
作者&投稿:汉丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The girl is not shy。“The girl is shy”的否定句是“The girl is not shy”,因为否定句通常是在肯定句的基础上加上否定词来构成的,而在这个句子中,否定词是“not”。在英语中,对于含有be动词的句子,否定形式通常是在be动词后面加上否定词“not”。所以否定句是“The girl is not shy”...

Hypnotised (Gerald S Vocal Mix) 歌词
I can't seem to get you off my mind Thats when I realised you had me hynotized Girl you can't hold me back no more Your not even worth me writing lyrics for We had something good together Do you think you were being clever To throw me out in awfull weather How do I...

简单意见的《Hypnotised》 歌词
I can't seem to get you off my mind Thats when I realised you had me hynotized Girl you can't hold me back no more Your not even worth me writing lyrics for We had something good together Do you think you were being clever To throw me out in awfull weather How do I...

McFly的《Hypnotised》 歌词
I can't seem to get you off my mind Thats when I realised you had me hynotized Girl you can't hold me back no more Your not even worth me writing lyrics for We had something good together Do you think you were being clever To throw me out in awfull weather How do I...

来源具体如下:意思:蒂姆(Tim是Timnothy的昵称)。来源:Timothy来源于圣经,原意是“上帝荣耀”的意思。名字典故:圣经中的Timothy与Paul(保罗)一起传教,后被击石致死而殉道,之后被尊为圣人。名字寓意:荣耀的。示例:My goodness, Tim, you have changed!译文:我的天,蒂姆,你变了!

Tim 蒂姆(男子名, Timothy的昵称)Timmy 蒂咪(女子名) 没有昵称啊~

Tom used to think that the more time he spent in studing , the better grades he will get, but now he knows that it is not as he thought.3.众所周知,我们的许多问题至少部分地是由于没能交流思想而引起的。As we all know, many problems of ours are due to, at least partially...

...twenty minutes. His eyesighy(视力)is not very___(好)
你好,同学 正确答案:填have run, good 即:I feel excited after I run for twenty minutes. His eyesight is not very good.翻译:在我跑了二十分钟后,我感觉很兴奋。他的视力不是很好。解析:第一句话的时态是一般现在时,主语是第一人称。第二句话中应该用形容词作表语,所以填good 希望...

我想用not only but also造句 不仅因为它很大而且它对电脑的要求非常高...
not only because it is very huge ,but also it has high requirement of computer.

sex char(2) check CK_hy sex in ('男','女') not null 这句话SQL提 ...
sex char(2) Constraint CK_hy check (sex in ('男','女')) not null 或者 sex char(2) check (sex in ('男','女')) not null

箕该13894451886问: why not 加to do吗 -
乌伊岭区凯时回答:[答案] why not + 动原,相当于:why don't you + 动原,表示“为什么不...”,用来表示建议,邀请等.

箕该13894451886问: why not后是接to do还是doing?急啊! -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not do sth.吧,提建议的方式其实不局限于why not及why don't you,还有一种是经常合他们互换的,是:how about 和what about ,二者可以互换,后面加doing sth.,建议你试试这个.

箕该13894451886问: why not后面到底是to do还是do? -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not do why don't you du

箕该13894451886问: WHY NOT 后面是接TO DO 还是直接用DO? -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not等于why don't you,直接接do

箕该13894451886问: why not后面是doing sth还是 to do sth -
乌伊岭区凯时回答:[答案] Why not do sth.Why not 是 Why don't you 的简单形式,所以既然有了助动词do,后面的动词应用原型. Why not do sth= How about doing sth .

箕该13894451886问: Why not 后面是跟do还是to do吖 -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not 后习惯上只接动词原形,不能接带 to 不定式或现在分词,不能接句子,也不能用“why didn't+动词原形”和“why don't+动词原形”这样的句子.如: 何不静观其结果呢?Why not just wait and see what happens? why not 后习惯上只接动词原形,为什么不等到冬季大贱卖时再买一件新外衣呢? Why not wait till the winter sales to buy a new coat?

箕该13894451886问: why not后加do还是doing还是to do? -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: 后加 do 用的是原型

箕该13894451886问: Why not是加do还是to do? -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not 后面加DO

箕该13894451886问: why not后面到底是to do还是do?这里刚刚有些人说why not后面是do原型你说呢?可是我在看到的都是Why not to sign up with a major label 或者Why Not To ... -
乌伊岭区凯时回答:[答案] why not do why don't you du

箕该13894451886问: "why not "后面加do还是to do还是doing?为什么?能不能具体点? -
乌伊岭区凯时回答: why not do Why don't 后加人称、谓语 如: Why don't you take a bus? Why not take a bus?

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