
作者&投稿:殷先 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Here is my ticket. \/Here you are. 倒装句,疑问句,陈述句你看出什么不...
here位于句首是倒装的条件,句子主谓完全倒装,如果是系表结构,也要求把系动词提前到主语前面。像你提到的here is my ticket. 就是这种情况。但如果主语是人称代词,则主谓不用倒装,像你提到的here you are. 就是这种情况。一般疑问句其实也是一种倒装句,只不过是部分倒装,即把谓语的一部分提前到...

hi,miss white!here's my homework.怎么读
hi, miss white! here's my homework.你好,怀特小姐!这是我的作业。

here is my ticket.为什么这个句子没有问号,却要倒装?
here作为副词提前用倒装语序,结构是:状语+动词+主语 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Mr Gao

这两句话对吗"Here is my teacher"和 "this is my ticket"
here is my tiket有 我的票在这里请拿过去。常用在给别人东西。比如你买东西,营业员会拿给你然后说 here is sth.就是让你拿过去 if i say this is my ticket. that means i just show you my tiket.比上面少一层意思。

怎么区分this is my car here is my car
this is my car这是我的车(强调car)here is my car我的车在这儿(强调在这儿)情景不同用不同句子

为什么Here is my umbrella and my coat用is 反过来就用are?
my coat are here 用 are???主语不一样啊。。Here is my umbrella and my coat用is 主语是here 是单数的。My umbrella and my coat are here 用 are 主语是: My umbrella and my coat两个东西,是复数的。就像:He likes cats.Cats like he.只有主语才决定谓语形式。跟后面的无关。

here is my brother 对吗??
正确 不能换,真正的主语是my brother 单数,所以用 is 为你解答,敬请采纳,Good luck。

这个句子中有be动词is,变一般疑问句只用把is提到句首,需要注意的是还要把句子中的my改成your,here改成 there所以这个句子变为一般疑问句是: Is there your new school?

用下列各词连成倒装句 my book , here , is

here is my prsent.还是here are my prsent
is 因为my present 是单数 ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

苍丁13140867118问: Where are the pencil case and the notebook? -
广安市贝飞回答: They are 介词+the+地点

苍丁13140867118问: Where is my pencil - box (改为复数形式)改:where are my pencil - boxes?为什么改为复数形式,原来的is要用are pencil - boxes 为什么要加上 -
广安市贝飞回答:[答案] 首先来说 这个句子的句式是 疑问词+be动词+名词.be动词需要跟着后面的单复数形式改变形式 Where is my pencil-box 中 pencil-box是单数所以用is 之后要改为复数 pencil—box之所以后面加的是es而不是s是因为以s,x,ch...

苍丁13140867118问: the+pencil+is+in+your+schoolbag的问句是啥
广安市贝飞回答: Where is the pencil?

苍丁13140867118问: where++is+the+kite怎样回答 -
广安市贝飞回答: Whereisthekite?风筝在哪儿?可以回答:在空中Itisinthesky.可以回答:在地上Itisontheground.可以回答:在墙上Itisonthewall.......

苍丁13140867118问: Is this your pencil?改为陈述句+复数 -
广安市贝飞回答: These are your pencils. These are my pens. Those are his books. Those are her erasers.

苍丁13140867118问: is+there+any+pencil+one+the+table+为何用IS
广安市贝飞回答: 由于主语pencil是单数,所以be要用3单情势is.

苍丁13140867118问: - -----+pencil+is+this+—+It+is+mine++填甚么
广安市贝飞回答: 根据上下文判断是用whose

苍丁13140867118问: 用Where+is+主语单数和Where+are+主语复数造句每个两句还要用方位词回答 -
广安市贝飞回答:[答案] where is my book 回答:it is on the ground where are my shoes回答:they are under thedesk

苍丁13140867118问: Is this your pencil?改为陈述句+复数Is this my pen?Is that his book?Is that her eraser?还有这几个? -
广安市贝飞回答:[答案] These are your pencils. These are my pens. Those are his books. Those are her erasers.

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