形容词或名词e.g. I wish you success! I wish you happy! May + 主+V ,may是情态动词,后面用动词原形 May you be happy all your life. ...

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