
作者&投稿:盛璐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

鹎科(27属,139种)中文名称学 名中文名称学 名1金冠鹎Alophoixus affinis71包氏旋木鹎Phyllastrephus baumanni2灰颊冠鹎Alophoixus bres72卡氏旋木鹎Phyllastrephus cabanisi3芬氏冠鹎Alophoixus finschii73灰绿旋木鹎Phyllastrephus cerviniventris4黄腹冠鹎Alophoixus flaveolus74灰冠旋木鹎Phyll...

health 与hralthy 的区别,一定要简单啊,不要说名称和形容词,简单_百度...
health表示健康,卫生,保健 Smoking is not good for your health.吸烟对你的健康没有好处。Smoking is bad for health.吸烟对身体有害。healthy表示健康的 His grandpa is healthy.他的祖父身体健康。Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很...

1、首先在电脑中找到已经下载好的红警2地图包,找到右键点击解压红警2地图包。2、接着全部选中解压出的地图文件,按住键盘“Ctrl +C”进行复制,然后将复制的文件按“Ctrl + V”粘贴,粘贴到红警2安装目录中。3、粘贴完成后,运行红警2的游戏程序(exe),进入游戏中,看地图文件是否能够正常运行。4、...

WebFrontEnd not sexy enough?
HyDepends on what you wanna do?A good flexible FrontEnd for Online Reporting is inSight\/dynaSight.Just look at http:\/\/www.dynasight.comIf you look for Formatted Reporting you may want to have a look at Crystal Decision\/Crystal Enterprise.Hope it helps 查看原帖>> ...

enter standhy中文意思
进入待机 Publisher cannot enter standby mode while it is in the middle of a long operation.please try again after the operation is finished.publisher无法在长时间操作期间进入待命模式,请在操作结束后再试。2IR-remote control and the standby state is set, the system may not enter the ...

Perhaps, you really want to be an adult, can take the money and run in the streets take clothes, then throw your money to those who rely on the money to eat. But, what is you in exchange for the price? Not only is labor, and the past innocence, you will be always on...

英文名caohy 怎么读

That's hy I prefer to travel in the summer.那也是我为什么喜欢在夏季旅游的原因.10.A story goes that the emperor was killed hy his son.传说那位皇帝是被儿子杀死的.11.AIM : To introduce and analyze the reliability and validity of Stanford group hy pnotic susceptibility scale ( SG...

...twenty minutes. His eyesighy(视力)is not very___(好)
你好,同学 正确答案:填have run, good 即:I feel excited after I run for twenty minutes. His eyesight is not very good.翻译:在我跑了二十分钟后,我感觉很兴奋。他的视力不是很好。解析:第一句话的时态是一般现在时,主语是第一人称。第二句话中应该用形容词作表语,所以填good 希望...

4, He did not wear (fall protection equipment)5, Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions)七,多选择题,四个答案中三个正确一个错误,(下面给出的是错误答案)1,你应该相信自己未来的工作...这项工作 2,在你们订购 ...产品的说明 3,丝绸服装...给予打折扣 4,即使...

门福19523772262问: Why not 后面为什么要加动词原形?急! -
彭阳县小儿回答:[答案] why not其实是一个省略名=why don't you 所以加原形

门福19523772262问: Why not 后面为什么要加动词原形???急!!! -
彭阳县小儿回答: why not其实是一个省略名=why don't you 所以加原形

门福19523772262问: why do not 后跟动词原形吗 -
彭阳县小儿回答: why not 直接加动词原形 eg. Why not go for a walk? why don't you 加动词原形 eg.Why don't you go for a walk. 一般don't 后要加you

门福19523772262问: why not的用法 -
彭阳县小儿回答: 用于提议或对一提议表示赞成,后接动词原形.例如:Why not go now?=Why won't you go now?何不现在就去?很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

门福19523772262问: why not do sth 等于why dont you do sth 为什么后面要加动词原形呢不是to do 呢 请回答具体一些 -
彭阳县小儿回答: 这叫做固定搭配,就像中文中的一些固定说法一样,不存在为什么这样说的问题.所以,没有必要纠结于这类问题,只要将固定的说法记牢固,用的时候会用,就可以了.希望帮到你!

门福19523772262问: why not后接动词什么形式 -
彭阳县小儿回答: why not后加动词原型,意思是:为何不.....主要用于提建议. 短语解析: why not 英文发音:[waɪ nɒt] 中文释义:为什么不好[不行] 例句: Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance? 为什么不出去看看是否有我们可以跳舞...

门福19523772262问: why not do这里的not为什么可以单独使用 -
彭阳县小儿回答: 恕我直言,二楼有误. Why don't you...? = Why not...?两种说法后面都要接动词原形. 如: Why don't you go with us? = Why not go with us?你为什么不跟我们一起去呢?Why don't you...?是陈述句,Why not...?是祈使句.我们知道,祈使句是省略了主语you的,而且祈使句要用动词原形. 再举几个祈使句的例子: Come in! 进来! Stand up! 起立! Give me the book, please!请把书给我! Go at once! 立刻滚蛋! Hurry up!快点! Do it at once! 立刻做!

门福19523772262问: why not 后接动词的什么形式? -
彭阳县小儿回答: why not 意思是"为什么不呢'' 一般用在疑问句中,表示提建议.why not 后面要跟动词原型.下面举一个例子: Why not have a picnic this afternoon?今天下午去野餐怎么样?why not =why don't you二者用法是完全一致的,可以相互转化why not是一种习语后面省略了前面指代的内容 在很多电影里经常听到 用法:why not + do why don't you +do 这里的do是助动词必须加实义动词

门福19523772262问: 是why not try doing 还是why not to try doing -
彭阳县小儿回答: 是why not try doing. 因为有词组why not do sth,所以why not后面加动词原型. why not try doing意思是为什么不尝试做某事.例句: You can't run, why not try jogging? 你不能快跑,为什么不尝试慢跑呢?why not 英[hwai nɔt] 美[hwaɪ nɑt] [词典] 何妨;何不; [例句]I shrugged, as if to say, 'Why not?' 我耸了耸肩,仿佛在说,“为什么不?”

门福19523772262问: why not后加什么呢?“doing”还是“不定式”? -
彭阳县小儿回答: 加动词原型,表示建议.如:Why not go with us? 祝你进步

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