
作者&投稿:贡世 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

牛蒡GIHOSHIHAJIKAMI托盘到托盘,托盘GIHEGINI豆一 牛蒡强奸平庸平庸平庸GIHOSHI GIHEGINI大豆,可惜只有一个或 花椒摘豆摘除摘蓼 在她的收获咖啡豆的商业犯罪TSUMITA 复制主教山书写 YASOUJOU的YOSHAZANNO 学生看到这个粉米嚼嚼嚼粉米生活粉米 或粉碎米粉混合在一个可以压碎水稻发现,粉碎大米 绯繻珍缎缎...

殳盾13997038855问: why culture counts什么意思 -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: 文化为什么重要 counts (按顺序)数( count的第三人称单数 ); 有价值; 数出总数; 算得上

殳盾13997038855问: 求一篇英语作文.最好有中英对照的,15句左右的 题目是为什么中国的文化是特殊的 Why is your culture unique? -
嘉峪关市感冒回答:[答案] 你可以先从网上查一下有关于“为什么中国的文化是特殊的”的材料,然后在网上翻译一下就好了

殳盾13997038855问: Chinese culture中的文化可数吗 -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: 不可数1. N-UNCOUNT 文化,文明(如艺术、哲学) Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people's minds. There is just not enough fun and ...

殳盾13997038855问: what is culture作文 -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: 示例 (1)Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future. - Albert Camus Culture is a learned pattern of behavior, and is a way in which a person ...

殳盾13997038855问: why america culture so popular in the 20 century?也是英概题,大家帮帮忙啊...... -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: Beacuse America was quite blooming that century, and no country can match it.In a word America stood for all the advanced...

殳盾13997038855问: 求一篇关于 美国文化 的英语作文. 大概200个词汇. -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: As we know,America is a young country,however,its culture is quite splendid,which is admitted by people all over the world,especially its fastfood culture.In 1948,the Richards opened up the first fastfood restaurant,named Mcdonald's,...

殳盾13997038855问: 急求一篇以save our cultures为题的英语作文 100—150词
嘉峪关市感冒回答: Save our Cultures Recent years, teenagers are getting more and more crazy about western cultures. While Chinese traditional cultures are in embarrassed situation. I think, learning western cultures is good to develop our culture with new idea, but ...

殳盾13997038855问: 企业文化缘何重要 翻译成英文 -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: what makes corporate culture so significant?因为是缘何,不是为何.我是这么理解的.

殳盾13997038855问: 编写一个函数,由实参传来一个字符串,统计此字符串中字母、数字、空格和其它字符的个数,在主函数中输入 -
嘉峪关市感冒回答: class TestCount {private String s; //下面四个变量要声明成静态的private static int count1 = 0;private static int count2 = 0;private static int count3 = 0;private static int count4 = 0; public TestCount(String s){this.s = s;} public void ...

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