
作者&投稿:斐喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment youll need. If you could let me know your specific uirements by [date], Ill have plenty of...

如何对ill have a picnic tomorrow提问?
Will you have a picnic tomorrow?

have something repaired 该结构是否正确?
对的。sb get\/have STh pp.做某事。但不是这个SB发出的。比如ill havwmy hair cut.我会剪头发。但是是让别人剪。

我讨厌被看作政治机器。There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed.如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。sick 可作定语也可作表语,而ill只能作表语。illness是 ill 的名词形式,疾病、不健康的意思。例如:I am ill 我生病了 I have illness 我有疾病 He is ill ...

I was ill that day. Otherwise I would have taken part in the party. 3. 表示虚拟语气的主句或从句有时可以省略,但其含义仍可以推知。 (1)省去条件从句 You could have washed your clothes yourself. (你本可以自己洗衣服的。)省去了If you had wanted to。(事实是:你自己没洗衣服,因为你不想洗。

(昨天我感觉不舒服,但是今天感觉更糟。)2. 最高级 "worst":- "Worst" 用来表示 "ill" 中最糟糕、最严重的情况。- 例句:- "Among all the patients, he had the worst illness."(在所有的病人中,他的病情最严重。)- "I have a sore throat and a headache, but the fever is ...

《we will have an english party》为题目的小学英语作文 至少50字...
We wuill have an English party There will be a English party in our class on this Saturday at half past seven in the evening,There will have many shows,for example,singing,dancing,telling stories ,short stages and so on,All of the students need to attend this English party on...

Mary is ill .she_[have]_[go] to the doctor 用所给词的适当形式填空...
Mary is ill .She___ (have)___ (go) to the doctor.答案:has to go 译文:玛丽生病了,她不得不去看医生。

have 加动词的过去分词是什么意思
begin→have 或 be on, borrow→keep, buy→have, come(go, arrive, get) →be here\/there\/in…,die→be dead, fall asleep(ill) →be asleep(ill), finish→be over, get to know→know, join→be in …(be a member of … ),leave→ be away (from…), marry →be married等;...

为什么我生病是i had ill而我牙痛 have a toothache为什么用have是一般...
是哪个老师教你的这句i had ill?我生病了 就说I am ill。我牙疼 I have a toothache。

点满15734881975问: 将来完成时的标志词 -
旅顺口区优芙回答: 经常与before+将来时间或by+将来时间连用,也可与before或by the time引导的现在时的从句连用.1、将来完成时的结构will/shall+have+完成式用于第一人称,will+have+完成式用于其他人称.状态完成:表示某事继续到将来某一时为止一直...

点满15734881975问: 英语里有将来完成时这个语法吗
旅顺口区优芙回答: 将来完成时的构成是由"shall/will + have +过去分词"构成的. Before long he will have forgotten all about the matter. 不久他就会全然忘记这件事的. He is somebody now. He will not have remembered his old classmates. 他现在是一个有身份的...

点满15734881975问: will的用法 -
旅顺口区优芙回答: 1.表示将来的动作或状态. 2.WILL+原形不定式表示简单将来. 3.would+原形不定式表示过去将来. He will go to America tomorrow. 他明天将要去美国. He said he would finish it on time. 他说他会按时完成它. 4.表示说话者或主语的意愿,决心...

点满15734881975问: 关于将来事态will 几种形式用法 -
旅顺口区优芙回答: will +v原型 这就是一般将来时,用于未发生的事情,因为只是“一般”,因而使用will+v原型,也就是动词原型.will+doing 没有will doing这个用法的 一般将来时后面跟的是do 或者用will be doing i will do something是指我有这个意愿,打算但奏不...

点满15734881975问: will be,will be和will have的区别 -
旅顺口区优芙回答: will 是表示将来时,所有动作的将来时都可以用will +do来表示,比如will go ; will ask; will leave... 而be也是动词中的一种:系动词,当然用法也是遵循这个规律,将来时的时候就用will be. 不过,will+be,一般是表示一种状态,比如:It will be ...

点满15734881975问: will be doing是什么时态
旅顺口区优芙回答: will be doing是将来进行时时态.表示将来在某一段时间内会发生的事情或动作.将来进行时的一般结构为shall/will be+现在分词 将来进行时不表示个人意愿,强调主观上感觉某事即将发生,并对这一事情有着期待,感情色彩较浓,强调动作....

点满15734881975问: 有there will have这种说法吗? -
旅顺口区优芙回答: 一般情况没有,特殊情况是将来完成时态. 解释: 一、there be句型和have都表示有,不能连用; 二、there be句型的现在完成时,there have been.......; 三、将来完成进行时构成为:主语+shall/will+助动词have+been+动词的现在分词+其他成分.其表达的意思为:表示某种情况下一直持续到说话人所提及的时间.

点满15734881975问: 将来完成时的问题..一般将来完成时的形式...我要问的就是下面的will+have+been和will+have+done..有何区别?will+have+been和will+have+been+done..又有何... -
旅顺口区优芙回答:[答案] 1.will+have+been和will+have+done 不知道怎麽解释,写例子给你看看吧 I will have been to Korea when I'm 40. 当我四十岁时我已经去过韩国. 套用be 动词. I will have finished my homework. have done套用动词 will+have+been+done will have been ...

点满15734881975问: Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will - ------ - fresh for several days.
旅顺口区优芙回答: stay,填原型.句中will表示一般将来时,句式是will+动词原形 have stayed是现在完成时,与句意不符.

点满15734881975问: will be的用法 -
旅顺口区优芙回答: WILL的用法; 1.表示将来的动作或状态. 2.WILL+原形不定式表示简单将来. 3.would+原形不定式表示过去将来. He will go to America tomorrow. 他明天将要去美国. He said he would finish it on time. 他说他会按时完成它. 4.表示说话者或主...

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