
作者&投稿:杨以 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2. 高山:"高山"在英语中可以翻译为"high mountain"。例如,"Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world"(珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山)。3. 高楼大厦:"高楼大厦"可以翻译为"high-rise building"。例如,"The city skyline is filled with high-rise buildings"(城市天际线上都是...

Huzhou, May 10 (Huzhou Daily)—A city eye examination has sho...
小题1:A小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D 小题1:本文的第二段提到对54个班级的1770名学生进行眼力测试,其中发现只有 10% 的孩子有好的视力,也就是177名有好的视力,故选A。小题2:本文的第二段第二行提到眼力测试的学生是来自5个地区的中小学学生,故本题应该选B。小题3:从第三段第二行可以...

Las Vegas (Las Vegas) is the largest city in Nevada, and a city with a high international reputation.拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas) 是美国内华达州最大的城市,也是座享有极高国际声誉的城市。Las Vegas was built in May 15, 1905, because of the desert edge and border of Nevada, so Las...

旅游景点介绍中英双语 外国景点介绍英文中文双语
During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the ...

英语翻译THE HAPPY PRINCE (Excerpt) High above the city,on a...
快乐王子 剪辑 快乐王子的雕像高高地耸立在城市上空—根高大的石柱上面.他浑身上下镶满了薄薄的 黄金叶片,明亮的蓝宝石做成他的双眼,剑柄上还嵌着一颗硕大的灿灿发光的红色宝石.世人对他真是称羡不已.“他像风标一样漂亮,”一位想表现自己有艺术品味的市参议 员说了一句,接着又因担心人们将他视为...

High above the city, 英语语法分析题
On a tall column是插入语,暂且不管, 整句话为 high above the city stood the statue of the happy prince 为完全倒装,正常语序 the statue of the happy prince stood high above the city on a tall column.

...great changes have taken place in our city in the last few year...
B 短语辨析. A.紧张;兴奋 B. 出现;涌现 C. 举起;提出D.组成;化妆.根据题意,在过去今年中我们的城市发生了多么大的变化啊!——的确,整个城市中涌现了很多高楼大厦。选B。


The temperature in our city is---(保持) high these days._百度...

High 的反义词?

赏逄18438519533问: 精锐老师留的作业Which city has the - -- - population in China? A. most B. biggest C. more D. fewest -
唐河县锐沙回答: A,望采纳

赏逄18438519533问: Which city has the - (large)population,Bejing or Shanghai?这题 -
唐河县锐沙回答: Which city has the (larger) population ,Bejing or Shanghai 温馨提示:两者之间的比较级 允许加the

赏逄18438519533问: Which city has - ------- - population, Shanghai, HongKong or Qingdao? A. the smallest ... -
唐河县锐沙回答: AC试题分析:the smallest最小的;the most 最……;the largest最大的.句意;那个城市人口最多(少),上海,香港还是青岛?population在表示人口多少时,一般用large和small来修饰,结合语境可知选AC. 点评:population是一个集合名...

赏逄18438519533问: which city has fresher air?回答城市b的更好该怎么回答?(英文回答) -
唐河县锐沙回答: -- Which city has fresher air, A or B?-- City B has fresher air.具体实例: Which city has fresher air, London or Sydney?-- Sydney has fresher air.

赏逄18438519533问: 英语语法:A modern city has been set up in - -- - was a wasteland ten years ago. A. what B. which -
唐河县锐沙回答: which是关系代词,前面必须有一前行词,This is the banana which I bought yesterday. 这里的前行词就是banana,前行词必须在which前面,前行词和which必须相邻, 而你的句子没有前行词,这是第一,第二,which在从句中做语法上的主语或...

赏逄18438519533问: Which city has - _______ - population Wuhan Guangzhou or Shanghai?[] -
唐河县锐沙回答:[选项] A. large B. larger C. smaller D. the largest

赏逄18438519533问: 哪些介词加 which可以引导非限定性定语从句 -
唐河县锐沙回答: 所有搭配合理的都可以,包括in, on, at, about, of, over, around, beyond, between, from, to, into, out of, outside, inside, onto, by, among, with, under, above,through非限制性定语从句.介词的使用方法 在定语从句中,一般有两种情况会在关系代词前...

赏逄18438519533问: Which city has -- population,Shanghai,Hong Kong or Qingdao? -
唐河县锐沙回答: 这道题有问题;A与D都可以呀 修饰POPULATION 用SMALL / BIG / LARGE ,帮排除B与C; 但可以问哪个城市有最多/最少人?加油!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

赏逄18438519533问: what animals are there in the zoo? 和which city has the most people? 怎么一个用There be 一个用have? -
唐河县锐沙回答: 前一个是存在句,所以用there be结构,have也有“拥有/有”的意思,句型不同而已,意思差不多

赏逄18438519533问: which city has - ---- - population , shanghai or qingdao ? - ----shanghai , of course . -
唐河县锐沙回答: 选D.那个城市人口更多.修饰population只能用small或者large.根据上海人比青岛多,所以是the larger.注意,这里的the不是修饰larger,the是修饰population的.

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