
作者&投稿:池花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


英语造句 用下列词组造句,并翻译词组 1.offer to do sth 2.decide to...
1.offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 He offered to help me with my homework yesterday .他昨天主动提出帮我做作业.2.decide to do sth.决定做某事 My parents decided to buy a puter for me last week .我的父母亲上周决定给我买一台电脑.3.hope to do sth.希望做某事 I hope to visit...

HO是元素钬,原子序数67,原子量164.93032,元素名来源于发现者的出生地。 钬1878年索里特从铒土的光谱中发现钬,次年瑞典的克莱夫用化学方法从铒土中分离出钬。钬在地壳中的含量为0.000115%,与其它稀土元素一起存在于独居石和稀土矿中。天然稳定同位素只有钬165。钬为银白色金属,质较软,有延展性;...

cheng ho造句 cheng hoの例文 "cheng ho"是什麼意思
It's difficult to find cheng ho in a sentence. 用 cheng ho 造句挺难的

用这些词造句,拜忙了how often,how long ,how far,how old ,ho
How often do you exercise?How long does he walk to the school?How far you home to the library?How many does he have basketball?How much do you persons?

英语高的造句:高: tall.造句:He is tall and slim.他又高又瘦。The building is very tall.这座大楼很高。

中文发音:自豪[z ho] 词语解释:为自己或与自己有关的集体、个人所取得成就、荣誉而感到光荣、骄傲。 近义词:自负、骄横、傲慢、高慢、自傲、自尊、高傲、自高、骄气、自大、骄傲 用自豪造句 1、妈妈也因我的健康成长而感到自豪。 2、我为自己是一名中国人而自豪。 3、我深深为自己的行为能给他们枯燥的工作带来...

a hoapital 造句
There is a hospital in front of the bank.有一个医院在银行前面

中文发音:毫不犹豫[ho b yu y] 词语解释:非常坚决,不迟疑,不动摇。 近义词:当机立断、不假思索、毫不迟疑 用毫不犹豫造句 1、我毫不犹豫的答应了她的要求。 2、他问我去不去上海工作,我毫不犹豫的答应了 3、我毫不犹豫的说我上次这个会议的时候就没有去参加。 4、她总是毫不犹豫地把她的想法告诉我...

1.不易之论:不可更改的言论、说法。形容言论、意见非常正确。——实践是检验真理的唯一标准,这的确是不易之论。2 不刊之论:不可更改的言论.例句:鲁迅的杂文语言犀利,思想深刻,都属于不刊之论 3 不过尔尔:不过这样罢了。有轻视人的意思。有的文章,所写内容也许不过尔尔,但遣词造句布局结构...

冷德19379298350问: 用英语单词Who怎么造句 -
义乌市流感回答:[答案] Who are you ? 你是谁? The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous . 这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的.

冷德19379298350问: who怎样造句 -
义乌市流感回答: who are you?你是谁?who am i?我是谁?who is this?这位是?是要这样的吗?

冷德19379298350问: 用who造句 两句以上 必采纳 -
义乌市流感回答: who is your teacher..

冷德19379298350问: 用who're ?造句10个简单的最基础的 -
义乌市流感回答: 1. Who're you? 2. Who're those guyes? 3. Who're they? 4. Who're the people standing there? 5. Who're the two men sitting on the chair? 6. Who're going to the park with me? 7. Who're going to the cinema? 8. Who're going to the university? 9. Who're going to buy shoes? 10. Who're there?

冷德19379298350问: 用who造句并回答 不要太过简单 -
义乌市流感回答: I wonder who first thought of the idea. 我纳闷谁先想到这个主意的.Who set him on to do this piece of mischief? 是谁唆使他去做这件害人的事?We should remember all those who have gone before us. 我们应该记住所有那些先驱者.Who interfered with my papers? 谁乱动了我的文件了?Someone hoodwinked my eyes and let me guess who she was. 有人蒙住了我的双眼,让我猜一猜她是谁.

冷德19379298350问: 简单英语造句1.用Therefore造句2.用except造句3.用feel depressed because造句4.用which造句(定语从句)5.用who造句(定语从句)6.用Will you let...do...造... -
义乌市流感回答:[答案] 1 Therefore he gave away all his money to charities2 I think no one can help me except you.3 If you could choose a place to live,which city or country would you choose?4 He laughs best who laughs last...

冷德19379298350问: 用who are造句10个简单的 -
义乌市流感回答: I never smile at people who are rude to me. 我决不会向对我无礼的人微笑. Successful are those who are willing to take pains. 成功的人都是那些肯努力的人.62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333337623364 It's time to speak up for ...

冷德19379298350问: 用what which how when who whom 造句带翻译越简单越好 -
义乌市流感回答: what is your name 你叫什么名字 which class are you in 你在哪个班级 how old are you 你几岁了 when will you come 你什么时候过来 who are you 你是谁 whom is this book to 这本书是给谁的

冷德19379298350问: 用what,who,where,how,why各造10个句字 -
义乌市流感回答: What 's that all about? 那究竟是怎么回事? What happened? 出了什么事? What is he? 他是做什么的? What is he like? 他是怎样的人? What if we should fail? 倘若我们失败了怎么办? He will take what you offer him. 你给他什么, 他接受什...

冷德19379298350问: 用When、Who、How各造15个句子
义乌市流感回答: when did you go to beijing?when will you finish your homework?when i was young, i like eating chocolates.please say hello to your mom when you see her.we haven't decided when to go home.who are you talking to?who is the man in red sweater?...

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