
作者&投稿:政备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ho are married to normal partners.。使用normal作为与残疾人相对的词来形容健全的人 ,实际上暗示身有残疾的人abnormal。我们虽然可以说normal\/abnormal hearing, vision ,body movement,etc.,但是normal和abnormal形容人则不甚合适。 这句话可以改为:He r study looks at some of the special challenges faced by...

Roman invation
Hosidius Geta was almost captured, but recovered and turned the battle so decisively that he was awarded the ornamenta triumphalia.The British were pushed back to the Thames. The Romans pursued them across the river causing them to lose men in the marshes of Essex. Whether the Romans made ...

hot dog的读音:英 [ˈhɒt dɒɡ]、美 [ˈhɑːt dɔːɡ]hot dog:n.热狗(香肠面包);(滑雪、滑雪板运动或冲浪的)动作灵巧表演者,高难动作表演者 一、hot adj. 热的;辣的;很受欢迎的;非常棒的;性感的;棘手的 Hot summer, hot day. ...

。「喔喔! ("Ho! ho!")」他说著 (quoth he)。「那是我的 ("that's for me,")。」马上把那发亮的东西从稻草底下拿起来 (and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw.)。结果发现那竟是一颗珍珠(What did it turn out to be but a Pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard?

[用于插入句]=the thing [fact] that [用于感叹句中]多少; 多么 [关系代词](=whatever)凡是...的事物 What 's that all about?那究竟是怎么回事?What happened?出了什么事?What is he?他是做什么的?What is he like?他是怎样的人?What if we should fail?倘若我们失败了怎么办?He will ...

Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the ...

He was knighted in 1967,the first critic to be ho
He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored.他在1967被封为爵士,是第一个获此殊荣的音乐评论家。这里是to do的被动语态,意思是:被给…以荣誉 he is honored...honor 做动词时,有如下意思:给…以荣誉,给与...的光荣,向...授勋礼遇;给予荣誉 ...

home and abroad前面加什么介词
前面的介词用at,例如:1.The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad.该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。2.She gives frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad.她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。3.Saga features trips for older people at home and ...

What does the fox say Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow What does the fox say Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho What does the fox say Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff Tchoff-tchoff-tchoff...

The process of the match might not deserve the reputations of these two clubs.There is basically no highlight during the game.Each team didn't give any threatening kick during the first half.Prince Boateng was severely violated by Melo.Then,he was replaced by Robinho during the ...

鄹壮13652176740问: who the hell r u?中文是什么意思? -
三明市圣之回答: Who the hell r u?即Who the hell are you?这是句骂人的粗话,大概可以这样翻译:你 他 妈 的 到 底 是 谁?

鄹壮13652176740问: Who the hell are you还是 Who the hell you are ?这句不是询问```是这样:"你以为你是谁啊!"为什么复合句就是 you are 了啊? -
三明市圣之回答:[答案] 如果是简单句的话,就是Who the hell are you?是个问句! 要是复合句的话就不是了! 如果是你以为你是谁,那就是who the hell you are了! 因为复合句的话,这句要改成陈述的语气,所以就是you are了!

鄹壮13652176740问: 英语里the hell 的用法,怎么用?what the hell are you doing 还是what the hell you are doing -
三明市圣之回答: 1.用法 What the hell.. 不要去在意好吗 如:I Don't Know You Anymore Savage Garden ... Was it too soon to tell 难道一切真的已经太迟了吗 What the hell 不要去在意好吗 It doesn't really matter 真的没关系 2.what the hell you are doing 这句是对的,后用陈述语气.

鄹壮13652176740问: Who the hell are you 是什么意思呢 -
三明市圣之回答: 你(XXX)到底是谁? XXX是脏话.虽然英语这个不算脏话,但是也是不友好的语气了. 一般很不高兴,很愤怒的时候这么说.

鄹壮13652176740问: Who the hell are you还是 Who the hell you are ?? -
三明市圣之回答: 如果是简单句的话,就是Who the hell are you?是个问句!要是复合句的话就不是了!如果是你以为你是谁,那就是who the hell you are了!因为复合句的话,这句要改成陈述的语气,所以就是you are了!

鄹壮13652176740问: what the hell or what's the hell -
三明市圣之回答: 好问题.What the hell 是对的,是你提到的what the hell r u doing 或者 where the hell r u going 的省略

鄹壮13652176740问: who - the - hell - you - are是什么意思 -
三明市圣之回答: hell 属于感叹词,借用地狱的含义发出强烈的诅咒,相当于汉语的“他妈该死的”,所以这句话的意思是“你他妈的究竟是谁呀”.类似的感叹词还有fuck、damn、in the world、 onearth、under the sun、under heaven,等等.例如:I am damn well going to file chargesagainst him. 我他妈肯定要对他提出控告. How in the world did they manage? 他们他妈究竟是怎样办到的? Is there any justice under the sun? 这天底下他妈的究竟有没有公平?

鄹壮13652176740问: 美国口语what's the hell...一般会怎么用? -
三明市圣之回答: What is the hell...就等于What is, the hell在这里是粗话.表示不在乎、无可奈何、气恼、不耐烦等.究竟,到底怎么了,翻译为1.究竟是什么(也可以). 2.不要去在意好吗?3.他妈的4.管他呢/妈的

鄹壮13652176740问: 翻译两句英文. who the hell are you? we are meant to be. -
三明市圣之回答: Who the hell are you? - 你特么的是谁?We are meant to be. - 含义很丰富,不同语境下有不同翻译.可以译为:我们注定如此.梦到某个人:dream of sb. dream作不及物动词.

鄹壮13652176740问: who 后面要不要加s这句话 U r the one who know me best all the time 另外我想加个 ever 来强调一下, 可以加在哪里? -
三明市圣之回答:[答案] 加.

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