
作者&投稿:昌郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

if whether用法区别
三、if引导时间状语从句,当if做“当”或“无论何时”解而不含有条件之义时,if从句中的时态与主句中的时态相同。W hether 用法 whether可以用作连词 whether用作连词,意思是“是否,是不是”,可引导名词从句或动词不定式短语。whether还可引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管,无论”,从句中通常用一般...

whether和if的用法区别 1)whether和if常用来引导宾语从句,这时两者的含义区别很小,一般可通用。例如: ①I don't know whether\/if they will come to help us. 我不知道他们是否来帮助我们。 ②I am not sure whether\/if I'll have time to go with you. 我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起...

if 和whether在宾语从句中有什么区别
回答:??牵?眞hether与or not连成一个词组时,whether不可换用if 还有在介词后面只能用whether,不能用if。 在动词不定式之前,只能用whether,不能用if。 引导主语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。 在及物动词后的宾语从句中,只能用whether,不能用if。

if或whether在引导宾语从句中作“是否”讲,常用在ask,care,wonder,know,等动词后引出带有疑问意义的宾语从句.从句语序保持陈述语序,if或whether不充当成分,只起连接作用,不可省. 区别:whether可以引导介词后的宾语从句,if不可以. I worry about whether I hurt her feeling. I wonder if\/whether...


After an earthquake , you must check everyone in your family, and see w__hether___gas, water, and electric lines are OK. Please don’t strike matches or make a fire. A gas line may b_ecome___ broken. You must keep the telephone lines clear. Don’t u___se___ yo...

13、hether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.14、eter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter...

A lot of people don’t learn from their mistakes ___ they get hu...
需用记住连词的用法,在句中的作用,连词也是高考的热点,需要考生平时多练习。需要考生会分析句子成分理解句意。即学即练: ___ it comes to German, I know nothing. A. W hether B. When C. If D. Unless 解析:B。句意:谈到德语,我一窍不通。

If you do not go, neither shall I.你不去我也不去。Just as I haven't good eyes, neither have my children.就好像我视力不好, 我的孩子们视力都不好。The first one was not good, neither was the second one.第一个不好, 第二个也不好。conj.不 Neither Jack nor I have seen ...

18.ritain,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the l(eft) side of the street.If a person wants to c(ross) a street,he must stop and either look at t(raffic) lights or look at both ways of the street.And i( ) of looking left first,as we do in China ,they look right first. ...

迟詹18489504827问: if和whether后引导宾语从句时为是否,但为什么还可在后面加or not,也翻译成是否,有区别吗 -
韩城市氟康回答: 1.If 和whether一般来说没有区别,并可以互换,意思相同,如: I will call tomorrow if/whether he is out. You would enjoy it if/whether you went to the exhibition. If/ Whether I were in your position, I would act differently. (本句为'虚拟语气') (当然...

迟詹18489504827问: 当与or not连用时,if/wether均可,但or not直接跟在连词后时,则只能用wether, -
韩城市氟康回答:[答案] 一、引导宾语从句,一般既可用whether也可用if.但 1 or not放在whether之后时,只能用whether不用if. I don't know whether or not he will come.我不知道他是不是回来. 注1:如果or not放在whether所引导的从句句尾,则可以用if来替换. I don't ...

迟詹18489504827问: if /whether引导名词性从句的区别?关于后面加or not时 -
韩城市氟康回答:[答案] if和whether的区别:1 在动词不定式之前只能用whether .如:例1 I can't decide whether to stay.我不能决定是否留下.2 在whether …… or not 的固定搭配中.如:例2 I want to know whether it's good news or no...

迟詹18489504827问: 有if加or not的用法吗? -
韩城市氟康回答: 没有这种搭配,只有whether or not的固定搭配. whether和if的区别主要有以下几点: 1、whether后可加不定式,if不可以. eg.I am not sure whether to resign or stay on. 2、介词后只能用Whether. eg.It depends on whether the letter arrives in time....

迟詹18489504827问: whether 和if 的区别 .whether ...or not .一句话 -
韩城市氟康回答:[答案] if和whether的区别: 1 在动词不定式之前只能用whether . 2 在whether …… or not 的固定搭配中. 3 在介词后,只能用whether. 4主语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether .

迟詹18489504827问: if和whether nor的用法 -
韩城市氟康回答: 原发布者:www20122013 if和whether的区别55主语表语同位语从句都是whether的If只能在宾语和条件状语从句中寻求生存,当“如果”、“否定”时用if一、绝对用whether的情况1、引导主语从句Itisunknownwhetherhewillcome....

迟詹18489504827问: whether...or not与if ...or not... 有什么区别 -
韩城市氟康回答: whether 后可加不定式,if 不可 I am not sure whether to resign or stay on (我拿不准辞职还是留任).介词后只能用Whether .It depends on whether the letter arrives in time .Whether 可以引导主语从句.Whether they win or lose is same to me .Whether 后可直接加O r not .If 则不可H will be happy whether or not i get the job .两者意思没啥区别.

迟詹18489504827问: whether一定要和 or not连用吗.? -
韩城市氟康回答: 不一定. whether和if都可以引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,在口语或间接引语中两者可以互换使用.如:I wonder if / whether I can get some advice from you.Ask him whether / if he can come.但在有些情况下,whether和if的用法有一定区别....

迟詹18489504827问: whether or not 的用法? -
韩城市氟康回答:[答案] If和whether 都用来引导由一般疑问句变化来的名词性从句,但在下列情况下只能用whether引导:1.引导主语从句,并且该从句放句首时:Whether the pop star will come (or not) is not decided.2.引导的名词性从句后部有...

迟詹18489504827问: 4.if与whether都可以与or not 连用,但后面紧跟or not 时只能用whether.对不对 -
韩城市氟康回答: 错.if不加or not,而whether要加or not.

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