
作者&投稿:计物 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Just when he gets near his home, a bad apple from the fifth floor hits his head. He wants to open the door, but he can’t find his key. He leaves his pencil box in Mr Wang’s home and the key is in it!In the evening, he goes to watch a show outdoors with his mother. ...

101. --Jimmy lost his key yesterday--___?It’s his third time in just one month.A. Has he B. Did he C. was he D. Does he 102. --Do you think we’ll need a coffee pot?--I don’t drink coffee, and ___. It’s unnecessary.Why not a tea service?A. so do you B. ne...

He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key.他为了找到他的钥匙把整个抽屉都翻乱了。I can't force the key into this lock, it won't fit.我无法将钥匙插入这个锁孔,这把钥匙不配这把锁。I've lost the key of my house, so I'll have to force an entry.我把房门...

morning and rang the doorbell. Having failed to wake up his wife, he put a ladder against the wall and began climbing towards the bedroom window. Suddenly a policeman called out, but the writer answered him rudely. He told him he had forgotten his key. The shouting woke his ...

51St Anniversary 歌词
So you say you wanna be married I'm gonna change your mind Oh got to change That was the good side baby Here comes the bad side Ten years they've been married And a thousand kids run around hungry Cause ther mother's a louse Daddy's down at the wihiskey house That ain...

51St Anniversary 歌词
So you say you wanna be married I'm gonna change your mind Oh got to change That was the good side baby Here comes the bad side Ten years they've been married And a thousand kids run around hungry Cause ther mother's a louse Daddy's down at the wihiskey house That ain...

51St Anniversary 歌词
So you say you wanna be married I'm gonna change your mind Oh got to change That was the good side baby Here comes the bad side Ten years they've been married And a thousand kids run around hungry Cause ther mother's a louse Daddy's down at the wihiskey house That ain...

二、场景例句:1、You need to enter the CD key to activate the software.(你需要输入CD密钥来激活软件。)2、The store manager checked the CD key to ensure it was legitimate.(商店经理检查了CD密钥以确保其合法有效。)3、He lost his CD key,so he couldn't access the game anymore...

All That She Wants 歌词
Something sweet, so delight How can you men stand sleeping at night?The silly pattern that I followed I saw my mama being swallowed By the one, who she loved He pulled her down, couldn't see up above Manipulation was his key He screwed it in, 'cause she was naive We're ...

Mr Perkin parked(停车) his car in a big car-park(停车场) near his office,and walked the rest of the way. But when he came back at five o'clock, therewere so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car-park that he did not know whichcar was his. He tried his key in some of ...

羊味18377686713问: 威斯忌 怎么喝??? -

羊味18377686713问: [翻译] '沙瓦' 这种饮料英文怎么叫呢? -
魏县欣奇回答: WHISKEY SOUR 威士忌沙瓦 其中 SOUR 翻译成 沙瓦

羊味18377686713问: 什么鸡尾酒需要盐边或糖边? -
魏县欣奇回答: 粘盐边的鸡尾酒有,MARGARITA,(玛格丽特) SALT DOG(咸狗)...粘糖边的鸡尾酒有WHISKEY SOUR(威士忌酸)

羊味18377686713问: 男士喜欢喝哪些种鸡尾酒? -
魏县欣奇回答: 那可多了!比如007喜欢喝的马天尼,其他的自己查询 【中文名称】:马天尼 【英文名称】:Martini Cocktail 【材 料】:辛辣金酒2/3,辛辣苦艾酒1/3,橄榄1个 【制 法】:1.将所有材料加入调酒杯中调和 2.将调和好的酒倒入鸡尾酒杯中 【作 者】...

羊味18377686713问: 威士忌可以怎么喝? -
魏县欣奇回答: 威士忌有各种各样的喝法,可以单独饮用,也可以混合其他饮料饮用,如加水、加冰、调成鸡尾酒等. 威士忌是以谷物为原料,经发酵、蒸馏、陈酿而成的一种酒精饮料,所采用的原料不同,风味特色也会不尽相同.如今,威士忌可以说是风...

羊味18377686713问: 鸡尾酒的各种调法? -
魏县欣奇回答: 加州宾治[California Punch] 主酒: 白朗姆30ml 柳橙汁90ml 苏打水8分满 辅材: 柳橙片 红樱桃 调制:直接注入法 盛装:高飞球杯 要领:用公杯盛装柳橙汁时,取量时勿超过所需要量的1/3 中段柳橙作柳橙片,并把蒂头去掉,切成全片 因为是直...

羊味18377686713问: 外国都有哪些饮料? -
魏县欣奇回答: 美国佬(Americano) 天使之吻(Angel? Kiss) 维也纳咖啡(Viennese Coffee 杏仁酸酒(Amaretto Sour) 蓝鸟(Blue Bird 冰红茶(Ice Tea) 波本可乐(Bourbon Coke B对B(B&B) 白兰地亚历山大(Brandy Alexander 奇奇(Chi Chi) 贵...

羊味18377686713问: 给我介绍款鸡尾酒 -
魏县欣奇回答: 金汤力(GinTonic) 晶莹剔透的杯体中,冰块悬浮在酒中,气泡包围着柠檬薄片,感觉清凉而又爽口. 配料:金酒1/4,汤力水3/4(此乃比例) 容器:高波杯 饰物:柠檬片 调配方法:将金酒倒入高波杯中,在杯中加入冰块,用汤力水注满,...

羊味18377686713问: 威士忌怎么调酒 -
魏县欣奇回答: 准备材料:威士忌50ml,青柠一个,蜂蜜两大勺,冰块适量,饮用水80ml 1、将威士忌取出,倒50ml到玻璃杯中.2、放入榨取的3/4个青柠汁,另外1/4的柠檬切成四块放入杯中. 3、在杯中放入两大勺蜂蜜,可以依据个人口味调整. ...

羊味18377686713问: 星座鸡尾酒该怎么调制
魏县欣奇回答: 牧羊座Aries(3月21日--4月19日) 星座代表酒:神风特攻队(Kmaikaze) 材料: 2/5... 天蝎座Scorpio(10月24日--11月21日) 星座代表酒:威士忌沙瓦(Whiskey Sour) 材料...

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