
作者&投稿:紫岚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

get-up起床go-to-school去上学go-home回家go-to-bed上床睡觉over结束now现在;目前oclock表示整点钟kid小孩thirty三十hurry快点comeon快;加油cold寒冷的;冷的cool凉的;凉爽的warm温暖的;暖和的hot热的;烫的sunny阳光充足的windy多风的;风大的 cloudy阴天的;多云的snowy下雪(多)的rainy阴雨的;多...

-It’s five o’clock. \/ It’s half past five. time时间 morning早上 noon中午 afternoon下午 evening傍晚 night晚上 day白天 today今天 tomorrow明天 yesterday昨天 every day每天 hour小时 week星期 weekend周末 month月 year年 五、季节 season季节 spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天 winter冬天 六、天气 -What...

or you will be dangerous.Fourth,listen to teacher and me.Remeber the time that we will meet at 7o'clock and we will meet again at about 5'oclock in the afternoon.We will meet at the school gat.I hope every one can have a good time!

1)舌位与发\/ s \/时相同。2)\/ z \/时浊辅音,发音时声带振动。15、\/ F \/ 发音时1)舌尖和舌端向上齿龈后部抬起,舌身紧靠上颚,形成狭长通道,气流由此通道通过,形成摩擦音。2)\/ F \/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。16、\/ V \/发音时1)舌位与发\/ F \/时相同。2)\/ V \/是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。17、\/ ...

yes ad.是的 is v.be动词现在时第三人称单数 this pron.这 your pron.你的,你们的 handbag n.(女用)手提包 pardon int.原谅,请再说一遍 it pron.它 thank you vt.感谢 very much 非常地 pen n.钢笔 pencil n.铅笔 book n.书 watch n.手表 coat n.上衣,外衣 dress n.连衣裙 skirt ...

1)er--sister,later 2)or--doctor,forget 3)a--about,China 4)e--seven,happen 5)o--collect,o'clock(元音字母a,e,o在非重读音节中一般发[ə]) 例句练习:I want butter and sugar.The famous doctor has a good idea(注意famous和idea都不要卷舌)Father and mother love each other. [ɜ:]:中...

He didn't come back until ten o'clock. 他到10 点才回来。He slept until ten o'clock. 他一直睡到10点。 典型例题1. You don't need to describe her. I ___ her several times. A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet 答案B. 首先本题后句强调对现在的影响,我知道她的模样,你不用...

O动词:obey 服从 offer 提供 open 打开 operate 运转 own 拥有 order,命令 organize 组织名词:object 物体 office办公室 oil 油 ocean海洋 opportunity机会 operation手术 owner拥有者 offer提议形容词:old老的 own自己的outstanding 出色的 outgoing 开朗的 orange橙色的 opposite 相反的open开放的P动词: pack 包装 ...

John is six years old. he can read and write words,but he can...
" That's fine. Now I put the long hand (钟表的长指针) on twelve and the short hand on one-hat is one o'clock. If I put the short hand on two, what is the time?""Two o'clock, ""Good. And on three?""Three o'clock. "Then it is four o'clock in the afternoon...

1、简单介词 包括in,on,with,by,for,at,about,under,of,to等。例如:Total editorial employees about 150.编辑员工总人数约150人。2、合成介词 包括into,within,throughout,inside,outside,without等。例如:Alex had done this without consulting her.亚历克斯这么做事先并没有跟她商量。3...

强储17825446326问: at7oclock是什么意思 -
广阳区胃舒回答: at7oclock是 在七点钟的意思.这是一个缩写,完整的表述是: at 7 of the clock;用到这词的时候,需要注意下面几点:1.o'clock是of the clock的缩略式,表示“几点钟”“几点整”,不与分钟连用.2.o'clock是副词,须与数词搭配,前面须用介词at.3.在13至24点之间的整点时间,不用o'clock,而用hours.o'clock不能和p.m.(下午)或a.m.(上午)一起使用.4.在英式英语中, o'clock前可用英语数词,也可用阿拉伯数字; 而在美式英语中, o'clock前只能加英语数词.5.询问时间时,一般不可用o'clock,而用what time...?希望对LZ有所帮助.

强储17825446326问: o'clock是哪两个词的缩写 -
广阳区胃舒回答: 不是两个,是三个 of the clock

强储17825446326问: what were you doing at 8:00 o'clock?we____. -
广阳区胃舒回答:[答案] We were having breakfast at 8;oo o'clock. 过去进行时,(was/were)+doing 填什么都可以,只要结构符合就行啦~

强储17825446326问: 用英语对beforefiveo'clock怎么提问 -
广阳区胃舒回答: 1. before five o'clock是时间短语,而且不是时间段,而是时间点,因此应该用when提问.2. 英语对时间的提问重要有一下几种方式:(1)对时间点提问:what time或者when:What time do you get up in the morning? 你在早上几点起床?What time is it now?现在几点了?(2)对时间段提问:since when Since when have you lived here?Since two years ago.你什么时候就住在这里了?从两年前.

强储17825446326问: —What's the English for 8:10?—It's - -----. A.eight ten B.ten eight C.ten to eight D -
广阳区胃舒回答: 试题分析:句意:用英语 怎么表示八点十分.英语中时间的表达有以下几点:1·整点表达法:钟点数+o'clock 译为“几点 2、非整点表达法(1)顺读法:“钟点数+分钟数”译为“几点几分”(2)逆读法:(使用介词 ① past超出、过 ② to差) A:不超出30分钟:“分钟数+past+钟点数” 译为“几点几分”e g:7:10 ——ten past seven B:超出30分钟:(60-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+1) 译为“差几分就几点”.注意名词① quarter 一刻钟 ②half 一半的使用.故选A,顺读法.

强储17825446326问: 如何区分how和what的用法 -
广阳区胃舒回答: How用于感叹句的几种句型: 1.How+形容词 How lovely!多可爱啊! How nice!多好啊! How kind of you! 2.How+形容词+主语+谓语 How tall she is!她个子多高啊! How fond he was of it!他多么喜欢它啊! 3. How+副词+主语+谓语 How well ...

强储17825446326问: what were you doing at nine o'clock last sunday morning什么were在what后面what后面不应该是助动词吗 -
广阳区胃舒回答: LZ可以这样理解这个句子,我们经常用到一句话就是 what are you doing now ? were是are 的过去式而已. WHAT 后面可以用助动词,也可以用BE动词哦

强储17825446326问: what's thetime,Mom. It. oclockni怎么造句? -
广阳区胃舒回答: 楼主你好!What's the time in clock,Mom?现在是什么时间,妈妈 望楼主采纳!

强储17825446326问: it's 7 o'clock.是什么意思 -
广阳区胃舒回答: It's 7 o'clock 意思就是:现在是7点.这是一个表示现在时间的句子.be+时间点,表示“现在几点” 例句:It is eight o'clock.现在是八点.通常问句应该是:What time is it? 或者What's the time?现在几点了?

强储17825446326问: What time does your school start?这句话怎么回答? -
广阳区胃舒回答: 根据实际情况来回答,如 My school starts at 7:50. 我们学校七点五十开始上课.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

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