
作者&投稿:酉孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


料,有时是一样的如:YONEX ISO-800TOUR拍杆上有High Modulus Graphite(高强度碳纤维)拍框上也有同样的标示, 而有的球拍的拍杆和拍框的材料是不一样的如:YONEX ISO-250LONG拍杆为High Moudulus Graphite拍框上为 Graphite(碳纤维)。也有的拍杆、拍框采用同一材料的羽拍只在拍框或拍杆的一个地方标有All Graphite...

流金L4与O3 TOUR哪个比较适合3.0的人?
O3 TOUR Head Size:100 sq. in. \/ 645 sq. cm.Length: 27 inches \/ 69 cm Strung Weight: 11.6oz \/ 329g Balance: 7pts Head Light Swingweight: 327 Stiffness: 61 Beam Width: 18mm Straight Beam Composition: High Modulus Graphite with Titanium and Tungsten Power Level: Low-Medium...

嗜好:钢琴,书法五段,芭蕾,珠算,野球观战,音乐鉴赏 身高:156 厘米 国籍:日本 籍贯:日本福冈县 作品:《Voyage (日本版)》《A BALLADS》《RAINBOW (日本版)》《H》《I am...(日本版)》《Never Ever》《ayu-mi-x III》《Duty》《Ayu Ro Mix》《LOVEppears》《Kanariya》《Fly High》滨崎...

因为taken 是过去分词,不能作主语,being taken 是动名词的被动式,可以作主语,执行者不是a senior high student,而是其他人,因此用动名词的被动式。

1. Package Tours have become increasingly popular.2. Travel Agencies charter flights, reserve hotel rooms and meals on behalf of the customer.3. The tourists are going abroad tomorrow.4. Their travel fees are not expensive either.5. Youths sometimes get a lift.这就是为什么这段时间...

061230 1ST concert THE REAL 首尔 070527 Want You Live Concert Tour 仁川 070617 Want You Live Concert Tour 春川 070630 Want You Live Concert Tour 大邱 070715 Want You Live Concert Tour 昌原 070729 Want You Live Concert Tour 全州 071228 071229 071230 The GREAT Concert 首尔 080328 ...

这个太多了,东部的亚的斯亚贝巴 内罗毕 蒙巴萨。 北部的开罗,突尼斯,西部的卡萨布兰卡,中部的,桑给巴尔岛,南部的开普敦,斯威士兰 总之每个国家的首都都是著名的。小国还有马尔代夫,塞舌尔等等。

刘德华VIsion Tour 2004演唱会上他说的那些粤语,谁能给翻译成国语啊,谢...
刘德华VIsion Tour 2004演唱会上他说的那些粤语,谁能给翻译成国语啊,谢谢!!! 是整个演唱会中说的对白,都是粤语的,可不可以给翻译成国语啊... 是整个...华仔:听说你们现在很high哦? 要不要和我们唱只歌 跳只舞? Andox:我叫做Andox 黑仔:我啊 我叫做黑仔啊 Andox和黑仔:你们好 Hi! 华仔:我们就利用这个时候...

介绍旅游景点的英文短语 介绍旅游景点的英语作文模板
Center 国际客运码头 the International Passenger Quay 锦江乐园 Jinjiang Amusement Park鲁迅纪念馆 Lu Xun Memorial Hall 上海话剧艺术中心 Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center 上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden上海美术馆 Shanghai Art Gallery上海海洋水族馆 Shanghai Ocean Aquarium高架:overpass\/ elevated high way四通...

运屠17190983190问: which colour are you like 对 还是which colour do you like 个人感觉或者,但不知道为什么…. -
巴彦县清胰回答:[答案] 你的感觉是对的.like作喜欢的意思讲的时候是实意动词,作为动词原形在句子中的时候不能与be动词连用,变成疑问句的时候要加助动词do/does/did.

运屠17190983190问: 关于旅游的英语作文200字加翻译 -
巴彦县清胰回答: As for this essay, I want the person who likes travel to read. And, I also want the person who yearns to the solitary journey to read. I like travel very much. I often go to travel. It meets a lot of people when traveling. It can touch not only the person but ...

运屠17190983190问: which+do+you+enjoy+to+spend+your+holiday…不定式的句子成分? -
巴彦县清胰回答: 其实which 才是enjoy的宾语,不定式此处做状语

运屠17190983190问: which means of transportation do you prefer?的英语作文 -
巴彦县清胰回答: which means of transportation do you prefer?There are many means of transporsportation such as cars, airplanes, ships, etc. The sole purpose of these means of transportation is to get something/someone from point A to point B. But ...

运屠17190983190问: Which city do you want to go to(这里为什么一定要加to)?I don't know where to go(这里却不要加). -
巴彦县清胰回答: 这是个好问题! Which city do you want to go to(这里为什么一定要加to)? which:乃疑问代词,这里宾语是:Which city. 不定式的to作为不及物动词与宾语的连接媒介一般不可以省略. I don't know where to go(这里却不要加). where:疑问...

运屠17190983190问: Which Mode of Travel Do You like?你喜不喜欢这种方式旅行?字数要求:不少于150字 -
巴彦县清胰回答: As people start to have more dispensable money and time, traveling is a great commodity to be traded for. In the past a few year, the holiday market flourished and the mode of travel has seen some diversity. There are two notable modes, the ...

运屠17190983190问: Which mode of travel do you prefer? By plane, bike, ship, bus, motorcycle, subway or other ways? -
巴彦县清胰回答: Hello everyone , Today I'm giving a speech about travelling . Let me ask you a little question : Which mode of travel do you prefer? By plane, bike, ship, bus, motorcycle, subway or other ways? Most people may choose the plane because it takes ...

运屠17190983190问: 凡是疑问词what where which when之类的. 都可以加do you 吗? -
巴彦县清胰回答:[答案] 可以,这就是一般疑问句,例如: What do you see in the picture? 你在图片上都看到了什么? Where do you study every day? 你每天在哪里学习? Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 你比较喜欢喝茶,还是喝咖啡? When do you go to piano class...

运屠17190983190问: which+do+you+enjoy+to+spend+your+holiday…不定式的句子成分?这句话绝对正确、牛津字典上并没有说enjoy可以接不定式. -
巴彦县清胰回答:[答案] 其实which 才是enjoy的宾语,不定式此处做状语

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