
作者&投稿:市货 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

is \/iz\/ v. 是this \/ðis\/ pron. 这;这个in \/in\/ prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以...hat \/hæt\/ n. 帽子head \/hed\/ n. 头yeah \/jeə\/ interj. 是的;对know \/nəu\/ v....from \/frɔm\/ prep (表示开始的时间)从...开始from... to... 从...到...Mrs. \/'misiz...

who is the boy wearing a hat?
答案:mine.结合上下文句意,可知是说本是我的一个朋友,用名词所有格,a frind of my friends,my friend=mine名词性物主代词,故答案是mine.

(1)I am a student.We are students.(2)This is my frind These are our friends.(3)She is a coustoms office(海关人员)They are coustoms offices.(4)My case is broun(棕色)Our cases are brown.(5)What colour is her hat?What colour are their hats?(6)Is this your blouse?...

Red Hat Linux-s005.vmdk是什么文件?有什么用
虚拟机文件,这个文件具有可移植性,即你可以在别的机子上通过vmware Workstation 打开该文件,这样就可以进入该虚拟机系统中。

oo发音的\/u\/和\/u:\/的单词的区别:意思不同,发音不同,用法不同。1、意思不同 (1)\/u\/:\/u\/是短元音,重读音节词尾的字母组合。(2)\/u:\/:该音是个后元音,长元音,是字母oo或ou在单词中的发音, 带:的念长些。2、发音不同 (1)\/u\/:发起来的速度较快。发音要短,不能...

这样 最后的insert DNA fragment都是来自于第一条cDNA,也就是dUTP叫fr-firststrand的原因 。对于dUTP数据, tophat 的参数应该为 –library-type fr-firststrand 。这里的first-strand cDNA可不是RNA strand,在使用 htseq-count 时,真正的正义链应该是使用参数 -s reverse 得到的结果。 说到链特异性测序,实在让...

He~is very friendly to me.(5)当短语或从句之间按意群进行停顿时,意群与意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音与元音出现,也不可连读。Is~it a~hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)There~is~a good book in my desk. (book与in之间不可以连读)Can you speak~English or French? (English与...

元音字母读 音例 词a在开音节中[ei]name plane Jane baby cake在闭音节中[]bag dad hat map ...3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两...bl, fl, pl, cl, gl, br, cr, gr, pr, fr, tr, drbl: blue black blouse bloom bleach ...

我在虚拟机上装RED HAT LINUX 5时硬盘识别不到是怎么回事,请多多帮忙...
在虚拟机中可以设置使用文件虚拟硬盘,也可以直接指定一个分区给虚拟机使用,你是哪种情况 安装linux,需要硬盘上有一部分没有分区,或使用第三方软件已经分为linux可以识别的分区格式 分区格式 http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/93925539.html?fr=ala0 另外,RED HAT LINUX 5,版本太老,上手很不...

红帽Linux(RHEL)是Red Hat专为企业设计的基于Linux的操作系统。RHEL可以在桌面,服务器,虚拟机管理程序或云中运行。Red Hat是世界上使用最广泛的Linux发行版之一。红帽 Linux(RHEL)是 Red Hat 专为企业设计的基于 Linux 的操作系统。RHEL 可以在桌面,服务器,虚拟机管理程序或云中运行。Red Hat 是...

匡曼17265636623问: 友谊是什么?What Is Friendship -
乐平市氟哌回答: what is friendship? it is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. it is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship, no matter what their background, age, sex or personality.friendship can be pure. we hear, nowdays, however, ...

匡曼17265636623问: 关于友谊的120字英语作文 -
乐平市氟哌回答: talk about the friendshipI still remember the Titanic, though it's a big ship but it still sunk, so, in my opinion, the best ship is the friendship. Friendship is one of the...

匡曼17265636623问: 用what is friendship些一篇英语作文 -
乐平市氟哌回答: Friendship is one of the GREatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side ...

匡曼17265636623问: 求一篇英语作文what is friendship 帮忙了 -
乐平市氟哌回答: what is friendship(什么是友情) As we know,when we be alone we'll feel lonely,sometimes we have some trouble or feel sad what can we do? this is why we should got our own friendship. Friendship can make our life come alive and teach us how ...

匡曼17265636623问: Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher 是什么意思 ?急 -
乐平市氟哌回答: 你找到的哪个答案是不对的.它是A is to B what C is to D 这样的一个句型.所以那句话的翻译应该是:友情对我们的生活而言,就像盐对菜肴一样重要.例如:Air is to us what water is to fish.空气对我们的作用和水对鱼的作用一样

匡曼17265636623问: 50分求翻译《What is friendship》 -
乐平市氟哌回答: 50分求翻译《What is friendship》 悬赏分:50 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时 请勿复制GOOGLE,YAHOO,金山等工具的全文翻译,拜托了 =================================================== What Is Friendship? 友谊是什么? ...

匡曼17265636623问: 口语考试 what does friendship mean to you -
乐平市氟哌回答: what does friendship mean to you? 友谊对你来说有什么意义? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life.Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 这是我一生中绝美的体验.友谊之于我就如同水之于鱼.若离开知心朋友,我将不能生存.

匡曼17265636623问: What Is True Friendship?什么是真正的友谊 -
乐平市氟哌回答: to me ...true friendship is with a person who will listen to you ,laugh with ,cry with you,be there for you through the thick ,and thin..take your hand and say they understand..Show you Love and respect...

匡曼17265636623问: 跪求关于友情或者是青春的英文演讲稿~~~!! -
乐平市氟哌回答: What is friendship? Friendship is a bridge constucted by you and me, not you or me alone.Of course,building a bridge is a great project which consumes time and...

匡曼17265636623问: 翻译 What is friendship? -
乐平市氟哌回答: 当下雨时,我认为友谊是一个小伞. 它能给我一片天空. 我哭的时候,我认为友谊是一种白色手帕. 它可以帮我的眼泪擦干. 在我伤心时,我认为友谊是waim的文字. 它又能带给我幸福. 当我遇到麻烦时,我认为友谊是一个强大的影响力. 它能帮我逃出我的烦恼. 当我坐在一个安静的地方时,我认为友谊是一种非常美妙的感觉. 它不能被拉又破的,因为它是在每个人的心. 它从开始到结束我们的生活. 结交新朋友,保留老,一个是银,后者是金.

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