
作者&投稿:海明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as if mere age were a reason for respect. I accept that we are equals, and I will argue with him, as an equal, if I think he is wrong. 第6课: I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples o...

Oh,you may not think I'm pretty,But don't judge on what you see,I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me.You can keep you bowlers black Your top hats sleek and tall And I can cap them all There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't s...

4) It is an accepted 〔A〕 custom in west countries that 〔B〕 men removed 〔C〕 their hats when a woman enters 〔D〕 the room.5) Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names .〔A〕which indicated their character properties 〔B〕whose characteristic properties were indicating〔C〕wh...

将单词分类 Hats Beds Write donuts,ca

16.It’s good you to break away from your bad habits, but it’s wrong you not to keep up the good habits. A.for,of B.to, for C.of, of D.for, for17.My birthday is . A.in two week’s time B.in two weeks away C.two-week away D.in two weeks18.China will be a ...

他在1960年代末期提出“水平思考”方式,改变了日常人采用“垂直思考”方式容易出现的问题。这种思考方式在1980年代末期曾经在香港大专界掀起一阵热潮。此外,他在1980年代中期提出的“6 Thinking Hats”TM(六顶思考帽)思考法至今被采用。【简历】爱德华·德·波诺在地中海的岛国马耳他出生。早年在马耳他圣...

God Ain'T Gonna Getcha For That 歌词
He's much too busy with the guys in the black hats There's nothin' wrong with a man and a woman flirtin' with a honky-tonk moon God ain't gonna pay no attention If we're just makin' use of his invention Come on, baby don't hold back God ain't gonna getcha for ...

There's so much wrong about this cartoon I'm not sure what the editor was thinking when he allowed it to be printed.这卡通太不适当了,我实在不确定编辑允许出版时在想什么?6.Christmas hats cartoon version was first used to be a pair of large red socks, size, informality.圣诞...

whom she soon fell in love with. With his assistance, Chanel was able to acquire the property and financial backing to open her second millinery shop in Brittany, France. Her hats were worn by celebrated French actresses, which helped to establish her reputation. In 1913, Chanel i...

亓堂15713146564问: what's wrong 你可以怎么回答(要简洁,地道) -
海港区盖尔回答:[答案] 这是怎么了的意思、要根据情景回答.如果没事的话可以直接说I am fine. 要所有情况都列举出来是不可能的.这儿给几个例句:My clothes are out of styleI argued with my best friend.I catched a cold.反正当别人这...

亓堂15713146564问: what,swrong试着做回答 -
海港区盖尔回答: 可以回答生病了,机器或者设备坏了、天气不好了,总之,回答任何不好的事情.如:The door is boken.

亓堂15713146564问: What'sWrong?这个问题该怎样去回答?
海港区盖尔回答: 一般是别人觉得你发生什么事儿了,你就如实回答呗比如有点头痛之类 如实说就成了

亓堂15713146564问: what's wrong with you?的答句 -
海港区盖尔回答: I had a cold.我着凉了.I have a headache / stomachache.我头痛/肚子痛.答案不唯一,望采纳!谢谢!

亓堂15713146564问: what is wrong怎么回答说没事 -
海港区盖尔回答: nothing wrong everthing is fine

亓堂15713146564问: what's wrong答句l've got a -
海港区盖尔回答: I have got a bad cold.结合问句,翻译一下就是,你怎么了,我得了重感冒.

亓堂15713146564问: what is wrong?怎么回答 -
海港区盖尔回答: 你可以填 i'm hungry 我饿了Is dinner ready 饭做好了吗

亓堂15713146564问: 到底how are you? 能不能用I have a cold来回答.还是只能用what's the matter?、what's wrong? -
海港区盖尔回答: how are you? 是交际口头语 问你好吗?回答是可以很多变得,虽然以前的教材都是说什么I am fine/ok/so so一类的但是很客套,如果是认识的朋友这样说,你就可以很客观的回答,比如说你说的这个,就回答,no, I feel bad. I have a cold~这样就好啦~ what's the matter? what's wrong?都是问你怎么样?出什么事了?希望对你有帮助哦~

亓堂15713146564问: whatisthewrong这个病句怎么改 -
海港区盖尔回答: What's wrong 时常等同于 What's the matter? 意为“怎么啦,出什么事啦?” 比如你看到你的同事对着电脑一脸苦楚,你就可以上前去问“What's wrong?” 或者见到另一半不开心的时候,也可以安慰地去问“What's wrong?” 问句作为回答时,多充当反问句的感觉.

亓堂15713146564问: 怎么样英语回答这两句话好呢?What wrong with you ? What can I do for you ? -
海港区盖尔回答: What wrong with you ?应该是What's wrong with you ?吧 意思就是你怎么了 相当于What;s the matter? 通常是表示问的对方生病或者遇到不顺利 的事情,或者突然的事情. What's wrong with you ? I feel I have a cough. What's wrong with you ? My...

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