
作者&投稿:犁珍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

appear作为系动词的意思是“显得;看来;似乎 ”。例句:She appears to be very young.她看起来很年轻。系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。说明:有些系动词又是实义动词,...

系动词seem, appear, look 用法有何区别
seem, appear, look三者均可用作连系动词,意为“好像”、“似乎”等,区别如下:1. 从意思上看:look 指视觉印象;appear 指外表给人的印象;这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,appear 的不确定性更大一些。seem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。2. 从用法上看:(1) 三者均可后接...

appear 有哪些短语
5、appear on 读音:英 [əˈpɪə(r) ɒn] 美 [əˈpɪr ɑːn]在(某处)出现;表演 The leading player is ill. Let his understudy to appear on the scene.主角演员病了,让他的替角出场。

句型"It seems," 和"It appears that,"有何异同
一、不同点 1、如果涉及说话者的情感评价部分,就不能用appear而只能用seem。It seems (不可appears) ridiculous that he has to stay here to look after the car.他为了照料猫,非得留在这里,这看来简直是荒谬的。2、侧重点不同 seem 侧重指事实上似乎是那样的;appear 指从表面上看似乎如此...

回答:1.持续系动词keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand。2.表像系动词seem, appear, look。5.变化系动词become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run.。4.终止系动词prove, trun out。以上为一些代表性的词

She was taken ill suddenly. 这句英语中的“ill”是什么词性? 为什么动...
"be"(是)、"feel"(感觉)、"seem"(似乎)、"appear"(看起来)等。这些动词后面通常跟形容词或名词作为补语,来描述主语的状态、性质或身份。总结:在 "She was taken ill suddenly." 这个句子中,"ill" 是一个形容词,用来描述 "she" 的状态,它作为连系动词 "taken" 的补语。

(4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,但look 之后通常接 as if (asthough)引导的从句,appear之后通常接that引导的从句,seem 之后则可接that和as if (as though)引导的从句。如: It looks [seems] as ifyou’re right. 好像你是对的。 It seems [appears] that he isill. 他似乎病了。(5...

he often falls ill
答案D 导由下文“he often falls ill”可知“他看起来强壮”是一种假象,所以应用appear.

appear 和 happen 的区别
Appear,还有occur只是单纯的发生,与take place和happen不是一类的,所以着重区别的还是后者:take place与 happen的用法 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:(1)The opening of the play will take place ...

You seem \/ appear ill.The food tastes delicious.The weather is turning \/ growing \/ becoming \/ getting cold.He often went hungry.2、能用名词作表语的系动词有:be, become, turn, sound, remain, seem 等。He was a postman six years ago.He has become a famous doctor.He turned ...

晨伟15625141921问: appear 的将来时是什么 -
达州市路成回答: 将来时 will appear appear [英][əˈpɪə(r)][美][əˈpɪr] vi. 发表; 出现,显现; 出庭,出场; 演出; 第三人称单数:appears 现在进行时:appearing 过去式:appeared 过去分词:appeared

晨伟15625141921问: With the development of science and technology,robot cooks______in our families in the future.() -
达州市路成回答:[选项] A. appear B. appeared C. will appear D. were appearing

晨伟15625141921问: it will appeared跟it will appear的差别这是刚才考试的题目.完形填空.句子是 it will on teacher's cumputer.然后A.appear B.appeared C.be appeared.中选一个. -
达州市路成回答:[答案] A appear 不及物动词 不可能用被动 will 后面用动词原形

晨伟15625141921问: 英语中语态是什么?如何才能掌握? -
达州市路成回答:[答案] 动词的语态 语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态. 主语是动作的发出者为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态. 1)若宾... It is said that she will leave for Wuhan on Tuesday. 4 不用被动语态的情况 1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态: appear, ...

晨伟15625141921问: happen与appear的用法区别????
达州市路成回答: happen相当于汉语中的'碰巧发生'.I don't know what happened.我不知道发生了什么.(碰巧) Suddenly,an amazing thing happens.突然,惊人的事发生了.(碰巧) appear的意思就是“出现;显现”,没有什么特别的强调碰巧,就是正常使用就行了.😁😁

晨伟15625141921问: They 〔appear〕 on TV next month appear怎么变?
达州市路成回答: 楼主,你好 填will appear 望采纳!

晨伟15625141921问: a few minutes later,astranger (appeared) at the end of the stree 括号中能否换成will appear -
达州市路成回答:[答案] 时态不同,later指后来.这似乎在讲故事,时态为过去时,不能换.

晨伟15625141921问: appear的用法
达州市路成回答: vi. 1. 出现;显露 Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 她脸上渐渐地露出笑容. 2. 似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)] It appears they are right. 看来他们是对的. He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自语. 3. 出庭,到案[Q] She ...

晨伟15625141921问: when the student is ready,the teacher appear -
达州市路成回答: when the student is ready,the teacher appear 这句的语法有问题,明显时态不对.如果是下面这句 when the student is ready,the teacher will appear 那么 字面意思为,学生准备好了,老师就会出现. 我见过的用法有2种. 1.这是一种无可救药的情绪,关于厌倦和想重头来过. 2.生命不止,学习不停.当一切都准备好了的时候,新的挑战就会出现.

晨伟15625141921问: appear用英语怎么造句 -
达州市路成回答: If she doesn't appear this time, then she won't have any excuse. 如果她这次又不来,她便没有什么藉口了.

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