
作者&投稿:牟罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

-- ...then Ill drive you to the airport for your flight at 7:00. 在沟通开始以前,最好事先得知沟通对手的行程表,并尽量配合。当你和客户谈好了一切细节以后,你对他说“Ill have my secretary type the contract for you to sign at once, then Ill drive you to the airport for your flight at...

have 加动词的过去分词是什么意思
begin→have 或 be on, borrow→keep, buy→have, come(go, arrive, get) →be here\/there\/in…,die→be dead, fall asleep(ill) →be asleep(ill), finish→be over, get to know→know, join→be in …(be a member of … ),leave→ be away (from…), marry →be married等;...

4、Just at that time, the emperor was ill and he became very weak.就在那时,皇帝病了,变得非常虚弱。5、Ill do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity.我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你是否会过敏。6、He is ill fitted for the part of Harmlet.他根本就不适合扮演哈姆...

(昨天我感觉不舒服,但是今天感觉更糟。)2. 最高级 "worst":- "Worst" 用来表示 "ill" 中最糟糕、最严重的情况。- 例句:- "Among all the patients, he had the worst illness."(在所有的病人中,他的病情最严重。)- "I have a sore throat and a headache, but the fever is ...

Ill just bring it all out, and then Ill have dinner. In this way, one morning unconsciously passed, and in the afternoon, our whole family began to sweep the health, I first sweep the floor, then sweep the table, wipe the floor... Thats how I became a parent. 初三英语日记8 This ...

joke...真是笑话...But Im not saying this to u, I dont blame u, IM hard...我并没有对你说这些、我并没有责备你、我不容易(被理解)...And i guess Ill have to live with that... no problem, piece of cake 同时,我猜想我将要和这些生活在一起...没问题,都会解决的 ...

〔辨析〕一般指人得了某种疾病或身体不健康,在句中只用作表语。〔例证〕He is ill, so he didn't take part in the picnic.他病了,所以没参加这次野餐。2、illness n. 病,疾病 〔辨析〕通常指抽象的疾病,多指身体不适的时间或状态,但不用来指感冒、头疼之类的小病。〔例证〕You have to ...

一首女生唱的英文歌 高潮部分的歌词好像是dont tell me(或者是dont say...
Will get you in my pants, Ill have to kick your ass and make you never forget Im gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a lot, i wont have no i wont have sex Get outta my head, get off of my bed, yeah thats what I said Did I not tell you that Im not ...

I'll help. we have english on mondays and wednesdays 我会帮助。我们在周一和周三有英语课

It's an ill wind是什么意思
1.It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.世上没有对人人都不利的事.2.But it's an ill wind; I recovered and married one of my nurses from that hospital.但是因祸得福:我恢复了健康,并娶了那所医院护理我的一位护士。3.Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an ...

采具13369602064问: 什么时候用将来完成时? -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: 将来完成时 (一)构成:will/shall have +过去分词 We hope it will have stopped raining before we set off for the picnic. 我们希望在出发去野餐以前雨就已经停了. I'll have done all the work by the time you are back this evening. 你们今晚回来的时候...

采具13369602064问: would 对过去表推测 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答:[答案] 可以.用“will be”和“will(would) + have + 过去分词”的结构表示推测,主要用于第二、三人称.前者表示对目前情况的推测,后者表示对已经完成的动作或事态的推测.如:This will be the book you want.He will have arrived by now.The guests would...

采具13369602064问: Please make sure that dinner is ready by 6 o'clock,by which time all the guest - ------. -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: will be arriving是将来进行时.will have arrived是将来完成时.首先,这句话的意思是说6点的时候所有宾客都来了,所以晚饭要在6点准备好.这是将来的时间点要用将来时.其次,根据句中by,可以知道是在某个时间点之前已经发生了某个动作,应该用完成时.根据句意,也应该是6点,宾客已经到了,而不是正在到达,所以用will have arrived

采具13369602064问: He will have arrived by now.为什么可以用will呀?这个will还可以 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: 这是一种时态,叫将来完成时,表示对将来可能完成的一种推测.你所写的这个例句,一个by now就决定了这是现在完成时态.将来完成时中的will一般不省略或被替代.

采具13369602064问: will be+ 过去分词与will have been+ 过去分词的区别 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: 被动语态的各种时态 A 一般现在时,构成:“am/is/are+过去分词”. Most paper work is now done by compter. 现在大多数文书工作都是由电脑完成的. B 一般过去时,构成:“was/were+过去分词”. We were all moved to tears by th moving...

采具13369602064问: 讲下will have done用于第二三人称做主语时表一般将来时的用法 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: 表示将来某人时间点已经完成,后面一般要跟个时间状语.比如He will have arrived there by that time/then.

采具13369602064问: Please make sure that dinner is ready by 6 o'clock,by which time all the guest_______.为什么用will have arrived 而不用 will be arriving? -
浪卡子县硫酸回答:[答案] will be arriving是将来进行时.will have arrived是将来完成时.首先,这句话的意思是说6点的时候所有宾客都来了,所以晚饭要在6点准备好.这是将来的时间点要用将来时.其次,根据句中by,可以知道是在某个时间点之前已经...

采具13369602064问: 谁能告诉英语最基本的五种时态 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: 一、一般现在时(The Indefinite Present Tense). 一般现在时表示经常性的或习惯性的动作、特征或状态.常见的一般现在时主要有以下三种句式: 1.肯定句式.一般现在时肯定句式主要由动词原形表示,第三人称单数的谓语动词后要加词尾-s...

采具13369602064问: arrive 用法 -
浪卡子县硫酸回答: arrive:不及物动词、后面常+介词at /in(in+大地点、at+小地点); 若接地点副词、则不加介词、如:arrive home

采具13369602064问: will he have arrived before the meeting begins?求句型分析will he have arrived before the meeting begins?会议开始之前,will he arrive before the meeting ... -
浪卡子县硫酸回答:[答案] 其实没区别,表达的是同个意思. 不要抠这些东西.人家只是随口一说,咱在这分析个半天,没必要.语言不是数学.

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