
作者&投稿:攸红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...找到17个英文单词:A N D O G O N E W H A T H E Y O U R_百度...
a、26个英文字母中是轴对称的有:a、b、c、d、e、h、i、k、m、o、t、u、v、w、x、y,共16个;其中m、w、e和o、i也是中心对称图形,可绕某点旋转180°后相互得到.故答案为:16、m w e、o i.

yi jie ya a la po li ne ni yo so-ha su yi sa mio Forever yong won ni ki ma ne ba...nuh neun da rul gguh la sang gak hat ssuh shi gan eul byuk ae boo dit chuh un jen ga...Mama says a man is dreamer 1.honmette ienai monda ne Can't love anymore otakai sama ne saiko...

def tech的《Muteki 》 歌词
You on dat steelies yo, what you know bout making dough?Enjoy that ride and that money'll come Now what works for some is the sum of the smart and the dumb Mixin' that coke with the right amount of rum ta-tum-tum Yo mum's the word, what just occurred, like flip the...

1.Where's his brother? 2.Where's my hat? 3.Iss yo
1 C 2 B 3 A 4 E 5 D ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

happy 英 ['hæpi] 美 ['hæpi]adj. 高兴的;幸福的;幸运的;乐意的 This has been the happiest day of my life.这是我生活中最快乐的一天。近义词 cheerful 英 ['tʃɪəfl] 美 ['tʃɪrfl]adj. 高兴的;快乐的 There is hardly any ...

warcry - “flames for sul’jin!“ sul’jin之火!(那个“素鸡”是巨魔的头儿)hat1 - “fire it up ,man.“ 把他点起来,伙计(指的是蝙蝠的尾巴……)what2 - “what you want me burn?“让我烧什么?(瞧瞧,正宗纵火狂。)what3 - “yo“ 是 what5 - “ya, ya, what is ...

a pa hae ya hat den nal cha ma jun g dae 약속할게요 더 이상의 눈물은 없을거란 걸yak sok hal ge yo de yi sang e nun mul en ep sel ge ran gel...

求Big Bang的Haru Haru的罗马歌词和2NE1的几首歌词
全部有点贴不上,超过字数了,,楼主我hi你。。http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/80082229.html?si=1 Big bang的Lies http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/65043203.html?si=6 Big bang的Haru Haru http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/104352686.html?si=3 2NE1的I don't care http:\/\/...

Let me tell you'n'who is the SPEED STAR?比任何人都快 挑衅的狂吼 如星光般的燃烧到最后一刻 紧紧擦著后视镜而过 仪表也己经指到极限 I can move it faster than you 性感的 Body line 故意卖弄好超车而过 彻底自我陶醉 会不会有些太过火了? 如果照这速度 迟早会失控 等察觉到已经来不...

) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is ...sneakers运动鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 tei领带 scarf围巾 ...zipper拉链 violin小提琴 yo-yo溜溜球 nest鸟窝 hole洞 tube管子 toothbrush牙刷 menu菜单 e-card电子...

屠初19842409556问: what are your job?和what is your job?哪个对?还是都对? -
寿光市平洁回答: what is your job?是对的 因为job是单数,be动词用is

屠初19842409556问: What do you do的同义句
寿光市平洁回答: What do you do?中文意思:你是做什么的?同义句:1、What are you ?2、 What is your job?3、what job do you have?重要词汇解析:一、what 英 [wɒt] 美 [wɑːt] pron./...

屠初19842409556问: 用英语问别人的职业可不可以用what is Lily`s job? -
寿光市平洁回答:[答案] 在英语中,询问某人从事某种职业或做什么工作时.常用以下几种句式: 一、询问某人现在的职业: 1.用句型.What+d0/does+主语+d07'o这种句型适用于各种人称.如: ———What does your father do?你父亲是做什么的? ——He'S a doctor.他是...

屠初19842409556问: What is your mother do 错在哪里? -
寿光市平洁回答: 表面看这个句子有两个谓语,is 和 do,要么is 保留与do合并成谓语,do+ing构成进行时的问句;要么do单独作谓语,构成问句需要助动词does,所以改法有两个: (1) What is your mother doing?(2) What does your mother do?

屠初19842409556问: what is your name?这类句中的be动词为什么用is而不是are呢? -
寿光市平洁回答: 这句话翻译是.你的名字是什么(按中国的翻译).强调的是你的名字是.而不是你的名字

屠初19842409556问: 是what's your major 还是what's your major in?为什么呢? -
寿光市平洁回答:[答案] 正确的两个句子是:Q> What's your major?或 What do you major in?你的专业是什么?A> My major is Psychology 或 I major in Psychology我的专业是心理学.You major IN something,so you can't say "what's your ma...

屠初19842409556问: 用英语询问对方的大学专业是什么怎么说? -
寿光市平洁回答: major 大学专业 what's your major? 或者:what are you majoting in?specialty:n. 专门,特别,特性

屠初19842409556问: what does your mother do (改写同义句) -
寿光市平洁回答: 同义句是:What is your mother?(你的妈妈是做什么的?)

屠初19842409556问: what is your job为何不写成what are your job? -
寿光市平洁回答:[答案] What is your job? 你的职业是什么? What are your jobs? 你们的职业是什么? be(is/am/are)与job的单复数一致. 即主语是job(单数),就用is;主语是jobs(复数),就用are.

屠初19842409556问: 请大师帮忙~~ How do you think of your major?(我是动画专业的) what is the latest news in Art? -
寿光市平洁回答: mostly i prefer the way which would allow me to practice several english skills in the same time. Id love to get into a crowd and communicate with the forigners who are also english speakers about the some mutual interested topics, by which way my ...

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